Gardening on the dark side

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Dec 5, 2017
The Shade
Rather than muck up the gardening thread all the time I thought I would start a thread for the dark side gardeners “pot and shrooms and such.” I’m planting my over winter plants now. I have 2 Blue dream photo period plants started and 3 Strawberry pie plants popping and just ordered Killer A5 Haze to finish off my winter run.
Very nice lineup! We, and by we I mean my hubby, is almost finished harvesting the outdoor girls. I will have to ask (again) what they are. We do indoor grows in the winter, which is the main reason we installed solar panels. What medium do you grow in?
I grow mostly in my own aged compost.
Rather than muck up the gardening thread all the time I thought I would start a thread for the dark side gardeners “pot and shrooms and such.” I’m planting my over winter plants now. I have 2 Blue dream photo period plants started and 3 Strawberry pie plants popping and just ordered Killer A5 Haze to finish off my winter run.
If the state of PA gets around to...

Keep those of us the outside looking in updated please.

Many years ago I consulted on a few grow operations devising hidden grow rooms, automatic watering systems, soil analysis water pH... etc. I enjoyed the projects they couldn't cover. I learned a lot and even more so with my gardens and nursery projects. Would love to frow my own flowers.

Thanks for the updates!

Excellent idea, and we "dark side" gardeners won't have to search through the regular garden forum for weed posts, lol. I'm not so sure about the "dark side" label though, as weed is far better than ANY Big Pharma cr@pola... but it's your thread, man, and I'm looking forward to learning more for next year's outdoor growing season! I'm even mentally marking spots in my yard for weed placement (to boost the amount of sunshine the plants get, lol). I was VERY pleased with how my simple soil amendment experiment turned out, using weed as one factor. Sheeee-it, I'm still smoking those buds I grew, and will be through New Year's Day, lol, even AFTER giving away OUNCES of the stuff. My friends in Idaho were STOKED to receive their unexpected & early holiday gift! You know, the 2-oz. care package from 'Robert Plant' to 'Angus Young?' Lol... 🤣

Last night, I watched 'KINDERGARTEN COP' for the first time ever, dunno why I never saw it before, but as I realized it was actually gonna be pretty darned funny, I told myself, "Howzabout a bong hit before I continue watching this movie? Just to enhance the comedic lines?" So I paused the movie (which was on my Roku Streaming Stick) and loaded a bowl, went out onto the porch and smoked it, then came back inside and turned the movie back on... and damn, I haven't laughed so hard in ages! That movie has some very clever lines if a viewer is paying attention, and of course Ah-nold HAD to incorporate his signature line: "I'LL BE BACK!!!" Lol, that knucklehaid. Too bad he got caught up with all those political scumbags, pffffffft... uh-oh, better stop now, don't wanna any STINKIN' GREASEBALL POLITICS to taint this excellent thread! :cool:
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Rainy day here Alexandra is trimming up a little auto flower. It’s Godzilla cookies be lucky to get 2 zips off of it. I’m not going to concentrate so much on the autos they make fast bud but I prefer to take a longer with the photo period plants for larger yields. I’ll probably always start a few when I plant the photos to make a few zips of fast bud but not going to concentrate on them so much.
Baci begging for trimmings. 🤣
How do you keep the smell down if growing inside?
i got lots of questions….will take it slow tho 😎

when you plan on moving the plants outside, when do you start from seed? (ex: i start my tomato seeds around March to plant in the ground in late May)

I am not sure what growing zone you are in. my zone is 6b. Pretty much can grow outside from late May to beginning Oct.
How do you keep the smell down if growing inside?
i got lots of questions….will take it slow tho 😎

when you plan on moving the plants outside, when do you start from seed? (ex: i start my tomato seeds around March to plant in the ground in late May)

I am not sure what growing zone you are in. my zone is 6b. Pretty much can grow outside from late May to beginning Oct.
I’m growing continuously inside in a room in my basement. I have carbon filters in the grow room vented to outside that keeps the smell down. I have my 3rd round of auto flowering plants growing for this year now and have a second round of photos popping up. I grow no plants outside and besides the folks here very few people no we grow locally. It’s a fun Legal hobby for me. I don’t smoke any of it but I have a few friends I take care of with our little growing room.
I’m growing continuously inside in a room in my basement. I have carbon filters in the grow room vented to outside that keeps the smell down. I have my 3rd round of auto flowering plants growing for this year now and have a second round of photos popping up. I grow no plants outside and besides the folks here very few people no we grow locally. It’s a fun Legal hobby for me. I don’t smoke any of it but I have a few friends I take care of with our little growing room.
i am sure your friends LOVE you 😉 can you smell it outside?
do you save your own seeds?
You don’t smell it outside but every once in awhile you get a slight smell inside. I don’t get many seeds from my plants but when I do I save them. I usually buy my seeds or get clones from a friend.
Love this thread!
I wonder if it is the strain? I used to regularly walk past a utility trailer and smell skunk. I wasn't smelling skunk, I was smelling the weed that was growing in that trailer.
Last week I was at the dog park and smelled skunk. No skunks around there, but it was also in a multiblock campus, so no grow houses around there. I mentioned it to someone else. "Do you smell that?" He did not, but moved closed and said he did. It was not smoke, it was growth, and it was what I now know is the smell of pot growing. But maybe not all strains smell the same?
The county sheriffs helicopter used to hover about my house. the pilot was in our rc flying club, so one day I asked him why? There is a greenhouse. Yep, it's mine, wanna see inside? He came over and met the chickens :p
I’m growing continuously inside in a room in my basement. I have carbon filters in the grow room vented to outside that keeps the smell down. I have my 3rd round of auto flowering plants growing for this year now and have a second round of photos popping up. I grow no plants outside and besides the folks here very few people no we grow locally. It’s a fun Legal hobby for me. I don’t smoke any of it but I have a few friends I take care of with our little growing room.

It'd be an awesome gesture if you were to make RSO for the local cancer sufferers.
It kills pain better than Endone.