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Walk with God, You will never be lost
HCL Supporter
Dec 19, 2017
right here right now maybe later over there

The cbd did nada for me, granted. The first couple of days I believe I was not in pain because I was wishing the cod was the holy grail. On the third day my back let me know quick fast and in a hurry that cbd was a joke
So a friend dropped of a care package And lots of jokes

Does the thc actually help with pain
If the thc is removed. Such as delta 8 and delta 9.

Frodo, I have read and heard that many people benefit from CBD. I wonder if you have considered other options, besides smoking what was in that pipe? There are so many strains of MJ now, and they can be intense and have different affects. I know you live in the south, but I am not sure of the state. Is medical MJ legal where you are?

Living in a state where all MJ is legal for medical and recreational purposes has allowed for the development of CBD products of all sorts. For a while I regularly drove by a store where they sold CBD tablets. I would take one each night to help me sleep. Store closed, I was busy and never picked it up again.

I know that Jazzy, in this group, has had lots of luck with CBDs. She and others might be able to give you some good help.

I am so sorry for your pain and suffering.
We grew 2 different varieties.
She uses one for pain and the other for sleep.
So we could have a list of all the strains and what they are best used for, healthwise!

Sativa vs. Indica: What to Expect Across Cannabis Types and Strains​

The two main types of cannabis, sativa and indica, are used for several medicinal and recreational purposes. Sativa has primarily an energizing effect, while indica has a relaxing effect and can help you sleep.

Things to consider​

Some people in the cannabis industry have moved away from the terms “indica,” “sativa,” and “hybrid,” instead classifying the different “strains” or, more correctly, “chemovars,” as:
  • Type I: high THC
  • Type II: THC/CBD combined
  • Type III: high CBD
More and more, the cannabis industry is moving away from the term “strains” and using chemovars (chemical varieties), since the word “strain” is often used to refer to bacteria and viruses.
In other words, the category, or type, of cannabis may not be the greatest indicator of the effects you’ll experience.
Here’s how to find the right plant for your needs, strains to consider, potential side effects, and more.

What should you look for to understand strain effects?​

The often-applied rule of thumb is that sativa is more invigorating and energizing, while indica is more relaxing and calming — but it’s not that simple.
Individual plants produce varying effects, even among the same type of cannabis. It all depends on the plant’s chemical composition and the growing technique used.
Instead of looking at the type alone — sativa or indica — look at the description the grower and dispensary provide.


Cannabis plants contain dozens of chemical compounds called cannabinoids.
These naturally occurring components are responsible for producing many of the effects — both negative and positive — of cannabis use.
Researchers still don’t understand what all of the cannabinoids do, but they have identified two main ones: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).
Less common compounds include:


A great deal of attention is paid to the amount of THC and CBD in a given type of cannabis, but researchTrusted Source suggests that terpenes may be just as impactful.
Terpenes are other naturally occurring compounds in the cannabis plant that may influence the effects that specific types produce.
Learn more about the common terpenes in cannabis.

  • Origin: Cannabis sativa is found primarily in hot, dry climates with long sunny days. These include Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia, and portions of Western Asia.
  • Plant description: Sativa plants are tall and thin with finger-like leaves. They can grow to about 6 feet (ft) or 2 meters (m). They take longer to mature than some other types of cannabis.
  • Typical CBD-to-THC ratio: Sativa often has lower doses of CBD and higher doses of THC, whereas indica tends to have less THC than CBD.
  • Commonly associated effects of use: Sativa often produces a “mind high” or an energizing, anxiety-reducing effect.
  • Daytime or nighttime use: Because of its stimulating effects, sativa is often used in the daytime.
  • Popular strains: Various sativa strains may be used for different purposes.

  • (I'm going to make a second post because now it wants to make large letters and I want to get to the point, how different strains are good for different things. Click on the link I shared to read the whole article.)
There is much more to the article and you can read it at the link. This is what I wanted to tell about, how different strains affect people differently. They all put me to sleep.

Strains to consider for certain conditions​

Acapulco Goldsativa0.1%15–23%• fatigue
• stress
• nausea
• pain
Blue Dreamhybridless than 1%30%• pain
• cramps
• inflammation
• insomnia
• mental fog
Purple Kushindicaless than 1%17–22%• chronic pain
• muscle spasms
• insomnia
Sour Dieselsativaless than 1%20–22%• fatigue
• stress
• acute pain
• mental fog
• anxiety
Bubba Kushindicaless than 1%14–25%• insomnia
• acute pain
• nausea
• low appetite
Granddaddy Purpleindicaless than 0.1%17–23%• low appetite
• restless leg syndrome
• insomnia
Afghan Kushindica6%16–21%• acute pain
• insomnia
• low appetite
LA Confidentialindica0.3%16–20%• inflammation
• pain
• stress
Maui Wauisativa0.55%13–19%• fatigue
• depression
Golden Goathybrid1%23%• depression
• anxiety
• mental fog
• low energy
Northern Lightsindica0.1%16%• pain
• mood disorders
• insomnia
• low appetite
White Widowhybridless than 1%12–20%• low mood
• mental fog
• social anxiety
Super Silver Hazesativaless than 0.1%16%• stress
• anxiety
• mental fog
• low energy
Pineapple Expresshybridless than 0.1%23%• mental fog
• acute pain
• social anxiety
Supernaturalsativaless than 1%22%• migraine
• glaucoma
• headache
• low mood
Purple Panty Droppers aren't listed???
So, you noticed that almost all of them were listed for "pain", and not a single one for 'getting high':LOL:.
the reason cannabis way is that the pharma industry didn't want something out there that actually worked
smoking is probably less effective than edibles, preferably butter or coconut butter, as far as a pain killer, there is also a vapor process, but I have no personal info on that, How ever a long time friend who has bad cronic pain really has good results. pain management is not a onesize fits all
...I'm still curious about what girl bit half his ear off?:oops:
Now Their was the perfect ending to a really weird weekend
No, it was not a girl it was a guy that bite it during a fight.
Back to the begining
3 of us went water sking one Saturday
And after a day of play we stopped a car wash to spray the boat down.
Dude in a really nice custom van pulled into the stall next to ours and deposited his money in the machine, it spit out maybe a gallon of water then turned off
He was cussing the machine. So me and my big mouth decided I would join him in cussing the machine. He took offense to me. And slapped me upside the head with the water nozzle and the hose
This PI$$d me off and I was triggered
I reached into the boat and grabbed the oar then in a huge show of wtfd ??? Came over me. In contempt, I told the guy that did not need to ambush I am going to stomp his A——“rat na” oppsy! Oppsy!!
I should have kept the oar!! This sob beat me like a drum!!! Bite my ear off and spit it at me. I left like I had just found out I won the Lotto.
I suggest finding a good herbalist in your area. Big pharma is trying to slowly kill us all. Herb folks in LA, southern MS, AR, even some from texas and bama meet every year in baton rouge, usually at the botanical gardens at lsu.

