Historical How To

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Cranky Coot
HCL Supporter
Dec 10, 2017
The last train to Clarksville
I already have them in my library but it is a good resource for everyone.
@dademoss Thanks for the reminder about "Handy Farm Devices and how to Make Them" I had forgotten this book, had it at least a couple of decades. I keep about 150 or so books in my living rm, my quick reference library. They sometimes get swapped out with new books or books from my large book cases in a back room depending on my interests at any given time.

This one has stood the test of time and is still with my quick reference books. That alone testifies to it's usefulness. For instance - a framing square. I use one just often enough to forget how to really use it in between times. The detailed description of a square is near the front of this book.

I have a couple more books in this genre that I believe were my dads, could have been my grandfathers. I need to find those. During a flood last fall all my books near the floor were dumped into heavy plastic totes in no particular order... one day, hopefully soon, I'll find and post them.

I'll download your other 3 books tonight! Again, thanks for the links and the reminder.

Here is what the cover looks like for folks who go to flea markets/garage sales, any place old books might be found.

Farm devices sm.JPG
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My sis-in-law bought me this, says 1936. It has little sketches and poetry also, and the paper is lovely. Its in excellent condition. Not sure about the tomato custard with cheese sauce! Cowboy cake sounds good, and I think most of them are doable, (as in the ingredients are accessible for me )look forward to trying them out.

That's kinda funny that it's 1936 and the lady is dressed like that.
Not sure about tomato custard, but tomato gravy is still a thing where I live. It's put atop of fried mush. (fried oatmeal)
Maybe the artist wanted to let the reader user know that the recipes had been around for awhile, modified to fit those times.
It might be more of an indicator that they are more “historical” recipes. The Oregon Trail and the “wild west” were still exciting and vogue in the 1930’s. There could have been the draw to simpler things since the Industrial Revolution then the depression (which they were still in in 1936).
Just my 2c
....Fried oatmeal ??.... When I was a kid it was left over fried corn meal mush... May have to try the oatmeal kind...
Here is something that may be a source of many publications.. I will need more practice, help. to learn how to open and download these...

This may be useful to someone... I hope...
A few things I found today, wandering the vast expanse of the internet. Too big for the forum to host, so the PDFs are stored on a google drive.

A Practical Treatise on Brewing: A_practical_treatise_on_brewing.pdf

Farm Mechanics: Farm_Mechanies.pdf

Handy Farm Devices: Handy_Farm_Devices_and_how_to_Make_Them.pdf

The Book of Farm Buildings: The_Book_of_Farm_buildings.pdf
I am not able to access any of these pdf's now by clicking on them but I am able to get to the files by copying the title, and pasting it in the search menu.
I am not able to access any of these pdf's now by clicking on them but I am able to get to the files by copying the title, and pasting it in the search menu.
My google drive has finite storage, it hit the 15 GB free limit, so files were removed to a physical drive.

All the files were from various sites on the internet :)

If there is one you are interested in and can't find, send me the title via pm, and I will put it back for a while so you can access it.
My google drive has finite storage, it hit the 15 GB free limit, so files were removed to a physical drive.

All the files were from various sites on the internet :)

If there is one you are interested in and can't find, send me the title via pm, and I will put it back for a while so you can access it.
Thank you. I may do an internet search and post the pdf's that I find, if that is okay with you?