Work EDC

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Well... Depends. What sort of job do you have? What are the rules there about personal property and uniform? Do you keep a bag or are you restricted to just pockets? Would a knife on your belt be unacceptable? Could you carry a concealed firearm legally, and without violating work policy?

Sorry, give us some more details and we'd love to help.

On the most basic level, I would say to never go anywhere without a way to get food, prepare food, and cook food: generally speaking this means a gun, a knife, and a lighter. A lot of people (myself included) are not allowed to carry a firearm at work, so I always have a folding knife and a lighter, and I'm looking to add a good tac light to my daily/work EDC.
In my line present line of work as teacher/JUCO professor, I only carry a CPR mask and nitrile gloves on a D ring, attached to it is a LED flashlight and a mini multi-tool. In my backpack, I have a survival kit that has just about anything I need to survive and also I carry a small Altoid candy tin that has an urban survival gear. I also wear standard a level 3 T-**** vest without plate under my shirt.

My summer job is another whole different matter, I am working in the field and carry a department issued firearm.
Well TheShadowKnows my occupation will be a full time mechanic starting next month. So I think the only restrictions are my shirt that I wear (work uniform) and no guns. What I already carry is a Blackstone knife, leatherman, and a lighter.
Then you're off to a good start. Obviously pocket space is limiting but consider a small flashlight or tac light, or perhaps an altoids tin with charcloth, matches, and bandages or something. The altoids tin will hold more than you think and fits easily in a back pocket. You could also assemble a Get Home Bag to keep in your vehicle with more heavy duty tools and some food and water preparations. I'm working on a GHB right now but as I work in a restaurant I have access to food and water in the short term.
The ShadowKnows....he's right on the money, pretty much up to you and what space allows/and work environment. Today for example, I've got my normal stuff above and my concealed weapon, sporting a pair of cargo shirts with my nationally loved football apparel, of course I get raged on by the Aggie fans, but heck....who was Johnny Football and he went 0-2, once in his home and one in Death Valley...Geaux Tigers
I actually have a few GHB items I keep in my laptop bag. Obviously, I'm not bringing a pistol into work, but it is in the truck nearby, along with a car kit of supplies, and my standard GHB and change of clothes/shoes, etc.
I actually have a few GHB items I keep in my laptop bag. Obviously, I'm not bringing a pistol into work, but it is in the truck nearby, along with a car kit of supplies, and my standard GHB and change of clothes/shoes, etc.
The bare bones bag I designed and you commented on a little while ago is kind of a mini GHB I thought of since I will be working so close to home. I also got the idea from you for the bare bones bag.
in my line of work
keys, handcuffs, radio, wallet with badge, collapsible baton, glock 19 with 2 spare magazines, note pad, issued cellphone
and more things in our vehicles like camera equipment flexicuffs bodyarmor with molle attachments etc
body armor,that's something I wear every single time I work,no matter how hot or cold it is, to many nut-jobs carry blades these days and when I go alive to work I prefer to do so when going home, and in a SHTF situation I would def "borrow" it when leaving for home-base
i wear a simpel vest under my clothes of the day
the one in the trunk offers even better protection but is bulkier etc and more set up for tactical situations
I have the same vest as our police,the light version,not the heavy tactical,we're not allowed to have handcuffs, but mace is ok
Well, if a cop or security, sure, you are going to have a bit more combat EDC items handy...but me, I'm a software guy and ranch owner (did do a security stint for a bit many years ago). So, I'm not going to have a lot on me as normal gear... The truck has all the good stuff, so that's when I came up with the idea of keeping a few things in the laptop bag
Restaurant manager at a BBQ joint, and I tend to work in the back so I'd die if I tried to wear a best under my work polo. Texas weather and large fire pits already make for a very sweaty shadow... Good news is I'd have access to food and bottled water (we have a fully stocked gas station as part of the restaurant) and lots of big knives... A GHB is on my to-do list but I've got a vacation coming up in the beginning of June and I'm saving up for that right now. Hopefully the world won't end until after my wife and I get back from Disneyland!
Disneyland brings up a good point. Bet you have a bag that has stuff, right, walking around the park? Batteries, water, towel, sunblock, etc., etc.

