Why did the chicken cross the road?

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Awesome Friend
Dec 14, 2012
New York
I just found this and it made me laugh so hard. It answers the age old question, "Why did the chicken cross the road?".

I just found this and it made me laugh so hard. It answers the age old question, "Why did the chicken cross the road?".


We raise chickens here and my kids would say " these eggs are the best! Staight from the chickens butt to your mouth!"
^ Ahahahahaaa!!! Yall are killing me!
LOL, my hens should have seen this. I canned them all up a month ago because they'd stopped laying productively (4 year old birds). Might have to print this out to hang in the chicken coop with the next bunch.
LOL, my hens should have seen this. I canned them all up a month ago because they'd stopped laying productively (4 year old birds). Might have to print this out to hang in the chicken coop with the next bunch.
Wont help, chickens can't read.
I always asked my kids why do people look in side a carton of eggs before they buy them at the store?
Answer: Because chickens can't count! Gotta make sure it's really a dozen.
We raise chickens here and my kids would say " these eggs are the best! Staight from the chickens butt to your mouth!"
Wont help, chickens can't read.
I always asked my kids why do people look in side a carton of eggs before they buy them at the store?
Answer: Because chickens can't count! Gotta make sure it's really a dozen.
I always enjoy the pure honesty of kids!
I always enjoy the pure honesty of kids!
Heres one you will love.
I have three daughters,we are in the car driving in to the ranch, there is a rooster mounting a hen in the middle of the road.
From the back seat i heare my 7 year old yell " Daddy! The rooster's nailing the hen!"
Then the 4 year old yells, : That's chicken love!".
Me, I was just speechless.
Heres one you will love.
I have three daughters,we are in the car driving in to the ranch, there is a rooster mounting a hen in the middle of the road.
From the back seat i heare my 7 year old yell " Daddy! The rooster's nailing the hen!"
Then the 4 year old yells, : That's chicken love!".
Me, I was just speechless.
I have a step daughter who, when she was about 7, was sitting in the back of our car when I started hearing the sound of blowing. Similar to blowing out a match or the like. I asked her what she was doing. she replied with out missing a beat,
"I'm blowing on this to make it hard...."

A few month later she held up a french fry and asked, "Is this 8 inches?"
I had to inform her that would be the last time she would ever ask that question.....
I have a step daughter who, when she was about 7, was sitting in the back of our car when I started hearing the sound of blowing. Similar to blowing out a match or the like. I asked her what she was doing. she replied with out missing a beat,
"I blowing on this to make it hard...."

A few month later she held up a french fry and asked, "Is this 8 inches?"
I had to inform her that would be the last time she would ever ask that question.....

And the sad part is both of those were innocent things.
It's our "worldy knowledge" that creeps us out.
OMG!!! Those stories are just adorable!!! Very funny! :p
Glad you enjoyed them. Comedy is a good coping mechanism when things are dire and grim.
If you like stories I have 2 posted in the ghosts section. Both are true.
Thanks, I was looking for it and couldn't find it. I thought it really was a GHOST topic :eek:
I like these smilies. I'm naming them.

:p = Barbie
:oops: = Minnie
:rolleyes: = Elmo
:confused: = that blue ghost from Ms PacMan
;) = the Walmart rollback guy

More to come when I think of their names, LOL
Thanks, I was looking for it and couldn't find it. I thought it really was a GHOST topic :eek:
I like these smilies. I'm naming them.

:p = Barbie
:oops: = Minnie
:rolleyes: = Elmo
:confused: = that blue ghost from Ms PacMan
;) = the Walmart rollback guy

More to come when I think of their names, LOL
I have enough trouble keeping track of my kids (3 girls ).
I don't think I could remember all those.
Oh to have a young mind again. Sigh.
OMG!!! Those stories are just adorable!!! Very funny! :p
There are more!
I just caught my son using his Nintendo DS to photograph the pictures in a Maxim magazine he found at a friend's house.
And he some how got his hands on a victoria secret catalog and tried sneaking it to school.
Thanks, I was looking for it and couldn't find it. I thought it really was a GHOST topic :eek:
I like these smilies. I'm naming them.

:p = Barbie
:oops: = Minnie
:rolleyes: = Elmo
:confused: = that blue ghost from Ms PacMan
;) = the Walmart rollback guy

More to come when I think of their names, LOL
I have enough trouble keeping track of my kids (3 girls ).
I don't think I could remember all those.
Oh to have a young mind again. Sigh.
I agree... To be young again!

I have three youngins, and it is roll call until you find the right name!
He could have been caught with worse magazines. My friends found a Vogue magazine that I had in my locker. They were giving me all kinds of grief until I pointed out that the person on the cover was my Chemistry Lab partner. I brought the magazine to school to get her to sign it... she did but I can't find it nor can I remember her name. She was a hottie though and dumb as the come.
He could have been caught with worse magazines. My friends found a Vogue magazine that I had in my locker. They were giving me all kinds of grief until I pointed out that the person on the cover was my Chemistry Lab partner. I brought the magazine to school to get her to sign it... she did but I can't find it nor can I remember her name. She was a hottie though and dumb as the come.
My son asked me when I saw my first skin magazine. It was so damn hard to keep a straight face.... Then he was afraid I would rat him out to his mom (my broom pilot of an ex-wife). I assured him his secret was secure!

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