CrocDundee Arrives!

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Mar 16, 2024
Yep. I've been an Aussie for...35 years, now. I scratched my head over what I could offer as expertise, here...and...yeah...diesel power generation. Anything you need to know. I guarantee I'll save anyone that needs it, a costly service call every now and then! I've been making my own power ever since I got here. What else can I say? Oh, yeah. Three treasures. All musicians, like Dad. Newly published author...just getting airplay on a sappy love song, too! BOOMER ROCK! Not to forget: DOGS! I am convinced they are better than people. Sorry if this offends! :thumbs:
Yep. I've been an Aussie for...35 years, now. I scratched my head over what I could offer as expertise, here...and...yeah...diesel power generation. Anything you need to know. I guarantee I'll save anyone that needs it, a costly service call every now and then! I've been making my own power ever since I got here. What else can I say? Oh, yeah. Three treasures. All musicians, like Dad. Newly published author...just getting airplay on a sappy love song, too! BOOMER ROCK! Not to forget: DOGS! I am convinced they are better than people. Sorry if this offends! :thumbs:
Glad to see another diesel-head here :thumbs:.
Degree'd and certified diesel tech (retired) here.
Yeah, they ain't pretty, don't smell nice, and make a lot of noise; but when you need one, nothing else will do:).
Welcome aboard (love the avatar!😍)
Welcome from Bama! Fond of dogs myself!
K'hed Sunnyside.jpg

Hilarious photo of Knucklehead, my furry son. The security at this shopping mall took this pic and visitors from the US saw it on the header page of that mall website when they looked it up to see where it was! Honestly, if I left the keys in there he'd of driven off to a McDonalds. I swear!
Yep. I've been an Aussie for...35 years, now. I scratched my head over what I could offer as expertise, here...and...yeah...diesel power generation. Anything you need to know. I guarantee I'll save anyone that needs it, a costly service call every now and then! I've been making my own power ever since I got here. What else can I say? Oh, yeah. Three treasures. All musicians, like Dad. Newly published author...just getting airplay on a sappy love song, too! BOOMER ROCK! Not to forget: DOGS! I am convinced they are better than people. Sorry if this offends! :thumbs:

I am so glad you are here!
Great place and really good people.

I like the music sections a LOT got some pickers over there too.

I may have to breakout the twelve string and get sonnys and his old bandmates to do a few. Used to be the County laws trip three weeks a night warm weather 100 or 2 people or so at the farm and anti noise laws OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS. Well it did carry about two miles or so.
Glad to see another diesel-head here :thumbs:.
Degree'd and certified diesel tech (retired) here.
Yeah, they ain't pretty, don't smell nice, and make a lot of noise; but when you need one, nothing else will do:).
Welcome aboard (love the avatar!😍)
Mine aren't noisy...any more. I vent the exhaust into a concrete sarcophagus...for want of a better description. There are three chambers in works great. There's a critical residential muffler between that and the genset. If you need a place for parts...these people are gems! FRIDAY PARTS What goes are the throttle solenoids...often. Lightning is not my friend, either. I keep an eye on the weather. If it's gonna storm, I throw the electric feed breaker on the box...put the gen selector swith to zero...the one on the machine goes off, undo the starter battery, pull apart the DC remote start wire. These sets are 66kva CUMMINS.
Welcome from Alaska!
Hello and welcome from S.W. Oregon, you've come to a very good place. Back in 1965 when I got out of the Air Force Australia was wanting people to come there and I considered going but with my love of hiking around the country side, anyhow it's probably a good thing I didn't move there, seeing as all of the wonderful deadly creatures that are there. It's not like we don't have some nasty things around here but ours are fewer and farther between, we seldom see mountain lions, rattlesnakes (which generally let us know when they are around) and I can count the fingers of one hand how many times I've seen bear, anyway it's good to see you here.