What I sewed today.

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Porch Lover
Staff member
HCL Supporter
Nov 25, 2017
N. AL.

This is a 13 inch doll.


This is a 6.5 inch doll. Tiny sewing and those sleeves are a bit tedious to put in. But I like the look.
Yeah, sewing in the tiny sleeves is where I have to hold my mouth "just right" to make it happen. And one of those tiny dresses takes very little fabric.

This is the way I redirect my mind from things that cause headaches and concerns.
Yeah, sewing in the tiny sleeves is where I have to hold my mouth "just right" to make it happen. And one of those tiny dresses takes very little fabric.

This is the way I redirect my mind from things that cause headaches and concerns.
When I was more active in making and selling things at craft fairs, there were usually a few people whose booths were just about doll clothes. I imagine that they must have done well enough, because there they were, year after year. Doll clothes can be made from scraps and leftover pieces of fabric, trim and fasteners. Someone who does any amount of sewing always has those bits left.
Today I finished up an apron I had cut out and worked on 3 quilted pot-holders - just need to finish hand stitching the binding.

Can you take photos and show us your aprons? and the quilted pot-holders. Those are beautiful and practical items.
@Angie Are those for someone special or do you sell them? If you do sell them, they'll go quickly. Darling!

These are not for sale, but I have sold some before. I am thinking of making some of the small ones and selling as the prices on Esty are out of site. Two of the dolls that these fit are what I consider expensive, so clothes for them are pricey too. At least on Etsy.
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Here they are. This was a "quick" throw together apron out of an old table cloth. I don't like that the neck hole doesn't lay flat. I knew it wouldn't how they instructed but needed a full apron. If I were to do it again, I would make a split at the back of the neck and do a proper facing.
The pot holders are from scraps my mom gave me. I have binding to finish on two of them. The one that is complete isn't perfect. I had by binding all ready to go last time I stitched. I went to bind them and was befuddled trying to get enough for the binding out of what was left then ended up not doing it properly since I was frazzled. Went to press it and saw my binding I had prepared sitting there :rolleyes: so the last two have proper binding.
PS - I have tremors so a steady clear photo is a challenge - sorry if they are a little fuzzy.
Those are marvelous! I do like your patchwork on the pot holders. And clever girl using that table cloth. And the first time making a pattern is to find out the basics and the 2nd time for the improvements. I think you're smart and creative.
Thank you for such kind words Angie.
If anybody here has the vintage apron pattern McCall 1105 (or even 1104) I am on the hunt and willing to purchase it. I won't make this pattern again but the apron will keep whatever I'm canning off the front of me :)
View attachment 24694 View attachment 24693 Here they are. This was a "quick" throw together apron out of an old table cloth. I don't like that the neck hole doesn't lay flat. I knew it wouldn't how they instructed but needed a full apron. If I were to do it again, I would make a split at the back of the neck and do a proper facing.
The pot holders are from scraps my mom gave me. I have binding to finish on two of them. The one that is complete isn't perfect. I had by binding all ready to go last time I stitched. I went to bind them and was befuddled trying to get enough for the binding out of what was left then ended up not doing it properly since I was frazzled. Went to press it and saw my binding I had prepared sitting there :rolleyes: so the last two have proper binding.
PS - I have tremors so a steady clear photo is a challenge - sorry if they are a little fuzzy.
Very nice

This is a 13 inch doll.


This is a 6.5 inch doll. Tiny sewing and those sleeves are a bit tedious to put in. But I like the look.

Bottom pcture is a frame with a big red X on it so I can't see, it. My aunt loved dolls she had lots of them. But the top one is very clear and pretty.
The apron above was too big so gave it to my mom- she loves it. Anyhoo tried again- made my own pattern and it still works 😂. It’s reversible.
View attachment 49914View attachment 49915
I like this apron.

I love aprons. We used to always wear an apron when we ate when we were children to help keep our clothes clean. They are so rarely used anymore.
Apron is beautifully done
I love the smell of leather. What will this bag be used for?
I do not know. I am making a bunch of bags and stuff for the next out door craft fair. If the virus ever calms down
I like this apron.

I love aprons. We used to always wear an apron when we ate when we were children to help keep our clothes clean. They are so rarely used anymore.

We called those bibs. My grandpa used one till the day he died. He ALWAYS got food on himself somehow. If he was eating something as simple as a ham n cheese sandwich he'd have mayo on his shirt.....