wot no Irish preppers.

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Lots of Irish preppers most have lived in the U.S for several genarations . My folks are mostly Walshe and Irish . Some Familys around here say their ancestors claimed to be Scotts Irish , historians say the were decended from Highlanders .
Lots of Irish preppers most have lived in the U.S for several genarations . My folks are mostly Walshe and Irish . Some Familys around here say their ancestors claimed to be Scotts Irish , historians say the were decended from Highlanders .
I think the comment was made in reference to preppers actually living in Ireland.
No ofence meant . Is that a bit of Irish Nationallisim coming out there ? I like to see folks come out and defend their Homeland . In the U.S many of us also like to keep up with our culture and hearitidge and where our folks come from . Its not unuseual to see many homes with their Old World Coat of Arms in their living room .
No ofence meant . Is that a bit of Irish Nationallisim coming out there ? I like to see folks come out and defend their Homeland . In the U.S many of us also like to keep up with our culture and hearitidge and where our folks come from . Its not unuseual to see many homes with their Old World Coat of Arms in their living room .
Ha ha! No not at all! I American living in Northern Ireland. Sorry to come across that way. The Irish are a proud people though, and rightly so. Like most of the EU, the UK (though not officially part of the EU) has nothing simillar to our 2nd ammendment rights. From what I understand you can have a shotgun for predator control if you own a certain amount of farmland. Aside from that you are allowed to rent handguns at the range to shoot. In special cases you are allowed to own a handgun for target shooting but only under very tightly controlled circumstances. If anyone in the UK has any information on this please fill us all in!
Shotguns are commonly available for sport, hunting and vermin control, they are licensed but the authorities normally use common sense, they ask more questions if you live in a city than if you do in mid Wales, they say no normally if you have a criminal record. Rifles for Deer Hunting, Target Shooting and Vermin control are equally popular but the authorities ask more questions when it comes to rifles. Hand guns are verboten now though many Brits still use them by travelling to Eire and other EU countries to shoot for fun, or loons like me who travel to KS to shoot handguns about every fives years ( funds allowing).

Archery is massively popular in the UK Trad, Modern, Compound and Recurve but hunting with bows is illegal ( though many folks ignore that law)

The UK IS a fully paid up member of the EU and have been since 1974 we are not part of the EURO currency, we retained the pound Sterling Though hopefully we will soon leave the evil empire of the EUSSR its a socialist / communist federal nightmare.

The right to self defence is ABSOLUTE in the UK and laid down in both civil, crown and criminal law, BUT the deliberate possession of a tool or weapon for self defence is illegal your allowed to improvise in an emergency so many people "" plan"" on an emergency happening if you get my drift ( Dammit son I told you not to leave your pool que in the hall) ( I collect militaria thats why there is a Katana on my fireplace wall) ( The air rifle is their to kill vermin coming into my garden ) ( I have a slow puncture in my tyre thats why the telescopic wheel wrench is on the passenger seat officer) (I've got a steel tipped brolley and hiking pole in the hall so I can grab them easily when I go walking)
Well there is a lot that can be done under those conditions. Living rurally I still opt for a healthy relationship with neighboring farmers to foster community survival. It wasn;t so long ago that most of the folks around here were subsistance living, and doing very well.
Well there is a lot that can be done under those conditions. Living rurally I still opt for a healthy relationship with neighboring farmers to foster community survival. It wasn;t so long ago that most of the folks around here were subsistance living, and doing very well.

Last time I was out that way the locals were trying to shoot me ( I was a soldier)