Corn Salad

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Dec 16, 2017
Corn salad is up, aka Valerianella locusta, mache lettuce, lambs lettuce, it’s native to Europe. Its now commonly found in the eastern US/CA from the gulf coast to Hudson bay, and on the west coast. It doesn’t seem to like the great plains.

It’s a highly nutritious food, eaten raw or in a salad. It has almost as much vitamin C as lemons and iron as spinach. Here is a detailed list of its many vitamins and minerals.

It is a very distinctive plant, the stems always branch into “Y’s”. It’s tiny blooms always form 4 clusters. You won’t find this plant in US based edible plant guides. I don’t know why because it’s delicious.

Corn Salad (3)_v1.jpg
From the picture, it appears to be tall growing too. Can it be trained to grow up a corn stalk or other tall growing plant -- Sunflower for one? Thanks for the info and please keep them coming.
From the picture, it appears to be tall growing too. Can it be trained to grow up a corn stalk or other tall growing plant -- Sunflower for one? Thanks for the info and please keep them coming.

No, it can not be trained. I put the brick in the photo for size reference. It will get anywhere from 6 to 10 inches tall. It grows wild on the edges of my garden and what was a small section of pasture. I've seen seeds advertised online. I've never tried to grow it on purpose because it is so plentiful here. I look forward to it every spring. :)
Any useful ideas for "Goats Head"?
I only know of one. It grows here as a weed. The seed pods are angular "globes" about 3/8" in diameter and have two very strong and sharp spines that will penetrate soft sole shoes. Since we live in agro area these and most other weeds are very tolerant of poisons. I have tried Round-up and the tri-ox herbicides (the kind that are supposed to sterilize the soil for a year) with little effect. Before I start using my home made stuff I though I should find out if they have any redeeming qualities.
After carefully examining your sources this is it! The devil's own plant!
I had to copy the entire document but you will find it on page 27.
If there are no redeeming qualities I will eradicate it and all life surrounding it. It will leave a scorched earth patch about 40 x 10 feet. I will likely have to add bacteria back into the soil before anything will grow there.


  • GoatsHead.pdf
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Once you have the latin name of a plant... google it.... "Carduus acanthoides uses" and search to your hearts content! I don't know the plant.
OK, it is a sex improver for men. It increases the strength of erections and retards ejaculation. It increases the frequency of erection in men with erectile dysfunction. You can use the fruit, that horned freak, that has 2 to 3% useful components or use the root extract that has 6 to 8% of useful content. The extract is said to taste like dirt ("earthy"). Now I have to decide if I am going to save the herb or wipe it from the face of my yard. Since I really enjoy playing with my chemistry set I think I will nuke it until it glows and then nuke it more until it is annihilated from existence in my yard. Watch the news for a story on a very small mushroom cloud in SE Washington, the state not the capitol.
OK,The extract is said to taste like dirt

So... you hijacked my thread about a plant you were going to kill anyway? A plant that took less than 15 minutes to research on the net? You actually wanted me to look at it for you? I will say... I’m not impressed. Don't hijack one of my threads again because you are too lazy too google "goats head" or any other name... Lazy... There are 3 plants in SE Washington with that name, easy to differentiate. Just sayin'... Too lazy to actually understand.
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