Doomsday Prepper Forum

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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It seems to me that there are so many shades of prepping. Yes, it can be a matter of stockpiling - but it's also a matter of skills and knowledge. Some people are about stockpiling, some are about skills, but most are probably somewhere on the spectrum that's a blend of the two.

I've seen survivalism defined as surviving without any stuff, while prepping is surviving with stuff. I dunno. Seems to me both the knowledge and the stuff would be good.

And homesteading.... what homesteader doesn't "stockpile" away the harvest of their garden? Or have extra cans of fuel to run machinery or gas-powered tools? Seems like homesteading is the lifestyle of preparedness.

Different words have different connotations, but they're all intertwined.
And while I'm at it...

"Doomsday." Never cared for the word.
BUT - how many of us have never had a personal doomsday? A job loss at the worst possible time? Cancer or some other illness in the family? A tornado, flood, or fire...? Those are all personal or regional doomsdays or SHTF situations.

So I say - embrace the name! Heck yeah, prep for doomsday! Because in doing so, a whole lot of other situations will be covered (or at least helped).
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What is the difference between prepping and homesteading ?
Homesteaders have more land.
So, what happen at the PS forum? Was it combined with this forum? Did it collapse?
PS was sold and the admin was fired. The members didn’t get along with the new admin. Phideaux asked Swing to help us out and she graciously agreed. PS was a very active site and it is now a ghost town. Anyone that joined in Dec ’17 was almost certainly from PS. A few were accidentally left behind and found us later. A couple stayed behind but one or two posters can’t keep the energy up.

Prepared Society was prepper focused but with many homesteaders. We are not a lot different than our new members. They have homesteaders in their bunch.

I saw an interview of a guy that was the focus of one episode of “Doomsday Preppers” on TV. He said that he knew that they were going to make him look like a weirdo extremest but it was worth it to him for the advertising it provided to his business. In that interview he presented himself as a reasonable and intelligent person, nothing like they portrayed him in the show. I think the show benefitted all of us. It was popular. It brought an awareness of the concept to many people. Anyone that believes what they see on reality TV probably wouldn’t do well as a prepper anyway.
well, I just went and registered "over there", but the software didn't like my name, so I had to use my Plan B name - Big Al (that was my nickname in Nam).
I can't do much there because I haven't been registered long enough yet, I guess.

Oh, and my wife and I just have a farm with livestock, and put food into storage, but we are not homesteaders or preppers. Just living the way we were taught by parents who survived the Great Depression and World War Two.
Well I read a number of pages on the above subject and all I can say is, I have a bottle of 100 proof whiskey that will take the edge off of some of my 81 year old confused mind, seems to me that there could be, by permission threads like Politics, Religion and Firearms. Thinking about that allowed me to put the 100 proof back in the box.
Thanks Caribou, for letting me know what happened at Prepared Society.
I have been a member there since 2011, but when I retired in 2016 I kinda lost track of it, and when I went back a few years later the place was dead.

"All the animals on the FARM are Equal, some animals are more EQUAL than Others".

And so, it is the same with Preppers. All preppers are EQUAL, some preppers are more EQUAL than Others.

A very few are terrifyingly more EQUAL the Others.
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Thanks Caribou, for letting me know what happened at Prepared Society.
I have been a member there since 2011, but when I retired in 2016 I kinda lost track of it, and when I went back a few years later the place was dead.
Sometimes , it's a financial decision. I don't know if that is what happened, BUT "Carbon Media" / "VerticalScope" kinda does that to forums, I know it happened to PS and From a forum I used to moderate/admin:

Who can I contact with questions or complaints?

You can contact our Moderators and Administrators by starting a conversation. You are required to be logged in to do so. Optionally, you can contact a Carbon Media administrator on our Contact Us page, or by phone or email at:

Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group)
30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921
Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA
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I’m not a prepper.
I’m not a survivalist.
I’m not a homesteader.

I’m just a gal trying to live a slow and deliberate life. So to that end, I can (from my garden, my brother’s garden or an Amish farm up by the cabin), I garden in raised beds and containers. I like cooking and baking from scratch. I like to knit and sew, so I started weaving for cloth and processing sheep fleece for spinning then knitting.

It’s made me more self reliant and that ain’t a bad thing.
I am likely the only person on both forums who actually HOMESTEADED under the Federal Homestead Act of 1862.
There is a National Historical Homesteading Park in Nebraska. We visited it last year. The visitor center had computers where you could look up names of everyone in the US that received a homestead parcel under the Homestead Act. Some of our photos are below.


I came here as an online refugee about four years ago.

The place I came from (SB) wasn't dying....but it was going through phases of deviation from it's nameplate subject matter......and that process continues to this day.

The person who invited a few of us here, was a member and mod at both sites.....and she saw that a small group of us were at risk of being lost from the world of preparedness forums completely, if we didn't have some where to fall back upon.

