Garden 2024!

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I have lemon balm, yarrow and solomon’s seal on my porch in pots, doing great. Almost let my lemon balm die in the cups from the nursery. Didn’t have the energy to pot them for more than a week. Looks like they are no worse for the experience. I'm going to make some shingles medicine this year. Lemon balm mixed with Self heal will force the virus into remission.

I have lemon balm, yarrow and solomon’s seal on my porch in pots, doing great. Almost let my lemon balm die in the cups from the nursery. Didn’t have the energy to pot them for more than a week. Looks like they are no worse for the experience. I'm going to make some shingles medicine this year. Lemon balm mixed with Self heal will force the virus into remission.

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Do you do many of your herbs in pots like that?
I know you do a lot of wild plants. Guess I never much thought to you planting in pots as well.

Medicines from wild plants are better than from domesticated plants, in my experience. That said, it’s simpler to grow a few plants in pots, like lemon balm. Also, I don’t have the energy for a container garden so only keep a few in pots. Wild plants require nothing, just throw seed on the ground and walk away.


Got the garden plowed today, little wet but plowed fine. Have 4 half rows of sweetcorn coming along nicely, up about 4 inches. My peppers and basil are doing well. I only have 3 sprouts of sugar cane, was hoping for more but oh well. It was a last minute unplanned experiment anyway.

The elderberry bushes are loaded with blooms, a friend will harvest them for medicine. I still have a couple quarts of tincture, don’t need anymore.

The figs have some fruit. Everyone around is in the same boat as me. The late freeze last year killed most of my fig trees but some of them have leaves and fruit. They are sprouting new trees like crazy underneath. I’ll cut all the old stock down this fall. Might have a regular harvest next year.

Topped off a raised bed and put in seeds for this years salad. Radishes, butternut lettuce, yellow beans, green beans, Nevada lettuce, and carrots.

The onions I planted from seed have started to sprout.

2.5 raised beds left to prep.

@LadyLocust, please be careful with your beautiful japanese honeysuckle - they're terribly invasive. I cringe to say anything because I don't want to rain on your happiness..... but, well, we're struggling to save several acres from japanese honeysuckle. We have bush honeysuckle and vining (japanese) honeysuckle - both will take over an ecosystem, but the vining honeysuckle is harder to eliminate.
So it seems kinder to mention a warning rather than keeping silent. :huggs:
1st harvest of the year. Wife pulled a few mulberry, just a touch early. And the storms knocked a bunch off.
I got out looking around the beds and decided to pull some green onions for supper.
Squirrels always get my mulberry. I get to eat the few they drop. Same with my plums. It's too early for my mulberry especially in Tennessee.
I have lemon balm, yarrow and solomon’s seal on my porch in pots, doing great. Almost let my lemon balm die in the cups from the nursery. Didn’t have the energy to pot them for more than a week. Looks like they are no worse for the experience. I'm going to make some shingles medicine this year. Lemon balm mixed with Self heal will force the virus into remission.

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Nice growing!!

My lemon balm is huge now, with some others following close behind! They are all in pots in the greenhouse. A couple of years ago though I created herb beds around some of my fruit trees. These herbs are perennials and I have to say they are doing very well! Sage is doing the best and of course the different mints are too. We got unusually cold this past winter and I did lose my Thyme and one other.
(Squirrel is very tasty! It was the first animal I shot, skinned and cooked myself.
As a small girl my Dad taught me to fully prepare (😃) rabbit and squirrel! Much needed skills! My lovely cats are keeping the squirrels out of my peach tree this year!!
We drove over the mountain today to the nursery I like. I am not quite giving up on the older honeysuckle but I did get a new one and will probably put it in a pot just in case.
@joel this is the one I got (both times) only as it fades, it gets a very slight hue of pink in it. It is beautiful and the hummers love it of course.
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ETA also picked up some other plants that I will hopefully get planted tomorrow.
this is a hybrid of the wild variety, I fought for many years in the wood lot on the farm. It can be controlled with a weed edging of about eight inches.
Maybe a little maintenances in the Fall.
Squirrel is very tasty! It was the first animal I shot, skinned and cooked myself.
As a small girl my Dad taught me to fully prepare (😃) rabbit and squirrel! Much needed skills! My lovely cats are keeping the squirrels out of my peach tree this year!!
For me it was building a rabbit box & catching, cleaning & frying the rabbit. We hunted squirrel, but mother cooked them. Chicken & hogs too, but rabbit was the first wild animal that I processed. Later quail & Doves, fishes like brim, cat fish, trout, bass, even a few carp.
I have fallen in love with 4 o'clocks. Bff gave me some last year, they bloomed, seeded, and popped up showing off this year. I bought seeds, I want ALL the colors... lol.. (Isn't that how gardening works??)

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I have 4 o’clocks all along the front of my house. I love them, too.
Just remember, you can eat the squirrel.
I have a helper that keeps all I catch and gives them to a family that loves them. I think he said they didn't have squirrels in their country and they consider them a delicacy. I have a few that run around my pool railing all day long. Guess I need to get out the cage.
I have caught a couple cats though.
Disclaimer.. I am the definition of thumb... as far as growing plants goes... However I have invented and built a number of compact tractor size tilling, planting, harvesting implements.. I follow the small tractor forums that are quite busy now with landscaping, tilling, planting equipment posts, questions, trouble shooting and the like..
I have lemon balm, yarrow and solomon’s seal on my porch in pots, doing great. Almost let my lemon balm die in the cups from the nursery. Didn’t have the energy to pot them for more than a week. Looks like they are no worse for the experience. I'm going to make some shingles medicine this year. Lemon balm mixed with Self heal will force the virus into remission.

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I have lemon balm and boy does it spread. I didn't contain mine in pots and it is everywhere
I have lemon balm and boy does it spread. I didn't contain mine in pots and it is everywhere

I have the same problem with another mint, catnip. Mints are known for being aggressive. I'm pretty careful with which mints i'll allow near the house. Catnip was in pots but got away from me.
Hickory trees are like walnut trees. The have juglone poison.
True, but Hickory have a tight network of small tough roots that will choke most thing out.
But Mirabilis jalapa, the marvel of Peru or four o'clock flower has a large potato like tuber just like the Poke plant that will push though root, rock
& poor dry soil.