YOU the sum of the prepper equation.

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Silent Earth

Awesome Friend
Sep 25, 2013
watching from afar
YOU the sum of the prepper equation.

Over population = not enough homes = more unemployment = more poor and desperate = less food and water and utilities = more loss of countryside = more erosion and desertification = more displaced migrants = more gullible fools believing promises from politicians and priests = more religiously inspired breeding = more overcrowding = mass migrations = more religious extremism = more gang / ethnic crime and terrorism = more loss of rights and liberties taken by your own government in response = more flight from the cities or failed economies = more rising taxes and more civil unrest.

So to whom do the Migrants hordes ,the Hungry, Homeless, Stateless, Displaced, Brainwashed, Converted, Outraged, Liberals, Socialists, Terrorists, Governments etc turn towards to Tax and Seize and Confiscate, Evict, Sequestrate, Repress and Kill to appease the masses ?

Go and look in the mirror!
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They never will look in that mirror, for they are not lovers of the truth, but lovers of greed. They are filled with a hunger for money, power and status that nothing will be able to quench. They will not let you see this openly for they are highly skilled verbal manipulators, but follow the actions, the deals they make, the poeple they meet, then you will start to get the real picture of their "brotherhood"
I wonder what would happen here, if we could claim all our security upgrades to homes and vehicles against our tax. If they then break in and steal something, those items must then be replaced tax free, so the government gets nothing from the deal. Then if you get illegals in your country the costs that they incur for your country must be payable by the country of origen, then maybe some countries will be building walls to keep their own in.
Migrants? Call them what they really are illegal thieves. They break into countries no different then our homes. Then they steal our services our taxes and our countries wealth. This should neither be tolerated nor advocated. Only the sheep the dumd and the weak buy this crap, that's its "good" for us and we "need" to do this.
YOU the sum of the prepper equation.

Over population = not enough homes = more unemployment = more poor and desperate = less food and water and utilities = more loss of countryside = more erosion and desertification = more displaced migrants = more gullible fools believing promises from politicians and priests = more religiously inspired breeding = more overcrowding = mass migrations = more religious extremism = more gang / ethnic crime and terrorism = more loss of rights and liberties taken by your own government in response = more flight from the cities or failed economies = more rising taxes and more civil unrest.

So to whom do the Migrants hordes ,the Hungry, Homeless, Stateless, Displaced, Brainwashed, Converted, Outraged, Liberals, Socialists, Terrorists, Governments etc turn towards to Tax and Seize and Confiscate, Evict, Sequestrate, Repress and Kill to appease the masses ?

Go and look in the mirror!
Sorry NR. They are not "migrants". They are illegal alien invaders. I believe in calling a spade a spade. They are here only to take what they can, and send as much back to their country as possible. They have no intention of assimilating, or embracing our culture. But rather they expect us to accept their language, culture and customs.
I think most Americans are getting sick of these people coming here illegally and sucking off the government teat. All illegal aliens need to be sent back to their country. And since they came here illegally, they should forfeit any chance of ever coming here legally.
Quite frankly I'm in ZA where the worst is where houses are made of aluminium and/or crap... literally! We have three hundred thousand immigrants from Zimbabwe every year and even the locals they sit around in shacks collecting allowance and spending it on alcohol instead of trying to get an education and get a proper job.

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