water is the first thing for survival.
40-50 years ago we had free hydrants in any village. Water tower + hydrant.
The water quality is established by the GOST standard. The water tower takes artesian water, then purifies the water with filters. You can drink water or draw as much water as you want ...
This is Socialism.
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Now the water towers are destroyed. Hydrants take water from a river or lake. It is not drinkable. In addition, you have to pay 5 rubles for 1 liter of water.
This is Capitalism.
Only an old rusty hydrant that does not work reminds of Socialism
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now to get drinking water you can do:
1. Well.
depth no more than 20 meters
the price is about 50 thousand rubles.
but finding good water in a well is a great success
2. Well "on the sand"
depth about 30-50 meters
the price is about 100 thousand rubles.
but such a well deteriorates quickly, the water contains a lot of iron and an electric pump is required
3. Well "for limestone"
depth of about 100 meters
price from 500 thousand rubles
but such a well requires an electric pump, contains a lot of mineral salts, which requires expensive filters. In addition, you must obtain a "water use" permit and pay tax.
1 usd = 75 rubles
about the use of chemicals for water purification ...
probably, this means water that is located above a depth of 7 meters, as well as after rain or melting snow. chemical reagents kill bacteria, but they are useless against excess iron or mineral salts.