Run some searches for a clinical herbalist or any herbalist close to your area. Talk to them, not the kid working at the smoke shop or cbd store. Find a real herbalist and you'll find real medicine.

Edit... I don't personally know anyone in your area. Here's a place to start looking.. I saw two listed in the 504 area code, might be more.
Last edited:
@Frodo , I wonder if you are familiar with how wheat and other foods are inflammatory. There are foods that cause us pain when we eat them. I have a cousin who has had rheumatoid arthritis for many years. She was on medication for her RA. One of her doctors recommended that she go on the Mediterranean diet. I am not familiar with it. She told me she is on the diet and has been off meds since being on it. Not at all about MJ, but it may be something that could relieve pain for you.
Now Their was the perfect ending to a really weird weekend
No, it was not a girl it was a guy that bite it during a fight.
Back to the begining
3 of us went water sking one Saturday
And after a day of play we stopped a car wash to spray the boat down.
Dude in a really nice custom van pulled into the stall next to ours and deposited his money in the machine, it spit out maybe a gallon of water then turned off
He was cussing the machine. So me and my big mouth decided I would join him in cussing the machine. He took offense to me. And slapped me upside the head with the water nozzle and the hose
This PI$$d me off and I was triggered
I reached into the boat and grabbed the oar then in a huge show of wtfd ??? Came over me. In contempt, I told the guy that did not need to ambush I am going to stomp his A——“rat na” oppsy! Oppsy!!
I should have kept the oar!! This sob beat me like a drum!!! Bite my ear off and spit it at me. I left like I had just found out I won the Lotto.
Self observation
I wish that all of our battles through life are won but in reality we win as many as we lose . With each loss comes a Deep sense of humble self understanding
Guess taking a pain pill is way cheaper since most use insurance Medicare Medicaid. I sure cant afford the costs with eatables. Or anything that takes months to start working. With one Oxicodone in 30 minutes you fell better.
that's probably some really bad advice....those type of pills are very addictive , just like the xanax I used to use

You can grow your own. I use mostly indica for my anxiety and insomnia issues. I am pretty sure that would work for pain also. I still have some prescription gummies left they have 21 mg of THC in them negligable CBD. It's the THC that works best. I tried CBD gummies before and they did help me sleep better a little bit but not that much, no affect on anxiety.

The plants are really easy to grow, just plant water and maybe occasionally fertilize them. Gummies are easy to make also. Look it up online
that's probably some really bad advice....those type of pills are very addictive , just like the xanax I used to use

You can grow your own. I use mostly indica for my anxiety and insomnia issues. I am pretty sure that would work for pain also. I still have some prescription gummies left they have 21 mg of THC in them negligable CBD. It's the THC that works best. I tried CBD gummies before and they did help me sleep better a little bit but not that much, no affect on anxiety.

The plants are really easy to grow, just plant water and maybe occasionally fertilize them. Gummies are easy to make also. Look it up online
Whats your fix. File disability because you wont take a prescription medication . instead just smoke pot and not work because of drug testing in most companies
Whats your fix. File disability because you wont take a prescription medication . instead just smoke pot and not work because of drug testing in most companies
Great another just take what big pharma gives you. to each there own. Who do you think sponsored the drug testing program, the big Pharma pushers.
@Frodo , I wonder if you are familiar with how wheat and other foods are inflammatory. There are foods that cause us pain when we eat them. I have a cousin who has had rheumatoid arthritis for many years. She was on medication for her RA. One of her doctors recommended that she go on the Mediterranean diet. I am not familiar with it. She told me she is on the diet and has been off meds since being on it. Not at all about MJ, but it may be something that could relieve pain for you.
Diet and exposure to chemicals can play a huge roll in body management, time travel would really help in the case of a lot of testosterone/ "fun" driven injuries, Although other peoples lack of driving skill can account for a lot of my neck/back problems, whiplash just keeps on giving
Well my buddy dropped if 7 or 10 grams and so have been checking theses bad boys out
Pluto. And granddaddy purple
From my obersvation
Pluto is smooth, energetic, clear headed
GrandDaddty is the exact opossite
Keeps you up, you want to lay on the couch and watch old western shows
Nice buzz

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