Dogs ...all about dogs only

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The best dogs I ever coexisted with were wolves, and a genius Heinz named Queenie.
She was the only dog I ever heard of that committed suicide! She got old and was going blind, so one evening she came into the house, something she NEVER did, and made it a point to visit everybody for a minute, and then she left. the next day we found her in the middle of Highway 27. She avoided the road like the plague ever since her brother got thumped chasing a deer.
Why did they shoot him????
During a storm a Tree came down on our fence and he got loose, he had free run of the backyard and a dog door for full access- were completely surrounded by woods, but he's considered a scary looking dog by some and close to 90lbs. There's a good number of strays in the area. He was gone for 5 days- we told our immediate neighbors when he got out, and one of our neighbors is who spotted him almost a week later let us come on their property to pick him up. he had become somewhat estranged to to us and nearly bit my wife when approached- the main wound was badly infected and smelled horrible. Looked like .22 to the back of the leg whole thing was bruised purple- bullet likely lodged in his pelvis cause he was not able to walk home. He had some other superficial puncture wounds which I thought might have been teeth from either strays or coyotes. We didn't let him suffer long.

The best dog I ever had. He was thrown away as a barely weaned puppy and found by a neighbor.
We gave him 18 good years until he let us know it was time. That was several years ago and I still weep.
He was my PTSD buddy. He could sense when the war was coming over me and he would come to me and initiate physical contact redirecting my mind.
We had a bond unlike any other dog had in my lifetime.
I don’t know how Heaven works, but I hope he’s there to greet me.

Another great girl.
My wife got a call from one of the shelter workers begging her to look at a dog who was going to be put down that very day for being “un-adoptable”.
We agreed to take her, there were no fees or paperwork. She obviously had been badly traumatized, and by a male. She was ok with the wife, but absolutely terrified of me.
I earned her trust a little at a time. It was six months before I could even touch her, a year before she would let me touch her with both hands.
But I’m a patient man who understands trauma too. We became bonded.
We gave her over ten years, great years, before her body gave out.
She would actually sing to me when I came home from work. Not bark, not whine, but sing!!

I miss her terribly, and here in my phone I have pictures of her last day on earth. I look at them often, and reminisce.
I will not post those, they are very personal to me.
This is my current sheppard Sam when he was a pup, about 3 months. He went through growth spurts but not his whole body, only parts. His head would get big or his body. In this one his legs out grew his body... He looked so funny. I'd throw a ball just to watch him run on his stilts. 🤣

Sam c 09sep20  (7).JPG
Love of my life since 2019 -- My Dane Girl

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Look at those LIPS!!!!! 😱😱
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Pound pups.
The best breed is Rescued.
I agree.
During a storm a Tree came down on our fence and he got loose, he had free run of the backyard and a dog door for full access- were completely surrounded by woods, but he's considered a scary looking dog by some and close to 90lbs. There's a good number of strays in the area. He was gone for 5 days- we told our immediate neighbors when he got out, and one of our neighbors is who spotted him almost a week later let us come on their property to pick him up. he had become somewhat estranged to to us and nearly bit my wife when approached- the main wound was badly infected and smelled horrible. Looked like .22 to the back of the leg whole thing was bruised purple- bullet likely lodged in his pelvis cause he was not able to walk home. He had some other superficial puncture wounds which I thought might have been teeth from either strays or coyotes. We didn't let him suffer long.
That is terrible. Poor dog. I would have been very angry.
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The best dog I ever had. He was thrown away as a barely weaned puppy and found by a neighbor.
We gave him 18 good years until he let us know it was time. That was several years ago and I still weep.
He was my PTSD buddy. He could sense when the war was coming over me and he would come to me and initiate physical contact redirecting my mind.
We had a bond unlike any other dog had in my lifetime.
I don’t know how Heaven works, but I hope he’s there to greet me.
He will be there to greet you. ♥️
That was my sweet Sofia ..she unfortunately lived until 2 years 😢
She had a stomach torsion.. I called the vet I was working for it was a Sunday
afternoon brought her to the vet Clinic but
it was too late it had to be euthanasia
God I cried so much sweet little Sofia 😭
It really did break my heart ....I brought her body back home and did bury her