Based upon that history, I have always been careful to ensure that I did not demand of this site, that it be anything more or less than what it was before I arrived. I have always considered my membership/participation here to be a privilege granted by others.

The members coming over from the Doomsday Preppers community should accept (as a starting point) that their forum was dying and nonviable.......and that getting to come here to this forum is a privilege. If they bring that attitude, then they will ensure they don't cause this forum to go down the drain too.

If they don't think they can do that........then perhaps they should find another prepping/survivalism site to talk about those things.......but that being a successful plan, assumes that their attitudes and manners were not what killed the forum they are coming from.
Thanks Caribou, for letting me know what happened at Prepared Society.
I have been a member there since 2011, but when I retired in 2016 I kinda lost track of it, and when I went back a few years later the place was dead.
We made an extreme effort to make everyone aware where the family moved to. Some, like you, were missed. Every time an old PS member finds their way here it is worthy of celebration. I’m very happy you found your way home.
I grew up farming with parents and both sets of grandparents, several uncles, and neighbors. My grandparents lived thru the depression. They spoke of the hard times often, and always had animals and grew veggies to put up. I learned a lot from all that and although I got away from it for a few years during a rough patch in my life, I went back to the land as best I could. We don't have a farm now, just chickens and lots of fruits and veggies and a few nuts. We process as much as we can.
Spent time in the scouts too and lots of time in the backwoods since then. Plenty of learning from that as well. I'm not there yet, but working toward being able to live life as if it were the 1800's again. Work contiues
So, what happen at the PS forum? Was it combined with this forum? Did it collapse?
A big media company bought it and it seemed to just come off the rails, Cariboo was a mod there maybe he can explain it better. quite a few came here. there was a fair bit of discusion on PS about country living Some how I missed all of the more thorough and consice reply's between the one I replied to and posting this.
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My food preps are all stuff that I bought. During a disaster I simply would not have fresh (I don't live on a farm) or frozen food (assuming electricity for the freezer is gone). It would all be canned or dried. And none of it would be canned or dried by me personally (maybe some jerky, but that's about it). Home canned can be better than commercially canned - in taste and nutrition. But it's still vastly inferior in taste to fresh or frozen IMHO. Canning is a way to make something last longer. It's not a way make it better. Del Monte, Libby, Kuners and several other brands do all the canning for me.

I am not apologetic that I don't have home canned preps and buy my stuff instead. Simply because I don't can them myself and don't trust others to do it, outside of commercial establishments. Just like I will shoot reloads that I have reloaded myself, but I won't shoot ammo reloaded by others (unless I know them, their knowledge, their competence, and their demeanor well).
I'll shoot ammo reloaded by ammo manufacturers, IF I HAVE TO. But not ammo handloaded by others no matter who they are. I've been reloading since 1971 and I know what can go wrong.
Prepping is acquiring the stuff that you'd need to make it to a homestead after the SHTF.
Ok, but not exactly. I am a prepper, but I am also a homesteader in many ways. I was actually working full time and had to pass the baton to my Hunny when I went to work full time. He did not do well last. Right now I'm still comfortable to let this season go. I have built up many years worth of food. It may or may not out live me. I do have plans in the future, just not right now. Hunny is getting older and I am having health issues.
What is the difference between prepping and homesteading ?

🤔 ...'Bout 100 yrs.. ;)

Point being: 75-100 yrs ago, likely Most people ('Muricans, and Otherwise..) were 'Homesteaders' (or, had, perhaps within no more than One Generation, moved to a City from one..) Thus, I think it was mostly 'City Life' / the 'Machine of this System of Things' (Industrial Revo, Mech Revo, Tech Revo, Internet Revo, etc) that necessitated the 'Birth' of a Need for "Prepping". (I mean, ie: "Stuffed Pantries" / spare parts, etc on Homesteads before 'City Life' set in, wasn't "prepping" - it was just Standard Practice..)

Ergo: Most to All Food only bought in Markets / Stores (and, later, Online, etc) vs being Grown / 'Husbanded' by each Fam, themselves, and - Horrible Ideas - like 'JIT', etc, further spawned the 'Need' for people to become "Preppers" (at least to those with Insightful, Forethinking Minds / memories of painful History lessons... or, a least a good Knowledge / grasp of it, ie: Grandparent's Stories, etc...)

..and, Now - more than Ever - with SO few (relatively speaking) able to be even Remotely close to Anything like 'Self-sufficient' (and, of course, Not talking 'specializations', like Heart surgery / MRIs, etc) the 'Need to be Prepped' / Know what to Do when the 'Cavalry ain't Comin', is never more urgent / relevant.

And That is, of course, Best Done on a 'Homestead' - and as Far Away from 'Cities' as Possible. 👍 We still pine for Our Pines, but... :rolleyes: 'Prepped to the Gills' / Mobile to Get all there / Battle-planned-Up as best we Can, meantime.

