Hiding your valuables

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Thank you for this information. There are a couple of problems when hiding valuables. If the person who hid them dies and no one knows where they are hidden, they could be lost forever. More than one person has purchased a stuffed chair, couch or purse and found money hidden in it. I think it is important that someone trustworthy knows where it is, or that the information about it is out there somewhere.
Lots of good info. I am pretty good at hiding myself and stashing stuff. We were staying in a motel near Disney land long ago. Somehow we got to playing hide and seek. Someone would hide inside the room while others would wait outside and count. I figured out the long dresser had about a 12 inch false bottom accessable from the back. I pulled the dresser out climbing in and pulled the dresser back over me. They never did find me and accused me of cheating by leaving the room somehow. That is until I showed them. Good times.
Thank you for this information. There are a couple of problems when hiding valuables. If the person who hid them dies and no one knows where they are hidden, they could be lost forever. More than one person has purchased a stuffed chair, couch or purse and found money hidden in it. I think it is important that someone trustworthy knows where it is, or that the information about it is out there somewhere.
This is true.
There were plenty of stories when I was growing up in Bama of guys tearing down an old house and finding piles of cash hidden in one of the walls. :oops:
I had an old wallet with five twenty dollar bills in it, in an cabinet junk draw.
The wife comes to me all smiles, thinking she had found lost money, so I took her to dinner & found a NEW hiding place. ;)
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I hide a lot of things, I forget where I put most of the time! I still have 2 grand hid I can’t find. 🤣🤣🤣
You need to participate in the Easter egg hunt- yes even if your family doesn’t do that. If you are looking for eggs, you will find all sorts of things you hid from yourself 😂
For many years... once or twice in summer I'd put a $20 in a winter shirt pocket. Same in winter, fold a bill and put it in a summer shirt... Of course I'd forget about the cash... until months later I put on a clean shirt and find dinner in the pocket!!! A pleasant surprise and always seemed to come in handy. Until a girlfriend moved in and started wearing my shirts. :rolleyes: got out of that habit...
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For many years... once or twice in summer I'd put a $20 in a winter shirt pocket. Same in winter, fold a bill and put it in a summer shirt... Of course I'd forget about the cash... until months later I put on a clean shirt and find dinner in the pocket!!! A pleasant surprise and always seemed to come in handy. Until a girlfriend moved in and started wearing my shirts. :rolleyes: got out of that habit...
Which habit? Putting $20 in shirt pockets or girlfriend moving in? ;)
Some folks $pend for an education. I prefer reading, watching YouTube and figuring it out myself. That’s how I learned about “ how to” make and bury caches. Then it was time to implement my new found knowledge.

Made one. Filled it with a variety of items (no I will not list the items). Buried it. That was five years ago. I told the son that lives closest to us what I did and how to find it. He needs to retrieve it when I‘m placed in a home.

Been almost 10 years…wonder how the contents are doing?
Mom has been gone for several years now and we still can’t find where she hid her good jewelry,
I'm betting its in her room, near the mirror, maybe in a drawer with a fake bottom or up under something heavy, if she had heat vents, look for damaged screws or a false panel of Sheetrock in the closet shelves or just maybe, a box bungee corded to the underside of the bed.
Back in the late 50's my grandfather was digging around the foundation of an old house when he found a large strong box. In it was hundreds of silver dollars and gold coins. It was probably loot from a holdup in the 1880's. Someone buried it and didn't tell anyone.
My grandmother used to hide cash and jewelry around her house. She died without ever telling anyone. Her useless granddaughter and POS husband tore the house apart looking for her loot.
My wife had a cousin whose husband was a gold miner. He buried jars of gold nuggets all around their property. He somehow got brain damaged and later died, before he could tell his wife where the gold was buried. She found a few jars, then had to sell the place.
This is just a couple examples of the importance of leaving instructions with someone you trust of where you hide things.
I have printed instructions sealed in an envelope that I have for my son with that info.

My dad had a knack for hiding cash in books. He was a college English teacher and had literally hundreds of books. Fortunately, I saw him tuck some cash in a book a few months before he passed away. After he died, we had to go through every single book. It's good that we did - we found just under $2,000.
My wife has a 3'x4' mirror from her grandma that was unusually heavy. For a long time she wondered if there were coins stashed in the backing. There wasn't but it was a good spot to check. Must just be old school thick glass.