Will be out for a bit.

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Awesome Friend
Jul 5, 2017
Ok people, not sure if y'all know but my mother in law lives with us. She is 87 and has dementia, bad. She has been in Hospice but living here. I went to Home Depot early this morning and when I got home my Wife was kinda freaking out. Her mother never woke up this morning to take her meds and eat. She was kinds in a coma state. My Wife called the Hospice nurse who showed up about 15 minutes later. She checked her out, called the doctor and they came to decision that she had either a stroke or heart attack last night in her sleep. They have put her on Code Green which means they think she only has 48-72 hours to live.
Bottom line, I will probably be off for a few days, one way or another. Just wanted to let y'all know just in case. I will try to drop 9n when I can to update but my Wife and I are on 24 hour watch for the time.
Talk to her about happy times. I always say deep down in there somewhere, they hear you. Reassure her you’ll be fine- she’s still your mom in there also. Take care and will be praying for peace for your family 🙏
Talk to her about happy times. I always say deep down in there somewhere, they hear you. Reassure her you’ll be fine- she’s still your mom in there also. Take care and will be praying for peace for your family 🙏

I talked to my mother when she was in her final stages. I think she heard me.

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Ok people, not sure if y'all know but my mother in law lives with us. She is 87 and has dementia, bad. She has been in Hospice but living here. I went to Home Depot early this morning and when I got home my Wife was kinda freaking out. Her mother never woke up this morning to take her meds and eat. She was kinds in a coma state. My Wife called the Hospice nurse who showed up about 15 minutes later. She checked her out, called the doctor and they came to decision that she had either a stroke or heart attack last night in her sleep. They have put her on Code Green which means they think she only has 48-72 hours to live.
Bottom line, I will probably be off for a few days, one way or another. Just wanted to let y'all know just in case. I will try to drop 9n when I can to update but my Wife and I are on 24 hour watch for the time.
I’m so sorry. Prayers for peace for all of you.

I talked to my mother when she was in her final stages. I think she heard me.

I know she heard you. They say hearing is the last sense to go. Talk to them a lot. I think it is comforting for those fading away.
I’m caring for my mom, with dementia. It’ll be four years in a couple of weeks. I know the struggles you’ve gone through. We will loose her one day, which I dread. In a way I think she welcomes it. My prayers are with you.
MIL, SIL, cousin all went that way. It is really hard for people to understand that they are in there but just lost and scared.

My FIL was hurt deeply when she lashed out at him and cursed him.

My BIL could not understand that she perceived things differently and that some of the things she said were not true but really a binding of a lot of things that happened at different times.

I told them from experience and having a really great doctor who was a friend the best explanation we could put together was.

It is like they are in a massive block building with many rooms but few windows, they wander around in the building and gather memories for each room and they meet you and their mind is full of things that they cant organize and they cant get any more in there and they pour it out on you.

A while later they may come to a window and be just as they should be for as long as they look out but as soon as they turn away they are lost again.

May GOD keep you and help you to know they are still in the building and they still love you as much as ever, they just cant find the person you are looking at and for inside the millions of things in their mind. 💔
Strange how this goes! MIL was in a coma like state for 2 days. They gave her 48-72 hours. She is now sitting up, talking, eating and doing fair. They say this could be last hoorah before the end. Apparently this happens to people. Don't know so we are still on watch, Hoping for the best!
Thank you for all the Prayers and Well Wishes, it just may be working! 🙏 🙏
Strange how this goes! MIL was in a coma like state for 2 days. They gave her 48-72 hours. She is now sitting up, talking, eating and doing fair. They say this could be last hoorah before the end. Apparently this happens to people. Don't know so we are still on watch, Hoping for the best!
Thank you for all the Prayers and Well Wishes, it just may be working! 🙏 🙏
The last hurrah. My ex had ALS and he had the last hurrah experience. His last day, he didn't sleep, had more energy than he had had for a while. It is an interesting phenomenon.
"The last hurrah. My ex had ALS and he had the last hurrah experience. His last day, he didn't sleep, had more energy than he had had for a while. It is an interesting phenomenon."

Did not believe them when they told us that! Today she has been more active than she has been in months. Time will tell!
Sorry to hear about your ex!
A rally is not uncommon in situations like this. It happened to a family member of ours just last month. One day you think they might be on the mend and the next day (or so) later they crash. Hospice nurses see that a lot. It's almost bitter sweet. It can give false hope to loved ones, but at the same time it provides an opportunity to say final words.

Bless you and your wife for taking care of her all this time. That was quite a task you took on. Whatever happens, she was blessed to have you both in her life.🙏
Mom did the same, started about six months before she passed. She'd have a day where she'd be nonresponsive. The first few times, they sent her by ambulance and I'd meet there. The first time the ER nurse told me to try to get a response from her...I yelled, "Mom!" in her ear, and she came around. My sis was already boarding a flight since I called her on the way. It happened 4 or 5 more times, then she passed. I sat with her on a nonresponsive day, even brought in Uncle Mel (he's 100 yrs old), and I was surprised when she passed the next day.
Mom did the same, started about six months before she passed. She'd have a day where she'd be nonresponsive. The first few times, they sent her by ambulance and I'd meet there. The first time the ER nurse told me to try to get a response from her...I yelled, "Mom!" in her ear, and she came around. My sis was already boarding a flight since I called her on the way. It happened 4 or 5 more times, then she passed. I sat with her on a nonresponsive day, even brought in Uncle Mel (he's 100 yrs old), and I was surprised when she passed the next day.
One of the couples I clean for is going through this now!! The husband is ok and fully functional, then he's not!! He wants to go meet God!! She wants him here! I know what will happen!!
I will pray for your family during this difficult time. Everyone may react differently, and sometimes out of character, so be a comfort and a means of support to each other. Every day you get to spend with family is a gift.
The last hurrah. My ex had ALS and he had the last hurrah experience. His last day, he didn't sleep, had more energy than he had had for a while. It is an interesting phenomenon.
My husband got out of his " deathbed" to load the mower on the trailer and go mow. Was able to eat dinner with the extended family that had gathered because the end was so near. He passed in his sleep that night. There was no stopping him. He was determined. Sons followed behind. just like before he was ill. I think we all took his actions as gift instead of remembering him so sick in bed.