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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
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be sure and get the heavy duty darning material. i done a few socks years ago with what i had on had in middle of winter and it didnt last as long.then i recall finding out theres darning yarn.

this is my limited experience others chime in on and correct my ignorance.

i am sure the socks sourdough will fix are heavy duty high end type socks.some of the good socks are close to $20 a pair now last time i bought some.
I have never darned socks or worn them. If they have a hole they get tossed like @Pearl.
I knew a guy in the Navy that wore a new pair of sock every day. On payday he would buy 15 pair of sock and toss out a pair after one use. Socks were cheap from the ships store but everyone thought he was nuts. Each to his own I guess.
I’ve only ever used an egg that belonged to my grandmother, but tho mushrooms look pretty handy with a larger, flat surface.
but tho mushrooms look pretty handy with a larger, flat surface.
And it looks like there is a grove for a rubber band or small elastic rope.
there have been just a few times i darned socks, here is my not so expert advice and lessons learned

1-- get 100 pairs of socks to put away so you dont ever have to darn
2-make sure to get good darning needles and thread-yarn
3-watch a couple videos on how to do the stitches
4-buy some more socks to put away
5-you can use a light bulb, darning egg, end of coffee cup (emptied preferable), the bottom of a plastic soda bottle or similar, whatever you are most comfortable with using and have available.
6-say a prayer and stitch away
7-buy some more socks

i guess i was a lousy darner, and that was back when i had good eyes when i loved sewing , quilting and weaving stuff. the spots i tried to fix rubbed against my foot in time and never felt right.
i agree it is a smart thing to learn to do.
but it doesnt hurt to buy more socks just in case.
5-you can use a light bulb, darning egg, end of coffee cup (emptied preferable), the bottom of a plastic soda bottle or similar, whatever you are most comfortable with using and have available.

I have a nice aluminum "WACKER" (Baseball Bat) One end for small holes the other for big holes.
Which seems to work better for you.....???

Must come from (pick one)

These are the 2 I have: