Cattle Equipment

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 16, 2017
Farmers always improvise, using what you have to meet a need. Maybe other can post some of the equipment they use.

I thought this calf feeding station was neat, built by my cousin.

He came up with belting for another project long ago. He used the left over belting and made a trough.

Look at the spring grass! 3ft deep. That man knows how to grow grass! He's going to move in 75 cow/calf pairs this week sometime.

T Pasture 01a.JPG
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Is that fence made from old well casing? I've only seen that once before. There was an old guy east of where I grew up that had a 1 acre horse pen that was fenced with a 2 rail fence made of old well pipe, and then had high tensile wire between the rails...
Funny, I had another cousin call and ask me about well pipe a few weeks ago. He had it in his mind that I knew where some was located. I had no idea what he was talking about.

Obviously he had the wrong cousin in mind. He must have been referring to the above pipe which belongs to a different cousin. I have 100's of cousins. It's easy to get confused about who is doing what.
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Is that fence made from old well casing? I've only seen that once before. There was an old guy east of where I grew up that had a 1 acre horse pen that was fenced with a 2 rail fence made of old well pipe, and then had high tensile wire between the rails...

Oil well pipe. Its common for fencing and building barns out here.