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...Optionally, you can contact a Carbon Media administrator on our Contact Us page, or by phone or email at:

Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group)
30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921
Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA
Don't even get me on the
about CMG (Carbon Media Group)!
I have watched with my own 2 eyes as they bought out, and took over, wonderful thriving communities, and then destroyed themgaah:mad:.
Their Michigan office is only their U.S. facade office.
If you pull back the curtain, you will see that they are actually a Canadian company that hates our freedom.
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I'll shoot ammo reloaded by ammo manufacturers, IF I HAVE TO. But not ammo handloaded by others no matter who they are. I've been reloading since 1971 and I know what can go wrong.
I have two friends that are competent reloaders. However, when shooting with one of them, I had my 1911 and my SAA clone revolver sitting on the bench. He asked what caliber the SAA was. I said ".45, go ahead and shoot it if you want". I found him struggling to try and load it ... with .45auto, ignoring the box of .45colt next to that. True, I probably should not have had firearms and boxes of ammo of those two calibers both out on my bench at the same time, but it never occurred to me that someone might be confused by this. (FWIW, that day I found out that .45auto will slide into the back of a .45colt cylinder just fine, but it keeps on going. I had never actually tried that maneuver before.)

The other reloader friend had his Sig 9mm and a newly acquired Makarov sitting next to each other. After shooting he handing me a case and said "I've never seen one that looked like this before!" There was a nice bulge in the fired case at the base. Uhm, yeah. I had never tried this maneuver before either, but even though I don't remember the details of what he did, you would expect something like that if you fired a 9mm NATO in a Makarov. I'm surprised that the thing would have gone into battery enough to actually fire, but evidently it did. Putting a 9mm Mak into a 9mm NATO chamber might fire as well, but I'm not about to try it to find out what the result would be. So I don't exactly known what he did to get that bulge at the base, but I'm assuming he put the x19 in the x18 chamber, and being a not exactly high end firearm, the Makarov actually fired the thing.

I don't shoot their reloads, nor do I even shoot their guns - unless I have loaded them myself. .22LR guns being the exception. I'll shot that caliber out of their guns if they loaded them - kind of hard to get that one wrong.

[edit] p.s. - I should clarify, that the first friend I was talking about with the .45 incident I will shoot his reloads. Rifle ones. He is excellent at that. And he's taught me much of what I know about reloading. It's his pistol ones that I would avoid (not that he's given me any that I can recall). I know the .45 incident was just an embarrassing brain fart. He knows the difference. But his pistol reloads are done on one of those super Dillon presses that do 27 different operations from one handle pull. I just don't trust those Dillon reloads from anybody. Dillon is good gear, but I'm just wary about so many things going on at once and the potential to overlook something. I wouldn't use one of those multi-operation presses myself, so I just avoid all ammo loaded on one of them, by anybody. An irrational fear, I know, but it's my fear and I'm sticking with it! Maybe some day I will learn enough about Dillon to get over my fear and use their stuff. [/edit]
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Ok, but not exactly. I am a prepper, but I am also a homesteader in many ways. I was actually working full time and had to pass the baton to my Hunny when I went to work full time. He did not do well last. Right now I'm still comfortable to let this season go. I have built up many years worth of food. It may or may not out live me. I do have plans in the future, just not right now. Hunny is getting older and I am having health issues.

Yes. There are "preppers", there are "homesteaders", and there are "prepping homesteaders". You're in this third category so my description doesn't really fit you very well.

I hope you get the health and aging issues sorted out. That's a problem for all of us here I think. Some worse than others though.
Yes. There are "preppers", there are "homesteaders", and there are "prepping homesteaders". You're in this third category so my description doesn't really fit you very well.

I hope you get the health and aging issues sorted out. That's a problem for all of us here I think. Some worse than others though.
Mine is treatable, just not cureable right now.
Don't even get me on the
about CMG (Carbon Media Group)!
I have watched with my own 2 eyes as they bought up, and took over, wonderful thriving communities, and then destroyed themgaah:mad:.
Their Michigan office is only their U.S. facade office.
If you pull back the curtain, you will see that they are actually a Canadian company that hates our freedom.
I know. Further comments would all be redacted. Been through that REDACTED.

You can possibly peel back further with the "name change" : VerticleScope
You are likely better than I am at the corporate skullduggery. :)
I'm curious what your user name was at PS?
Same as it is here, but without spaces, their software didn't allow that.

I'm that way on most forums, except Military Firearms - that guy stole my name.
On history and veteran forums I'm Big Al.
I've been a member on since it started, became a moderator, and after Vertical Scope bought it a decade ago, an administrator.
The "home office" leaves us alone, if contact is needed I have to initiate it.
PF is a pretty laid back place, y'all ought to give it a look.
If a mod says it's OK, I'll post a link.
You can possibly peel back further with the "name change" : VerticleScope
You are likely better than I am at the corporate skullduggery. :)
That would get me on the soapbox and people would be staring at a page-long rant :mad:.
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