Game Bird Flushing Bar

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Awesome Friend
Apr 15, 2022

Farmers Are Urged To Use Flushing Bar

Use a flushing bar while mowing. It saves millions of dollars worth of wildlife. It is important that the flushing device be used the first thirty to fifty yards around edges of fields where a majority of game birds nest. It is even better to leave the outside row of grain or hay standing to provide hiding and feeding places for wildlife after the fields are mowed.

All farmers are urged to construct one of these game savers. Write the Game Commission at Harrisburg, for further details.

Farmers, by using a flushing bar while harvesting hay or grain, will save millions of dollars worth of wildlife in a course of a year, in the opinion of the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

The flushing bar is easily constructed and can be readily attached to the mower or binder tongue. It consists of nothing more than a good solid pole about 10 to 12 feet long, upon which is hung a series of chains about 12 inches apart. These chains flush any nesting bird in their path, thus enabling them to escape before they are cut to pieces by the cruel knives. Farmers now using this device make a practice, when the nesting bird is flushed, to jump the knives of the mower over a patch of grass around the nest. In this way it will remain protected and the bird will return and hatch her young.

It is important that the flushing device be used the first 30 to 50 yards around the fields, where a majority of the game birds nest. It is even better to leave the outside swath of hay or grain standing to provide hiding and feeding places for wildlife after the fields are mowed.

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