A few of the things I've made lately:

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Awesome Friend
Oct 20, 2020
On some scarred slope of battered hill
My armor as it currently stands....everything hand forged but the mail:


My newest weapon creations:


I always wanted a "Morning Star" like the one wielded by Wilt Chamberlain in 'CONAN THE DESTROYER'---that thing was gnarly, lol. You could probably destroy an Oldsmobile with it, and that's not an easy task, lol. 😒

Thats so funny you bring that up. I just watched that movie last night (with a drink) ;) and was thinking about that weapon and wondering if one could be made that was functional, but light enough that you could actually swing it.
Steel alloy with carbon fiber handle? 🤔

Carbon fiber might not stand up to the other guy's weapon... 😕

MY mace is steel alloy, and at 2.5lbs its the upper limit of what I think is a good combat weight. And its a fraction of the size of what we are talking about.

If you look at real moringstars, they usually had heads that where only about 4" across including the spikes.
How much does the armor weigh altogether?
68 lbs.
Just about done with a crossbow:

FAwesome. :cool: Limb: Leaf-spring steel? 🤔

And, looking at that Beefy 'stirrup', I'm gonna guess about a 200# draw-weight? 🤔 Regardless I would NOT want to be hit , nay, Perforated with a bolt from that MoFo.. o_O

Name suggestion for it: 'The Quick and The Dead'. (QAD for short.. ;)

PS - Trying to get This guy over here: https://www.survivalistboards.com/threads/my-crossbow-aiming-method.997594/#post-21831175 (..Not sure if ya can 'See' that post (?) 🤔 but... Quite-astute Gent, and I'm Sure would add nicely to the SNR, herein..

(..Yes, that's a 'commercial xbow', etc, but he Hand-crafts all his bolts / DIYs his own archery-arrows, and is a Stout-believer in recurves (vs 'compounds') and 'old-world craftsmanship' / DIYing as much as possible.. I'm sure he'd Flip over this.. :cool:

FAwesome. :cool: Limb: Leaf-spring steel? 🤔

And, looking at that Beefy 'stirrup', I'm gonna guess about a 200# draw-weight? 🤔 Regardless I would NOT want to be hit , nay, Perforated with a bolt from that MoFo.. o_O

Name suggestion for it: 'The Quick and The Dead'. (QAD for short.. ;)


This one is a light target bow, only 125lbs. My other one is 260.

And yes....I can see that other post, I have a dozen accounts on the old forum that I've never used, just in case.
Love it!

How much does it weigh? How wide are the limbs? Beautiful work, but my overly practical mind must know some some of the tech specs if you don't mind!

I'm assuming you have an equally beautiful quiver to match??

Very cool man!

Tech specs are another way of referring to 'reality' so I never mind if someone wants to know them.

Total weight is 7.19 lbs.

Prod is 3/16 thick and 1.75" wide at the center. 5160 spring steel
8" powerstroke.

Quiver is nothing special, just a leather bucket with a belt hook. Making a fancy boar hide quiver is on my list.

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