Who Do You Blame?

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Who/What Do You Hold Responsible For The CT School Shooting?

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
I am curious as to who or what you hold responsible for the Newtown, CT school shooting.
You may make more than one selection in this pole.
In every one of these school shootings, I hold the parents accountable for them. If parents paid more attention to their kids and didn't try to fob childrearing off on teachers, tv, and video games, they just might have seen that their kid was bugnuts.

I also blame society for taking away the outlets that boys need while growing up. They need an outlet to vent the testosterone and other hormonal crap going on. When I was a kid, the boys were rough and tumble, getting dirty, wrestling each other, building forts, playing cops and robbers, playing sports without parents helicoptering over them. Society has tried so hard to erase the gender lines that it's become taboo to be a normal boy or girl for that matter.

If your kid is dangerous, do something, don't go out with friends and hope that your kid will 'be alright'. It's hard, but if your kid needs to be committed, be responsible and do it. Don't make innocent people pay for whatever lie you told yourself to make things alright.
I actually blame the medication he was on. It is notorious for causing violent and suicidal thoughts as side effects.
I blame society as we allow such garbage on tv. We allow our kids to watch that garbage. We allow our kids to play bad video games. We can't spank our kids for fear of getting in trouble. We as people do all kinds of crazy bull **** and blame anyone else except ourselves for things we should have never thought of doing. When I was growing up, it would be allowed to even fathom doing half the **** these kids do.
IMO the blame lies completely 100% on.......the maniac pulling the trigger.
they have violent video games and violent movies every where in the world, and does that get blamed when something happens?

i can see if a 4 year old gets an idea from a game or movie, but then again, i can tell a 4 year old to think happy thoughts, and one day they will fly, and they will believe me. i know i thought i could back then.

most of us are good cus of our parents. most of us grew up with a red ass cus when we f'd up, our parents were right there behind us.

i personally blame the shooter cus he pulled the trigger. also the parents for not checking up on him. or being more involved in his life.
I've worked with mental ill patients and can tell you it's the parent fault on this one. Your told not to have any weapons that a mental ill person can get ahold of ever. Depending on the sickness they can have major delusions and fear that someone or everyone is out to get them. The mother shouldn't have let her son access too her weapons as you can see the outcome. Also unless a mental person has done a crime they are free to live as everyone else and not in a mental hospital.
Worked for the dept of social services adult mental health for Southern California.
I work with machines now, when I moved back to Mo I got out of that low paying dangerous field.
Here's the problem with the tv/video game theory. This stuff used to happen before they existed. Look into it and you'll see that before easy access media crazy people did crazy messed up murders. The media today has an agenda including the ones people think are pro gun trust me they aren't! You'll never see a story about the truth because they don't want you to know the truth.


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