Woman Denied Food Stamps… Violently Attacks Workers at Welfare Office

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
President Obama has succeeded at one thing during his time in office — expanding the welfare state and entitlement mentality, and he plans to continue until the end of his second term in office.

A woman denied food stamps displayed this perverse entitlement mentality recently, taking out her frustrations on welfare office workers, according to The Montana Standard.

Linda Darnell Wyatt, a 47-year old woman from Butte, Montana, reportedly became angry after the local welfare office denied her food stamps. Wyatt began violently swinging her purse, attempting to strike the workers in the office. She also deliberately scattered paperwork around the building.

It seems that some believe that food stamps are a right that they should be able to receive and not a 'support' till they get back on their feet. Used to be that receiving & using them would cause embarrassment and now it is perfectly acceptable. Seems to be an increasing number of these benefits too, besides just the necessities of shelter and food. Free electric, college education, cell phones, health care, a $$ card for items that are not food related (used to be used for alcohol and gambling till a stop was put on it) and I am sure there are others I don't even know about.
For some to claim a disability, it's just simple to say that they have a 'mood issue' or 'back pain' cause it is virtually impossible to disprove and Bam, they are covered and taken care of.
Wonder just how many of these 'poor' souls have more than 1 TV & 1 car in their house? DVD player? Games systems? Stereos? A/C units? I may sound harsh on that one, but it wasn't that many year5s ago that an A/C unit was an oddity.

There is no incentive for life suckers of this country to better their lives when the government continues to provide the basic items plus a lifestyle of even the middleclass. This is the example of life they are teaching their children and grandkids. . . . and the cycle just keeps repeating itself and getting bigger and bigger as the generations keep growing. There will have to be some drastic changes made in the welfare system for this to stop. . . .Some need to learn the hard way.
Sometimes one just have to shake one's head and keep walking because insanity will set in....

There is just so much wrong with this. . . . she contradicts herself in so many ways. That is a very scary attitude to have and yes, insanity will set in if I had to listen to this kind of story everyday. OMGoodness gracious!!
I don't know her specifics, but you should also know our system is jacked.

Not too long ago, pretty much when the economy originally tanked, my wife and I BOTH lost our jobs (different work places, and within about a month of each other), when our respective companies also faltered.

So, we both went on unemployment, to have something while we looked for new jobs. Obviously, this wasn't a lot of income, certainly not enough to pay bills AND get groceries. Yet, even with BOTH of us on unemployment, we made TWENTY DOLLARS too much to qualify for food stamps. Are you frickin' kidding me? Yeah, that was a fun few months until we both got jobs again. Pretty much went through any savings we had (and any food stockpiles).

BUT, it does illustrate that preps can have some REAL world applications that don't require the end of the world, to be useful.
Aaaaah I see that the US is now getting infected / infested with the " entitlement" classes who think they should be GIVEN free everything, I first started to see such things occurring in the United states of Haliburton when people made homeless by H Katrina REFUSED FREE brand new mobile homes provided by the government because they did not like them. It appears the cancer is spreading the way it has in the UK. Over here we have MILLIONS of parasites like the woman in the video.

Gazrok the difference between you are the welfare dependant is multiple, First you both WORKED and SAVED for a rainy day, Second you BOTH contributed taxes, Third you set stuff aside in case of rainy days and bad times ( something most lefties never do) Fourth You both WANTED to work ASAP .
Come to the UK and I guarantee that you will hear phrases such as;
I am entitled
I should be given
Its not my responsibility
Its the Teachers / Cops/ Councils / Social workers fault not mine
I was drunk its not my fault
I'm an addict its not my fault
I demand ( money / house/ medical treatment / taxi / food/ free phone/ priority )
Why should I have to pay
Why should I get a job
I'm pregnant I want a free house
etc etc and you will hear all of the above within a week if you visit the UK.
Aaaaah I see that the US is now getting infected / infested with the " entitlement" classes who think they should be GIVEN free everything,

Really a thing with this entire new generation. The whole entitlement thing. I don't get it.

Gazrok the difference between you are the welfare dependant is multiple, First you both WORKED and SAVED for a rainy day, Second you BOTH contributed taxes, Third you set stuff aside in case of rainy days and bad times ( something most lefties never do) Fourth You both WANTED to work ASAP .

Yep, we'd put in about 6-8 hours a day scouring for positions, submitting resume's, working networking contacts, etc. We dreaded being out of work. Finding a job, WAS our job during that time. When my kids moved in (as adults) and didn't have jobs, was lucky to see them spend 6 hours a WEEK looking. Completely different generation. Still, I suppose we enabled that, but all kinds of history baggage there too, so hard to really crack down on them.
It was reported recently that some Colorado residents on welfare was enjoying vacation in Hawaii using the EBT card to purchase food, smokes and alcohol also the Pols in Colorado are looking to pass a law to prevent EBT card users from purchasing marijuana by using the EBT cards in the smoke shops ATMs for cash withdraws... *sigh
unfortunately we have that gimmie gimmie I wan't money for free generation here also..one more reason I'm heading back to school soI can relocate my sorry butt out of here...there's plenty of jobs in the so called rural areas I'm going to study for..
every single time I see these "people!" I get the urge to slap some one..
I believe there are also major sociological and cultural differences between Europe and the US, one bit that always gets my attention is US work ethics huge numbers of Americans only get between 10 and 14 days vacation time each year plus a few bank holidays where as in the UK the average annual paid vacation time is 5 weeks with possibly up to 12 more days of bank holidays. Huge numbers of Americans work 12 hour days compared to the European norm of between 7.5 and 8.5 hours. They have a much stronger work ethic than we do and this drives their attitude of "Can Do" and Self reliance.
( Its just a pity they cannot brew a decent pint or build a good motorcycle :) :) :) )
its quite strange actually, I think the days of working 9-5 in the UK are now long gone-at least my good lady says they are, or else why do I see lots of people out during the day - whilst I am giving the dog her afternoon walk- when I would have thought they would be in work, they all cant be retired or tourists??

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