WW3 starts in Syria?

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I doubt it, if its confined to the one attack then it will quickly fizzle out and become old news, they say 24 hours is a long time in politics.
I hope not,we do not need a big war,,,,,under Obama the USA had become complacent ,Trump just drew a line in the sand,it is a show of strength something the USA has not done in the last 8 years
The Muslims will do something to strike back.
Terrorism is the tool to wage jihad.
I have no issues with the strike on Assad but the free world will pay a price one way
or another.
It's inevitable.
We have to live with it but we don't have to like it.

^^Where I learn what we won't see on the 6 o'clock news.
Obummer would have just ignored Assad.
Probably Obummers cousin.
If WW3 started in Syria it would be over in an hour, it would escalate insanely fast and by now much of the US, Russia, Europe and the middle east would be glowing in the dark. I've seen nothing to suggest the big boys are looking for a fight.
No, it was just a move to further weaken Assad. The goal for the Jews is to balkanize Syria so they will have weaker neighbors, control the Golan Heights, and move towards having a 'Greater Israel'. However, the northern Kurdish State which will emerge will also want Kurdish areas of neighboring Turkey and Iraq, destabilizing them, too.
If WW3 started in Syria it would be over in an hour, it would escalate insanely fast and by now much of the US, Russia, Europe and the middle east would be glowing in the dark. I've seen nothing to suggest the big boys are looking for a fight.

It would have just begun in an hour.

"I do not know with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones." Albert Einstein.

WWIII = no winner.
Only survivors eating bugs, or each other, to survive.

I don't believe the big boys are looking for a fight either.
Proxy wars perhaps.

IF people survive an all out nuclear war the radiation would pollute literally
everything on the planet.
In the long haul only the cockroach can survive radiation levels that would kill
all warm blooded critters and all amphibians, and most insects.
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That's true. And any civilized country that allows these animals in is asking for terrorist attack's.

Yes and the past U.S. liberals in charge let in thousands of them without vetting.

Recall the Koran commands Muslims to kill the infidel anywhere, anytime, any place.

109 verses in the Koran commanding to kill the infidel. Anyone not believing in
Islam is an infidel.
I'm just guessing mind you but pro'ly most members here are infamous infidels.
Not that the radical Muslims really commit such atrocities. They just wouldn't.
Would they?:ar15::ar15:
World Trade Center, New York, Boston Marathon, Miami, Orlando, Paris, Germany, ................

I don't mean to harp on this topic so much but this is a survival form and it's unlikely
an atomic catastrophe will happen because everyone looses.
But an Islamic terrorist attack happens someplace in the free world almost

Jihad Report
Apr 01, 2017 -
Apr 07, 2017

Attacks 44
Killed 373
Injured 274
Suicide Blasts 6
Countries 14
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