Antibiotic Question

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Mar 5, 2019
Hey all,
Hubby wants me to order from Jace Medical to get some antibiotics on hand. I am not comfortable putting any information online.
Have any of you used this site before? If not, do you have a better option?
PS. Hubby hasn't been to a dr. in years other than ER for an injury.
I go for my annual "girly" checkup so don't know if that would count.
Neither of us have a GP as we are generally healthy.
Any input would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
I've never used Jase, but fun fact - fish antibiotics are 100% the same as human ones, just packaged differently. Cash at the pet store and no one is the wiser, or you can order from eBay for super cheap.
The antibiotics for humans are prepared dor passing through the stomach without being digested by stomach acid....

As far as I know...

Could be wrong. I get all of my misinformation from the internet.

The antibiotics for humans are prepared dor passing through the stomach without being digested by stomach acid....

As far as I know...

Could be wrong. I get all of my misinformation from the internet.

I have it on very good authority that the fish meds are the same pills dispensed for human use, often in the same blister packs - just put in different boxes. If you look, the doses are the same as what is prescribed for humans (ie: 250 mg, 500 mg, etc.). I know firsthand that they are efficacious in treating human infections...
Alot of people online say they order from them. I might have, but our feed store has been carrying zpacks, amox and ivermectin. Just easier to buy the antibiotics from them.
I wish our farm or feed stores had them, that would be super convenient. Only thing you can get locally is ivermectin. I've got an Indian (middle east, not native) supplier who can provide dog & cat veterinary products cheaper than our vet (and without the cost of an appointment), but it takes forever to get here and I worry about them getting snagged by customs...
My wife and I both ordered the jase kits. I have no problem ordering things online as I have separate bank accounts and cards and always leave zero on the one I use and no allowed overdraft. Other info that asked during the order was stuff that has been out on the internet for years. Not much about a person is private anymore. My dad never used the internet and I found his name, address, age, birthday and last 2 places lived searching for just a couple minutes.
Not sure it would work again but if you have a teledoc you can call you might be able to get a prescription from them. I called a few years ago and told the doc that I was going on an extended camping trip and could get exposed to bad water, skin infection or could get mauled by a bear and needed antibiotics just in case any of those things happed. He actually gave me prescriptions for all 3 types.
In a bottle with a gold fish on them, right on the front counter. Next to the tubes of ivermectin and the bottles of amoxicillan in a bottle with a goldfish on them, too.
The owner of the feed store knows they are bought for people use. But last time I was in there, he was telling an old guy that the azithromycin (zpack) was a steroid or something. I told him that it also was an antibiotic, as in the amox, just used for different things. The guy bought both to have, a d the owner thanked me for the info. I told him that I'm glad he sells it, I have some at home. And he said it was by customer request, so I was welcome.
A couple of things: 1. I have no problem ordering on line because at most you could lose $50 (stolen credit card limit) & have a lot of stuff to go through to fix everything. 2. Who are they for or what are they for? Animal meds are one thing & I would never do stock antibiotics for people because they can do more harm than good. The wrong antibiotic could make things a lot worse. I'm new here so maybe everybody knows your talking about animals but I won't assume that.

Or keep it natural!!
If you look, the doses are the same as what is prescribed for humans (ie: 250 mg, 500 mg, etc.)
Human anatomy is quite different from fish anatomy. We don't even have the same organs inside us. Humans take in antibiotics either orally or by injection into the blood stream. Fish take in antibiotics by absorbing them through their gills. There is no "equivalency of dose" between fish and humans. Fish antibiotics are designed to dissolve quickly and distribute through water. Oral human antibiotics are designed for dispersal either in, or after having passed through a really nasty environment called stomach acid.

A common drug name and a common number of mg of that drug do not mean the two packages - designed for completely different animals/humans - are anywhere near "the same thing". I'm not going to try to convince anyone not to take animal antibiotics (or other drugs). That is a lost cause. But just know that "the internet says that they are the same thing" does not mean that they are the same thing. Will taking fish antibiotics help you? Maybe. Will taking fish antibiotics hurt you? Maybe. You're probably never going to find medical or other qualified researchers running a study to answer this question, as it is irrelevant. The best you're going to get is "internet wisdom". Which is the least wise of all wisdoms.

With all the outcry about how the Covid vaccines were not tested enough (and there were many many thousands of human tests), I cannot understand the willingness to just pop some aquarium medication into your mouth. Something that has probably never been officially tested even once.
Just went on Pill Identifier online. You know, the place where you give the shape of the pill, color, and what is inprinted on it. So, yep, the Azithromycin is an oval red pill. One side says 250, the other side is OE. That's it.
Identified the amoxicillan. Capsule, yellow. Says Amox 500 GG849. That's it.
These are people pills. Sold in a bottle with a goldfish on it. I pay $35 for the Azithromycin, and $20 for the amoxicillan.
A couple of things: 1. I have no problem ordering on line because at most you could lose $50 (stolen credit card limit) & have a lot of stuff to go through to fix everything. 2. Who are they for or what are they for? Animal meds are one thing & I would never do stock antibiotics for people because they can do more harm than good. The wrong antibiotic could make things a lot worse. I'm new here so maybe everybody knows your talking about animals but I won't assume that.
That is a really good point. I recommend stocking antibiotics but along with that you should have a good after the SHTF medical book that tells you how and which antibiotics to use. Here is one example.

And here is a podcast on fish antibiotics by a Dr. and an NP.
My wife and I both ordered the jase kits. I have no problem ordering things online as I have separate bank accounts and cards and always leave zero on the one I use and no allowed overdraft. Other info that asked during the order was stuff that has been out on the internet for years. Not much about a person is private anymore. My dad never used the internet and I found his name, address, age, birthday and last 2 places lived searching for just a couple minutes.
This is good to know. I feel that I might need some ivermectin on hand just in case. I haven't had Covid and neither has my husband but it's a good idea to be ready.
They are people antibiotics with a photo of a goldfish on the bottle. There is no way you could give one to a fish, or even put it in the fishtank. It's an azithromycin tablet (not a capsule) or an amoxicillan tablet.
So is this Jace company or your local farm store (I don't know which one you were talking about above) obtaining human antibiotics, mislabeling them as fish antibiotics, and then selling them without a prescription?

Maybe I misunderstood your post. I hope so, because otherwise I'd consider that a pretty shady and scary place to deal with for your medication needs.
So is this Jace company or your local farm store (I don't know which one you were talking about above) obtaining human antibiotics, mislabeling them as fish antibiotics, and then selling them without a prescription?

Maybe I misunderstood your post. I hope so, because otherwise I'd consider that a pretty shady and scary place to deal with for your medication needs.

We have found that Echinacea is the most effective for us, we only use it if we feel something coming on lick the start of a sore throat and it always works, thing is it won't work as well if it's being used continually.
You can and will die from a infection if not treated.....history proves it..

What happens when you dial 911 and nobody answers or will ever answer?

Stock antibiotics in whatever form you can afford and obtain, many doctors perscriptions are determined by what the drug rep is pushing that month...

Get the highest level antibiotics you can obtain as the invading folks coming across the usa borders could be from a country where antibiotics are available over the counter and they could/will have diseases like antibiotic resistant tuberculosis...

Natural remedies are great but if you have red streaks radiating from a spider bite on your leg it needs prompt and serious treatment.

Ivermectin was awarded the nobel prize for medicine....for human treatment..

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