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The Shaman of suburbia.
HCL Supporter
Dec 13, 2017
Look behind you in that dark corner.
I have a friend living in England, he has some kind of respiratory distress and is coughing up chunks of bloody phlegm and green snot, the doctors told him to go home and die,
they don't have time to mess with him, as you know England regulates the hell out of herbal remedies and even vitamins, does anyone have any ideas?

Here is the problem with single payer medicine. Here you just go ask another doc till you find someone that will try. The green stuff sounds like an infection. Does he have a diagnosis?
I have a friend living in England, he has some kind of respiratory distress and is coughing up chunks of bloody phlegm and green snot, the doctors told him to go home and die,
they don't have time to mess with him, as you know England regulates the hell out of herbal remedies and even vitamins, does anyone have any ideas?

Saline flushes (netty pot). I do about a 1/4 tsp salt in about 1/3-1/2 c. water. Wait until luke warm and flush sinuses. This is safe even if he wasn't sick. There is obviously an infection, but I'm not a Dr. so can't say much other than avoid sugars and take vitamins to help his immune system.
Most likely has pneumonia.
Hopefully bloody phlegm is just from irritation of the airways from coughing so much. Agree with the neti pot
Can also use strong mint to help.
Over the counter mucinex, also nasocort - that is over the counter.
But he really needs antibiotics, especially if he has fevers. The above stuff will help with the bronchitis part , Which goes along with pneumonia, And is just an inflammation of the airways
Can he go to the Pet Store and get fish antibiotics? I think they usually have amoxycillin, but it would be some antibiotic. My wife had similar symptoms and it ended up being a cyst in her lung.
Cut up a lemon in a pot with water, bring it to a gentle simmer....then drape a towel over his head over the pot to breath in the vapor. The steam should help him breath easier and the vitamin c should help the infection. That along with everything else suggested should go a long way. Just be careful of steam burn, do that a few times a day.
Antibiotics are only used on bacterial infections. For viral infections you have other choices.
Where in England (big country) nearest big city and can he get deliveries? Hard to advise when we can't research what he might obtain by their version of OTC home delivery.
Me, I would be doing
liquid Echniacea
NyQuil liquid for the quieting effects
I justdid a low level check and all of the above are OTC in London.
Purple cone flower, commonly grown in flower gardens, echinacea is made from extract of the flower and other parts, we have found it to be excellent for respritory problems, also goldenseal, both have done wonders for really bad bronchitis problems I've gone through over the years.
My wife last fall went thru a sever problem which was acerbated by being in the hospital and having eight doctors trying things. She survived and some of the stuff they did saved her life.
unfortunately she came home with a serious throat and mouth infection that the doctors refused to check or prescribe for . It was a result of or concurrent with her other problems and treatment. Anyway we finally got a Osteopathic doctor to check things out and he helped but it was still a major problem with coughing up bloody chunks and almost unable to eat.
Ended up taking vitamins, Echinacea, and the final kicker was Black Walnut tincture. The throat infection started as thrush and then progressed to a fungus overgrowth.
With covid going around we had several doctors that would not even get close enough to look down her throat. With the Black walnut tincture her symptoms cleared up in five days.
She took a dropper full of the Black Walnut tinture in a small glass of pure grape juice. twice a day.
I hope your friend gets better.
There's a storm coming.
(EDIT: sorry I didn't see this sooner, last couple days were hectic around here)
If he is having sinus and throat problems, gunk and snot, I suggest a sinus flush. And, for the first flush and then once or twice a day until it improves add on cap full of peroxide into the sinus rinse. The peroxide will attack whatever infection there is in his sinus and the back of his throat. I used that when I got covid and it eased up the industrial strength thick and nasty snot within hours of the first use of peroxide. Then use the regular saline flush as often as needed to try and keep the gunk flowing out. I was flushing once an hour just to be able to breath and get some rest/sleep. When I woke up stuffed up and having trouble getting airflow I would flush it out and go back to bed.
There is a good chance the blood is from the sinuses and just draining down the back of the throat. Sinus flush will help sooth the irritation from the snot and moisten the sinuses to help them heal.
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Garlic is a natural antibiotic (and antiviral). Your friend cannot go to the Dr. like we can here to get prescption antibiotics, garlic is a great alternative!! Hopefully it's not controlled there. Supplements or the real thing can be taken!
Garlic oil and Oil Of Oregano. If he can't get them in gelcaps, or even a bottle for cooking purposes he can eat both of them fresh and both will offer some natural antibiotic type proberties.
the doctors told him to go home and die ... does anyone have any ideas?
The first thing I'd do is go to a different doctor. Just because one is incompetent or uncaring does not mean that they all are.

I find it difficult to believe that there is not a little more to this story than we have heard. I can't believe any physician would write off a patient with the symptoms described as a lost cause and refuse to treat them, telling them to just go home and die. Especially given that the patient is now reported to be responding to pretty simple self-care. The UK is a civilized country of intelligent people, more or less. I'm sure jokes will be made about that statement, but the level of care being described is not even up to third world standards.
The first thing I'd do is go to a different doctor. Just because one is incompetent or uncaring does not mean that they all are.

I find it difficult to believe that there is not a little more to this story than we have heard. I can't believe any physician would write off a patient with the symptoms described as a lost cause and refuse to treat them, telling them to just go home and die. Especially given that the patient is now reported to be responding to pretty simple self-care. The UK is a civilized country of intelligent people, more or less. I'm sure jokes will be made about that statement, but the level of care being described is not even up to third world standards.
You don't choose your doctor in the UK.
My wife last fall went thru a sever problem which was acerbated by being in the hospital and having eight doctors trying things. She survived and some of the stuff they did saved her life.
unfortunately she came home with a serious throat and mouth infection that the doctors refused to check or prescribe for . It was a result of or concurrent with her other problems and treatment. Anyway we finally got a Osteopathic doctor to check things out and he helped but it was still a major problem with coughing up bloody chunks and almost unable to eat.
Ended up taking vitamins, Echinacea, and the final kicker was Black Walnut tincture. The throat infection started as thrush and then progressed to a fungus overgrowth.
With covid going around we had several doctors that would not even get close enough to look down her throat. With the Black walnut tincture her symptoms cleared up in five days.
She took a dropper full of the Black Walnut tinture in a small glass of pure grape juice. twice a day.
I hope your friend gets better.
There's a storm coming.

Fresh garlic, fresh ginger and honey in some roasted dandelion root tea will knock fungal growth in the body on its butt! I did this for Candida overgrowth last year. Worked very well. Now I take Kyolic 102 daily to keep it in check. I still keep the dandelion tea in my cabinet with dried garlic and ginger.
Glad to hear he's doing better! Here' one my grandmother swore by:
Cut 1 apple, 1 onion. Don't peal - use in entirety, Put in a pot with 2 cups of water. Bring to boil let it go about 15 minutes. Strain and drink 3x's a day.​
If I remember right she'd 1/2 it if we were little, but used 3 onions and 3 apples a day on this, and it really would make you feel better!
You can't get second opinions either. If the Dr says your fine no other Dr is allowed to say otherwise according to a lady I worked with who moved here from London.
I looks like you have to register with a doctor. If you ask that doctor to approve a second opinion, they may or may not. If they don't, you can change doctors by registering with a different one. That sounds like a hassle.

I guess I should have been aware of how bad England had gotten, but I wasn't. I knew their dental care had gone to %^&*! just by looking at pictures of their teeth, but didn't think their medical care had followed suit.
