White cop shot by black felon: no riots

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Awesome Friend
Aug 21, 2014
White Cop Fatally Shot by Black Felon; No Riots
6 September 2014 / 142 Comments


No, I’m not referring to the one in Ferguson, Missouri. Of course you heard about that. I’m referring to the fatal shooting of 32-year-old Ofc. Daryl Pierson of the Rochester, NY Police Department at approximately 9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 3. Pierson, an Afghanistan vet and father of two, was the first RPD officer killed on the job since 1959.

You should be forgiven if you didn’t know about it. After all, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and the New York Times didn’t give the event 24-7 wall-to-wall saturation coverage.

Just like the shooting in Ferguson, there was a racial disparity between the cop and the suspect. Unlike Ferguson, however, the decedent was white, and the perpetrator, allegedly one Thomas Johnson III, is black. News reports indicate that the alleged shooter has an extensive criminal history in two states and was paroled for a second time (after violating the terms of his first parole) less than one month before the shooting.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/

Read more at http://minutemennews.com/2014/09/white-cop-fatally-shot-black-felon-riots/#ZZmxeoXo148Mmim8.99
When "whitey" is killed by "black man" it is no big deal. "Whitey" may mourn, and "peacefully" protest. When "black man" is killed by "whitey" Al Sharpton, Hussien Obama, Eric Holder makes sure ALL HELL WILL break loose with Riots/looting throughout the whole city calling for the "New Black Panther party" to come in and help the cause... The Racial WAR cause. This is NOT A RACIAL comment. This seems to be the truth. I am BY NO MEANS racist in anyway. I have had many good friends that are black, and still to this day consider them friends. There is a HUGE difference between RIOTS, and a PROTEST, But Al Sharpton only calls for riots, and he is SUPPOSE to be a "Reverend"? Yeah perhaps a Reverend of evil. Then you have Fox, cnn. msnbc or Government controlled media all over it for as long as they can get away with pushing the "Racial War", but every time THEY fail.
I hope his babies are well taken care of. I hope his spirit will rest knowing that his wife and children will be taken care of by his family. I pray that we as human beings can learn to forgive. And I will for the strength to continue hatred free....
Perhaps from this tragedy a few white people will wake up and see for themselves who the enemy within really is.
One does not have to look far to see where the crime comes from . Folks are aware of this you have to take care of yourself . I would add look at the White Folks that commite these same kind of crimes and you will see they are usely drunks and pot heads or other drugs . What is your opinion on drunks and druggies ?
Weed I could give two craps about but coke, heroin, meth, pill-poppers should get ONE mandatory crack at rehab and after that, if they are busted selling using or stealing again they get a 5c bullet to the head and then hung from the closest lamp post to serve as an example of what happens to those who deal death to our children. I DO oppose weed, however, but ONLY because it is illegal at this time and I cannot be a decent representative if I am breaking the law myself or condoning the use of illegal substances. Now when SHTF, I'll be out there growing it myself for barter.
Drunks? Not really much else needs to be done with them, legally, at any rate. The penalties are fairly severe for those who continue in that destructive path. I myself hate drunks and I very rarely get beyond the point of having a good buzz on going. I don't like to lose control of my mind or body so I stick to beer, wine or meads and no hard liquor.
I just replied to psalms queries. But to answer you, nothing really. Wondering why ol' Psalms is trying to side track the topic?

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