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Awesome Friend
Dec 1, 2012
I found this to be a pretty interesting video it's long but it should get your blood boiling
It does, but I don't get teh "Why Cops Fear SHTF" Title..... It looks more like why people oughtta fear SHTF.....

This is infuriating, IMO. I have learned as I have gotten older that is the few that can be trusted. Not just police, but anyone. I used to think that was a jaded way of thinking, but not anymore. It is a minority of us who prep. It is a minority who own guns. It is a minority who believe in the constitution of this Country and in freedom. It is a minority of us who will intervene in a violent crime. It is a minority of us who protect each other..... We are the sheepdogs. It is said in the Bible that it is a minority of us who will make it to heaven. I'm starting to see why.
It does, but I don't get teh "Why Cops Fear SHTF" Title..... It looks more like why people oughtta fear SHTF.....

This is infuriating, IMO. I have learned as I have gotten older that is the few that can be trusted. Not just police, but anyone. I used to think that was a jaded way of thinking, but not anymore. It is a minority of us who prep. It is a minority who own guns. It is a minority who believe in the constitution of this Country and in freedom. It is a minority of us who will intervene in a violent crime. It is a minority of us who protect each other..... We are the sheepdogs. It is said in the Bible that it is a minority of us who will make it to heaven. I'm starting to see why.

Amen Brother!
I can relate to that. I was involve I a fatal accident Friday night and of all the people who saw what happened I was the only one checking on the people in the other three cars involved, others were there that had not in anyway been involved other than having witnessed it and they didn't do **** but sit in there cars and look. I had just been hit by two cars and was still running around checking on the others one guy... Well he was clearly deceased he wasn't breathing no pulse nothing but his girlfriend(my assumption) was breathing but very faintly and the other guy was breathing and moaning, I called a bystander over to help me, he wa reluctant as hell and asked me why should I do that. All I asked of him was to talk to the kid and reassure him to help keep him conscious. ******* sad
I can relate to that. I was involve I a fatal accident Friday night and of all the people who saw what happened I was the only one checking on the people in the other three cars involved, others were there that had not in anyway been involved other than having witnessed it and they didn't do **** but sit in there cars and look. I had just been hit by two cars and was still running around checking on the others one guy... Well he was clearly deceased he wasn't breathing no pulse nothing but his girlfriend(my assumption) was breathing but very faintly and the other guy was breathing and moaning, I called a bystander over to help me, he wa reluctant as hell and asked me why should I do that. All I asked of him was to talk to the kid and reassure him to help keep him conscious. 性交ing sad

Most people have either no understanding of the magnitude of such an event or they are just apathetic and worthless.
I commend you on your humanity and compassion. I am glad you came through it though. GOOD PEOPLE are hard to find nowadays.

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