You have got to see this....

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Awesome Friend
Mar 1, 2013
Central West Coast Florida
Came across this today...thought I had met my quota of jaw droppers for the month when low and behold I see this!

Now the next person that tells me Mr. Pres is not sending this country to hell in a handbasket will be hearing me tell them "BS and horse hockeys" isn't bad enough that they don't teach proper english, spelling, grammar and CURSIVE....but this?!! Idiocracy here we come!!!!
OMGoodness.......This whole idea is ridiculous. The concept of "Relativism" is just not working out. THis is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard..... No matter where you are in the world, no matter what language you speak, math is consistent. If we can't even be counted on(No pun intended) to do math right(Like our politicians handling the budget) then the world will move on without us. This is just one mroe example of how we're heading to he** in a handbasket....

BTW< I used to live ear you, in Pasco County. I was just over the border going north on 19. I'd like to move back to the Sunshine State soon. This DC Metro life is wearing me out. I'm too close to the politicians that come up with things like the idea for this math "Curriculum"...
OMGoodness.......This whole idea is ridiculous. The concept of "Relativism" is just not working out. THis is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard..... No matter where you are in the world, no matter what language you speak, math is consistent. If we can't even be counted on(No pun intended) to do math right(Like our politicians handling the budget) then the world will move on without us. This is just one mroe example of how we're heading to he** in a handbasket....

BTW< I used to live ear you, in Pasco County. I was just over the border going north on 19. I'd like to move back to the Sunshine State soon. This DC Metro life is wearing me out. I'm too close to the politicians that come up with things like the idea for this math "Curriculum"...

Oh Alabaster! might want to rethink that coming back here thing. Don't know if you still have people here that can keep you up to date on things...but....personally I think it has and is going to the dogs. Things are not good here at all as far as I am concerned. I guess kind of like the rest of the nation...being lied to while our eyes tell us something quite different. All in all I wish you good luck and a very safe place if your adventures bring you back here. If you do give a wave.....we might end up passing paths in a bug
I'm thinking of moving back, but I'll be in Pasco again. I'm sorry to say the only place there I can afford is either in Pasco or South St Pete, and for safety's sake I'll keep my head low in Pasco... I have a brother and my wife has a sister that lives down there. I'm not counting on things staying together very well anywhere in the country, really. I hate to say it, but I'd rather things go south while I'm chillin' on the beach. I'm so over being stuck in DC that I can't even put it into words. There is NOTHING about this place that I like.. Well, family and church, but I had a great church family down there, and I have blood family there too. THanks for the warning, but you're not the only people that are gonna enjoy the sun before there is none!
I just don't understand their way of thinking that the "Common Core" will ever benefit this country; it is like the Obama Administration is wanting our Nation to fail (or should I say Obama himself). A few years ago they implemented the "No Pass No Play", at least here in Texas, in order to help push students for good grades. . . and now we are "passing" kids for wrong answers, but who could explain "their" way of thinking? I home schooled my son and I was a heck of a lot tougher than that. He had to have the correct answer, not just showed me how he got it. Honestly, he hardly ever showed his work during a math problem, which aggravated me to no end, but he would get it right most of the time and I know he didn't use a calculator.
Both of my girls were and the youngest one is on the accelerated track. Fortunately our school will do what they can to help the gifted kids to keep them from tuning out. I wish I could say that about all schools. Gone are the days when kids were taught lessons in school instead of how to let technology do the work for them.
I saw what the history books are teaching our seniors in public school. They spend as much time on Marilyn Monroe that they did on Abraham Lincoln. No wonder our country is going to hell in a hand basket.

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