Cast Iron Cooking And Collecting

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My first try cooking bacon was with hot charcoal briquettes under a cast iron dutch oven, and hot briquettes on top of it... a minute later when i opened the lid, not only did i burn my bacon, but there wasn't anything left but grease with teeny tiny bits of meat... lol.

Those cast iron dutch ovens are hotties, and cook quick! :brewing: I like 'em, ...once i learned how to use 'em, lol.

The way I use dutch oven 80% of the heat comes from the top of the pot.
My wife made my favorite pie for Fathers Day. Blueberry

Anyone here ever tried Crackling Cornbread? An old southern recipe with little chunks of fried fatback to a crusty crunch and put into cornbread mixture. Of course made in an iron skillet.

When I had my Chuck Wagon On Wheels in Atlanta once a week I'd serve my customers a old fashioned southern meal ,they loved it. I'd have regular and crackling cornbread and scratch biscuits.
One of them said it almost brought tears to his eyes since last time he had crackling bread was when his grandma made it for him. He was first in line every Wednesday.

I have iron corn stick, corn muffin and fry pans some are a 100 years old. I don't like them puttign finish on these pans today though.
Anyone here ever tried Crackling Cornbread? An old southern recipe with little chunks of fried fatback to a crusty crunch and put into cornbread mixture. Of course made in an iron skillet.

When I had my Chuck Wagon On Wheels in Atlanta once a week I'd serve my customers a old fashioned southern meal ,they loved it. I'd have regular and crackling cornbread and scratch biscuits.
One of them said it almost brought tears to his eyes since last time he had crackling bread was when his grandma made it for him. He was first in line every Wednesday.

I have iron corn stick, corn muffin and fry pans some are a 100 years old. I don't like them puttign finish on these pans today though.

The new pans are so rough!
The new pans are so rough!
No kidding. I was looking for a dutch oven and they are very porous. I finally bought an enameled one.
There are a bunch of youtube videos on how to polish the new cast iron. We have a lot of old cast iron skillets that are totally nonstick. One of my favorite is the chicken fryer skillet with the lid.
Well Hash it looks like yall were successful. You 3 are doing great,so glad the boy has a good father too. He is really growing fast too.

I can't keep enough groceries in the house for that boy! We went to one of his friends birthday parties yesterday and he was a foot taller than any of his friends! It is shocking to me because my family is an ax handle tall and a ax handle wide. Alexandra's family are all tall slim people well over 6 foot tall, I'm thinking this kid is going to make a big man.
I can't keep enough groceries in the house for that boy! We went to one of his friends birthday parties yesterday and he was a foot taller than any of his friends! It is shocking to me because my family is an ax handle tall and a ax handle wide. Alexandra's family are all tall slim people well over 6 foot tall, I'm thinking this kid is going to make a big man.
Thats like me kissing my my son and son in laws I have to reach while they bend. One of my grand sons is 6'5" both sinl's are 6'4". Son is 6'1" . One daughter is short other one is 5'8". Grand daughter is 6" too so I look short around them all.
Pie looked good but this year our black berries didn't do that good or the birds got them while we were busy.
Thats like me kissing my my son and son in laws I have to reach while they bend. One of my grand sons is 6'5" both sinl's are 6'4". Son is 6'1" . One daughter is short other one is 5'8". Grand daughter is 6" too so I look short around them all.
Pie looked good but this year our black berries didn't do that good or the birds got them while we were busy.

I wish you were close, there is a bumper crop this year! I know a wild patch I'm sure you could pick a 100 gallons off of.
Have you put them to work?
Mom is 91 and we are making her home more liveable with Dad gone. I plan to be here a couple more weeks and then head home. It's a three day drive and then I'll clean and season the pans. The seasoning of the cast may wait till things cool off as running the oven when it is in the 80's or higher isn't a good plan.
I like stainless steel & cast iron.
I use both, too. I use steel when cooking something with tomatoes or lemons.
My youngest keeps saying that when she moves out, she is going to swipe my cast iron. I decided to protect my precious collection I had to start hers. Guess what she's getting for Christmas.
I gave my youngest son two pieces of cast iron for Christmas a couple years ago.
I have one just like it. I use it to make omelettes and crepes. (single serving dishes)
I have a large grill for pancakes, bacon and eggs.