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The Innkeeper

Awesome Friend
Dec 4, 2017
Rural western Canada
just a few of the local wild berries and fruits
Raspberries of numerous types
Oregon grape
Plentiful rose hips
I am told there are huckleberries as well but I haven’t found them yet ( berry patches around here are more closely guarded secrets than favorite fishing holes
We have blackberries, Mayhaw (trees that grow cranberry size red berries located down the swampy slews by the rivers), & dewberries. Birds normally get the majority of the dewberries though. . . as fast as they turn black they are gobbled up. We only have a couple of those trees on our property, one which is probably 12 ft high located in the pasture with the bull. Charlie is one who thinks he is a dog and will try to rub up against you and the ladder you are using. Not a good combo when trying to pick them that high off the ground, especially if your like me and hate heights. Huckleberries are supposed to be in east Texas but I haven't seen any here (yet, but I'm still lookin). I have a few hunny holes for blackberries and they are all off the beaten path, but I'll never tell ;).
I was camping at a lowland lake with a small group of guys and the first morning I gathered some blueberries and made blueberry hotcakes. Not one of those guys would eat any, they though I was going to poison them. What I couldn't eat the dogs did.
My wild raspberries end in July. I plant them & they took over my cleared area next to the garden.
I have an Oregon grape, blueberries, mayhew,choke cherry(black), muscadine, American persimmons, crabapple, black berries & dew berries.
I was camping at a lowland lake with a small group of guys and the first morning I gathered some blueberries and made blueberry hotcakes. Not one of those guys would eat any, they though I was going to poison them. What I couldn't eat the dogs did.

Folks like that crack me up ...