Helpful Info. Why mask? NBC filtration...and why a Combination Filter/Positive Air Purifying Mask is best

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Silent Bob

Awesome Friend
Mar 20, 2014
Greetings all,

Been a little slow in getting to post out this week, little bit of work and then getting enlisted for a Clay Shoot that my wife helped organize. I thought I was getting off easy, but got stuck doing the lifting. Anyway, the fundraiser had over 50 folks, not bad for the first time, they raised a hoop of money and this is destined to two volunteer fire departments in North Texas. If anyone is interested that lives in North Texas or will be around the area next year, let me know I can send you the details. Everyone who participated got parting gifts. can you believe Yeti Coolers for door prizes...gosh, my wife wouldn't even let me buy one...and she was giving them away.

So here is my thoughts on masks, I've seen the threads about those of you who believe in a $30-40 dollar mask is the way to go and I've also seen the responsible threads telling them (do you want to risk you life?). If anyone is in the miltiary back when U.S. forces had to remove the old triangular filter in the M-17, they know realistically, thats impossible to change them in a contaminated environment. I know I am going to hear from an old Marine Gunney or if my dad or my uncle were alive, they would be telling me some old war story about it. However, realistically, the military understood that, so that is why they went to commercial companies like 3M, to make a new one mask that used a screw in cannister. The Air Force bought the MCU-2P...similar to those that you see on commercial market today. The Army and Marines, they needed soemthing to fill the combat role, and the MCU-2P had problems with people pulling on the face maske and pulling the head gear. Trust me, wearing one for about 6 hours forces some of to play pranks. Me, I loved the M-40, and now it is the M-95, either way, its good because of the cannister. Anyone can screw in a cannister and hold their breathe for a minute, perform a clear procuedure in 30 seconds, without exposing themselves to much to an agent.

Anyone good at removing an old M-17 filter under 3 minutes, by first wearing gloves, removing the three rubber tabs that hold the rubber face mask to the frame, then pull out the used mask, then place the replacement, refigure the rubber holders so that mask and then perform a clear. I know their is an old combat veteran who is going to say they can do it, but let me get the stopwatch and let me put you into pool, that will place the stress of combat on you, while your holding your breath, oh no peaking now, your dealing with nerve or mustard here. So don't want to expose those lovely eyes or you'll go blind.

So here is my thoughts, yes, spend the money on a good unused, non-refurbished filter mask, buy a 3 cannister filters that are rated can get the other higher models but this will save your life in any of the cases, Nuclear, Nerve, Blister and Irritant agents. In fact, get two...or if because your on a budget, buy the $30 YUGO for a back-up. In my opinion, the YUGO will serve as only a tear gas mask.

So why lead into the other two topics...because in my opinion, other than in a shoot out, the Positive Air Purifying Mask with filter is the best option for contaminated environments and also for those who have no experience in using a mask or are have an issue of hyperventillating in enclosed spaces, the PAPR is your safeguard. You can pick one up for about a $150-200 dollars more than most filter masks and one is produced by 3M. They've been in the mask business for a long-time. Product testing shows that it is a good mask for the buck. Why this combination, one PAPR's ensure that the agent that your working in, will not leak, the pushed air forces contamination where leaks occur. Anyone have a full beard, I'd bank on a PAPR, your level of protection is higher and compromises are low if working in highly contaminated environments. What is nice about the PAPR/Filter mask is if the battery dies/or has decharged because of use, you still have the CBRNE filter as back-up, so long as adhere to the contamination levels and that the filter doesn't exceed operational norms and is not grossly saturated with contamination, you have time to leave the area. Hence, why on top of the filter mask, I've begun to purchase PAPRS for members who have to decontaminate team members who have been exposed to CBRNE agents. I think the purchasing them gives us one more safety line in an event.

Lastly I'd like to part with this thought of those contemplating safety in a bunker. First, gas is heavier than air, basic chemistry, not rocket scientist work here. So why head into a bunker, I'd opt to head away from the contaminant if possible until I can find out what the crap, I'm dealing with. Firm believer that man was made to breathe O2, so get away should be first rule of thumb after masking. I have believed from the first day, to not be where the "X" is located, get off the "X", even my kids have been drilled to think about that. They even practice it at big college games, when they sit down and find the closest exit...anyone at Texas Tech, knows that is not on the footabll field.

So not that all of us have high speed bunkers, but I noticed on both T.V and some of the threads on other websites that people actually believe that they are secure with those Israeli made filters apparatus. So I'd be really interested in hearing if why your not in your gear and mask. Anybody been in a bunker filled during a VX nerve agent enviroment? How bout mustard blister agent? I mean you can see the effects of that crap, but lets push it to the next level, how bout nuclear isotopes. Don't think anyone has been to Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Cherynobyl, Fukushima or Three Mile Island. Anyone got one of those cool gizmos that they show on T.V.? Me, I hate to admit, but the sentinels are the pigs, cats, dogs, horses, they are my sentinels, not to mention if I ever can afford a CAM's? So if you know this, why not be cautious and don your gear.

Our teams SOP is to immediately don mask, get into MOPP gear and then test air to ensure zero contaminant. If anyone has this apparatus, I'd be interested in hearing how you exercised it? At least with a mask, I can test for leaks with a kit, but have not really known anyone who has tested this filtration system against a known agent.

If your not sure what to buy and need help, send me an email.

Have a great week all.
I recently saw a thread from a new member and look forward to having a healthy discussion about CBRNE equipment when he ventures back into the forum. However, I was in discussion with a long-term prepper at a training seminar that I presented about masks. The prepper was having problems sealing the mask and then hyperventilating afterward. So I explained that the PAPR would be the best solution to his concerns, because it provides positive pressure and limits the experience of hyperventilating in an enclosed environment. So I went and researched a reasonable priced PAPR on the six distributors that I routinely use, I found many great PAPR's but kept in mind that preppers, don't want to spend a $1000 dollar per mask. So as a last resort, I price checked on Amazon and found 3M Powerflow Face-Mounted Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR), Respiratory Protection 6900PF, NiCd Rechargeable Battery, Large Size for half the cost. I think I remember recommending this one to someone before. What I like about it is that it has a NiCd Rechargeable battery and it is similar to the ones that I used during my contracting days. I can assure you, those that have sucked rubber for a living, it will outclass any M-40 or MCU-2P. So I am updating this thread for those experiencing sealing or hyperventilating problems.


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