Getting weird around here

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Walk with God, You will never be lost
HCL Supporter
Dec 19, 2017
right here right now maybe later over there
Ok, so I know a guy, we have never seen eye to eye. I can’t help it, He is just one of those people that trigger the hair on the back of my neck. I learned many many years ago to trust your inner self. So we have know each other fo 8 years but are like 2 dogs meeting in the street, we growl, snap, and keep a watchful eye

Weird part, dude tells me he had a Rex 26-188 sewing machine and I come pick it up, free, he volunteered to help load it

This is a ethical and moral dilemma
Is an olive branch being offered or am I about to get screwed over?
The old me would have kicked his ass and drug the machine behind the truck
The new me, older, wiser, says to bury the hatchet while the dude on my shoulder says bury it in his head

I need to consult with the greatest philosopher of the 20th century, Festis
Ok, so I know a guy...
... dude tells me he had a Rex 26-188 sewing machine and I come pick it up, free, he volunteered to help load it
Is an olive branch being offered or am I about to get screwed over?

..Know anyone - whom you can 'Trust with Your Life' - to come-with / nest out in the shadows as an 'Angel Overwatch'? 🤔 ..ya know:



..Just a thought.. ;)
If it works properly and all is in order, consider it an olive branch. If it turns out to be a bust then he used you to get rid of his junk, and nothing has changed. Keep an open mind.
Trust and respect...
You have very little trust for him, but how much respect of him as a man?
If it is a mess will you respect him more or less? After you make it worthwhile will your respect or trust change?
All relationships must have a foundation. Trust and respect is a good place to start.
Take him an offering of your own: homemade garden goods, a small leather item - something, whatever you deem viable.
Let him know you are not in the habit of accepting things for free from nonfamily members.
Be kind but cautious with your words & I do like the above suggestion of taking a friend.
Mag - I don't know whether to laugh or be shocked. You crack me up.
I'm serious. the world is full of lunatics and is getting worse.
Go and collect it, take a witness.
If it works great, if it doesn't you won't be left wondering for long. But- what does he want in return? Maybe take something in exchange.
Keep and open mind.
Bring a friend to help load and to witness the exchange.
Enjoy the gift.
In the future, you might offer him a small token for the sewing machine.
Maybe something you made on the machine.
Just a thought.
My 2 cents.
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