I was thinking about her today
She is on my kitchen wall
RIP My Sweet Sofia.jpg
That was my sweet Sofia ..she unfortunately lived until 2 years 😢
She had a stomach torsion.. I called the vet I was working for it was a Sunday
afternoon brought her to the vet Clinic but
it was too late it had to be euthanasia
God I cried so much sweet little Sofia 😭
It really did break my heart ....I brought her body back home and did bury her

I was thinking about her today
She is on my kitchen wall
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I know your heartache!! Just know that THEY know how much you LOVE them!! And as I always would be worse if YOU went first! WE can understand the heartbreak, THEY can't!!
I know your heartache!! Just know that THEY know how much you LOVE them!! And as I always would be worse if YOU went first! WE can understand the heartbreak, THEY can't!!
The thing is I had a Great Dane in the past that had a stomach torsion at 3 years old
and the vet said we will do the surgery right now...and the vet did save my girl

She was a blue Dane and she did live until 10 years old with no problem
...that is old for a Dane ..she passed fast in a morning on the couch cardiac arrest
I was with her at least
She had a great life ..It hurt so much when we lost an animal/friend
The thing is I had a Great Dane in the past that had a stomach torsion at 3 years old
and the vet said we will do the surgery right now...and the vet did save my girl

She was a blue Dane and she did live until 10 years old with no problem
...that is old for a Dane ..she passed fast in a morning on the couch cardiac arrest
I was with her at least
She had a great life ..It hurt so much when we lost an animal/friend
They all hurt!! They are our ANGELS here for a short time!!♥️
The last two we adopted were heartworm positive, our county shelter provides all medication for free, and when they test heartworm free the adoption fee is waived.
That is awesome that you live in a county that does that! I wish more did. Right now we have 4 dogs. One was a Granny rescue. We took on my MIL's last rescue dog. She went in and said bring me the ones who are scheduled to be put down. She had 2 to choose from. Maggie Moo has a left eye that is totally blind. No idea why,
I adopted this working dog. Her heart worms were so bad no vet would touch her, afraid the arsenic would kill her. I used natural methods to healed her. Took 6 months but she was heartworm free. I had her another 7 years, the most amazing dog I ever owned. Off the charts smart and the fiercest heart of any beast I’ve been around. Look at her eyes in this pic. Intense doesn't begin to describe her.

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I adopted this working dog. Her heart worms were so bad no vet would touch her, afraid the arsenic would kill her. I used natural methods to healed her. Took 6 months but she was heartworm free. I had her another 7 years, the most amazing dog I ever owned. Off the charts smart and the fiercest heart of any beast I’ve been around. Look at her eyes in this pic. Intense doesn't begin to describe her.

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I am so very happy you got to adopt this beautiful girl. With your love and care, you gave this girl so many more years than she would have had without you. She had a good life because of you! My heart breaks for you right now.
Every now & then your "little one's" will shock you. I was shocked a couple of days ago when my wife told me what was going on. I try to take a nap 3 or 4 times a week. Since we have gotten our new family member (now a 6 month old dachshund) that hasn't been going well. We "thought" that our older male would come in with me & then get up & leave our door open & our new girl (Myshia) would come in & bark & wake me up. Nope! My wife watched one day & Myshia barks at the door & the older male gets up, opens the door for her & then he goes back to bed. Myshia can't get on to our bed so she barks & I end up getting up. Who knew he even liked her much less would open the door for her?
My female pup Luna, likes to go to her crate whenever she wants to be alone. My male pup Chess, occasionally lays right in front of the door to her crate, barks very loud, calling her to come out and play. When she ignores him, he walks halfway into the crate, barks at her, then gently paws her head to induce her to come out. It's hysterical. Sadly, Luna rarely responds to him when he does this!