I think many of us can understand how good it feels to buy a brand new item to put towards our personal endeavours. It does feel really good.
Perhaps (maybe or maybe not) an overlooked way to get more stuff is by dumpster diving, seeing what other neighbours in the area are giving away for free or for a small price, scavenging and then repurposing the items.
For instance, a couple of months back here in the UK, we had some strong winds. My neighbour's fence, sadly, did not survive them. She is an older lady and no longer drives and it would have cost her money to have the broken wood removed.
I asked her if I could have it and offered her money or groceries (what ever she needed) in return for the broken wood. She did not want anything. All she wanted was the panels off her grass as it was making the grass yellow and discoloured.
I happily moved all of the waste wood from her garden and she was quite happy about it.
I now have some useful wood for garden projects. Yes, some of it is a bit rotten but that would burn in a rocket stove to boil water or cook some bread if the power goes off again. There are other pieces that will make a very good covering for my quail runs, to keep my little monsters out of the rain - we use tarp at the moment but they are getting worn and I can do better than that. I have bought new tools to help me but the wood has cost me nothing.
I freely admit that my woodwork skills are not very good. I am, however, learning. The larger posts (the fence support posts) I am going to use to make the structural supports for a deeper raised bed in the not too distant future.
So my neighbour is happy because her grass is no longer dying. I am happy because I have wood for fuel and wood for projects - I have seen the price of wood in the DIY improvement depot types of stores and ...WOW, scary! I just need to teach myself how to do it now.
I feel very lucky as I have now found this site. I have had a very friendly welcome and I do not feel put down or belittled by the very knowledgeable members here. This is a good, friendly group - ready to have a joke - but also ready to help. I will ask for help and advice from you all from time to time as I do not know everything - not by a long ways.
So, what was your best 'womble?' Or, in other words, what was the best thing you got for free that you can now use for one of your projects?
Oh, any wood work advice for a wally who does not know one end of a saw from another would be greatly appreciated.
I hope this post may give a place for fun comments and light-hearted advice.
I am hoping for you all, prepper families ... where ever you are.
Perhaps (maybe or maybe not) an overlooked way to get more stuff is by dumpster diving, seeing what other neighbours in the area are giving away for free or for a small price, scavenging and then repurposing the items.
For instance, a couple of months back here in the UK, we had some strong winds. My neighbour's fence, sadly, did not survive them. She is an older lady and no longer drives and it would have cost her money to have the broken wood removed.
I asked her if I could have it and offered her money or groceries (what ever she needed) in return for the broken wood. She did not want anything. All she wanted was the panels off her grass as it was making the grass yellow and discoloured.
I happily moved all of the waste wood from her garden and she was quite happy about it.
I now have some useful wood for garden projects. Yes, some of it is a bit rotten but that would burn in a rocket stove to boil water or cook some bread if the power goes off again. There are other pieces that will make a very good covering for my quail runs, to keep my little monsters out of the rain - we use tarp at the moment but they are getting worn and I can do better than that. I have bought new tools to help me but the wood has cost me nothing.
I freely admit that my woodwork skills are not very good. I am, however, learning. The larger posts (the fence support posts) I am going to use to make the structural supports for a deeper raised bed in the not too distant future.
So my neighbour is happy because her grass is no longer dying. I am happy because I have wood for fuel and wood for projects - I have seen the price of wood in the DIY improvement depot types of stores and ...WOW, scary! I just need to teach myself how to do it now.
I feel very lucky as I have now found this site. I have had a very friendly welcome and I do not feel put down or belittled by the very knowledgeable members here. This is a good, friendly group - ready to have a joke - but also ready to help. I will ask for help and advice from you all from time to time as I do not know everything - not by a long ways.
So, what was your best 'womble?' Or, in other words, what was the best thing you got for free that you can now use for one of your projects?
Oh, any wood work advice for a wally who does not know one end of a saw from another would be greatly appreciated.
I hope this post may give a place for fun comments and light-hearted advice.
I am hoping for you all, prepper families ... where ever you are.