This prompted me to create a different kind of bag (in addition to the GHB) for the truck we use the most. I call it the Life Bag. Here's what it has in it: (keep in mind there are 3 gals in my household)

Full bottles of different, commonly used OTC drugs (pain meds, female meds, allergy meds, glucose tabs, epi-pen, etc.)
Small first aid kit, including some additions
Hairbands, hair ties, etc. (so if a hair emergency, can solve)
Bobby pins, safety pins, small sewing kit (with spare buttons) - (good for wardrobe malfunctions)
Eyeglass repair kit (most of us wear glasses time to time)
Flashlight, lighter, multi-tool, duct tape
Carabiners, paracord bracelet, some bungee cords
A couple pads/tampons
Small camping roll of TP, pocket tissues, toothpicks
Spare socks, spare shirts (great for if someone spills something on what they are wearing, etc.), bandanas
2 Pairs of flip flops (that best fit all our feet) - (good for any shoe emergencies)
Contact lens case and solution
Sunscreen, insect repellent, anti-itch spray
Metal bottle of water, some GHB foodstuffs (vienna sausages, some canned Chef Boy Ardee, ration bars, etc.)
Small umbrella, a few cheap ponchos
A ton of other things I'm forgetting at the moment.

All fits under the front seat, and we dip into this thing at least once a week or more (usually for meds), so I have to constantly replenish it. This came out of situations where these would have been handy, so the prepper in me applied the old Boy Scout motto to this as well. At first, the wife thought I was a bit silly, until she and the girls kept finding whatever they needed in the bag, saving the day.

Pre-SHTF, a bad hair day can seem like the Apocalypse to 20-something gals. :D
While we're on the subject of bragging about EDC... hehehe... I can carry whatever I want! Hooray me!Shoot:ar15::m4::tank:. The joys of not working for the man.
This is pretty damn cool.

Bet you could even wear it working the grill....

EDC wise though, this is excellent:

Backpack insert. Bet this would really cut down on school shooting deaths, and at only a bit over $100, it's almost criminal that a college or high school student WOULDN'T have one of these. Pretty small investment for something that could be life-saving. (as running away from a gunman, with one of these, would be your BEST survival option)....
work bag.jpg

This is a small bag I carry inside a day pack. I work in the oil and gas industry and guns are a no no. My day is unpredictable- I could drive a big semi out to a location, then end up staying, or riding somewhere and driving a different vehicle back. So I have to be flexible. My day pack has my log book, water, rain gear, a work tool. There has been times I've sat broken down on the road for hours before the mechanics arrive. This little fanny pack of goodies has made those times liveable. This isn't for the big blow out or SHTF scenario, just some things to keep me sane. I'd enjoy bringing my BOB with me but its a bit much.
mini flashlight
pocket knife
whistle/thermometer combo
mini chem light
first aid kit (not much, I make sure all company vehicles have well stocked kits)
Clif bar
protein bar
collapsible water container
heat tab
5 quarters- to get a soda
2 Squenchers packets- better than Gatorade
packet of tissues
a triangle dressing
cigar- helps to kill time
mini hatchet
Ever thought of replacing the pocket knife with a multitool, Gerber, Leatherman, CRKT or Swiss.
Ever thought of replacing the pocket knife with a multitool, Gerber, Leatherman, CRKT or Swiss.
View attachment 4787

Hey, in the planning states, a mini tool was on the list, but as I mentioned, I already carry one. I just added the pocket knife because I may end up losing the one I keep in my pocket. While I believe in redundancy, this isn't the bag for it. I also have a larger flashlight in my bag that gets used often.
A tactical/EDC flashlight would be cool and well fit. It is a lighter, emergency tool as well as inspection light. A knife would be more risky to life when on work.
Got a tactical light for Christmas, and man, it's awesome. I can see clear across the pasture now, and easily find a horse when she's trying to hide, even during a rainstorm. Darn neat.

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