Herbal blends for aches, pain, maybe arthritis

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Dec 20, 2017
My left hand has been bothering me for a while now, I think from the type of work I have been doing, overextending what I can lift or grab. Mowing the yard didn't help. Found a bag of sealed herbs, hasn't expired yet, that I bought for this kind of stuff. We aren't all situated to be able to go out and harvest herbs, tree parts, etc. so I buy stuff instead.
This is a blend of white oak bark, comfrey root (yes it is), black walnut leaf, gravel root (I used to grow this), marshmallow root, mullein leaf (very easy to grow), skullcap herb, wormwood herb (I used to grow this too), and lobelia herb. I have used it before on various injuries, not broken skin, pain, and unexplained aches.
Going to give myself a little break while I soak my hand and I'll get back to ya on how well this works. In previous times relief was immediate after soaking my foot for 20 minutes or so in a tea of the cut herb blend mentioned above.
Have you mentioned that herb before? Doesn't it grow in Alaska? Never mind, I read, rainforests of PNW.
My pain isn't just in the joint, it is in that whole "ham hock" fleshy area of the thumb, into the palm.
I'm not seeing what the other ingredients in it are...What else is in it? @Caribou
Devils Club is a plant that is quite prolific in S.E. Alaska, where I grew up. If you ever see it you'll know how it got its name. The stalk is covered with enough 2" to 3" spines to make a cactus jealous. After the first encounter you will be careful where you grab for support.

I don't know what the commercial stuff is made from but anything that has a low melting point would work well, like petroleum jelly or coconut oil. I gave a friend of mine a large jar of coconut oil for her devils club salve. I've never had skin problems with it. Mom has used it with no problems. It also says that it is for eczema. I've never tried it for soft tissue pain, that I can remember, but I'd give its shot. Then again, I already have it on the shelf so it doesn't cost me anything to try. I use the double strength from Amazon.

Yes, I have mentioned it before, and probably will again.
I go with Solomon's Seal for over worked tendons, ligaments, even pulled muscles, works wonders. Then add poke or turmeric, both good anti inflammatorys. Poke can't be beat for arthritis. You can get all 3 from a good herb shop. Actually, if i had to purchase, i'd get poke and ss.
I'm wondering which herbs can safely be mixed with DMSO, I know red pepper breaks out a few people but it's murder on a sore back!

Where can a guy buy a block of camphor these days?
Hurts today. Getting ready to soak it again. @Peanut i don’t think I’ve ever seen poke root or tincture in a store. No arnica or castor in the house. Not driving into the big city until next week.
Checking online…thanks to everyone with other suggestions and experience. It helps!!
Someone posted about dmso couple years ago… I have absolutely no need of it’s medical benefit, never looked into it. I have trusted plants here that are superior.

Today, I did a little reading since it’s come up again. Now I’m down right leery of it. I found dmso on the Pubmed data base (link below). Within the document I found were links to still other medical research around the world. These pages seemed to indicate… because of it’s ability to pass through human tissue. It’s used in mRNA research, some type of carrier or vehicle. Stuff over my head.

I have no need of it and after today I’m not the least bit temped to try it either. Thought i'd post what i found though.

These are excepts from pubmed, much more understandable.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide is a highly polar organic liquid that is used widely as a chemical solvent and a free radical scavenger....

...Because of its ability to penetrate biological membranes, it is used as a vehicle for topical application of pharmaceuticals. It is also used to protect cells and tissue during cryopreservation and has been used to treat extravasation damage caused by anthracycline-based chemotherapy...

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a key dipolar aprotic solvent.... .... DMSO is also employed as a rinsing agent in the electronics industry and, in its deuterated form (DMSO-d6), is a useful solvent in NMR due to its ability to dissolve a wide range of chemical compounds and its minimal interference with the sample signals. In cryobiology DMSO has been used as a cryoprotectant and is still an important constituent of cryoprotectant vitrification mixtures used to preserve organs, tissues, and cell suspensions.

Timothy Leary mixed DMSO and LSD in water guns and turned on the 1968 Democratic convention.

And NOW we know the rest of the story!

Please don't go doing this or painting doorknobs or car handles with it, it's illegal, dangerous and just mean and nobody is responsible for you doing goofy stuff you saw on the internet but you!
Timothy Leary is dead.

Someone posted about dmso couple years ago… I have absolutely no need of it’s medical benefit, never looked into it. I have trusted plants here that are superior.

Today, I did a little reading since it’s come up again. Now I’m down right leery of it. I found dmso on the Pubmed data base (link below). Within the document I found were links to still other medical research around the world. These pages seemed to indicate… because of it’s ability to pass through human tissue. It’s used in mRNA research, some type of carrier or vehicle. Stuff over my head.

I have no need of it and after today I’m not the least bit temped to try it either. Thought i'd post what i found though.

These are excepts from pubmed, much more understandable.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide is a highly polar organic liquid that is used widely as a chemical solvent and a free radical scavenger....

...Because of its ability to penetrate biological membranes, it is used as a vehicle for topical application of pharmaceuticals. It is also used to protect cells and tissue during cryopreservation and has been used to treat extravasation damage caused by anthracycline-based chemotherapy...

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a key dipolar aprotic solvent.... .... DMSO is also employed as a rinsing agent in the electronics industry and, in its deuterated form (DMSO-d6), is a useful solvent in NMR due to its ability to dissolve a wide range of chemical compounds and its minimal interference with the sample signals. In cryobiology DMSO has been used as a cryoprotectant and is still an important constituent of cryoprotectant vitrification mixtures used to preserve organs, tissues, and cell suspensions.

I used pure DMSO in a project I had when working in the physics labs at Pitt. It has unique optical properties that allowed it to be used a liquid optical waveguide similar to fiber optics.

The material safety data sheet indicated that it was not in itself dangerous but due to its ability to facilitate other chemicals to pass through the skin it should be used with caution. If it got on the skin and then exposed to acetone.... bad mojo.

I believe DMSO is used in nicotine patches to allow the nicotine to penetrate the skin. There are warnings on nicotine patches about handling and disposing of same.

So be careful with DMSO.

I did get a drop of DMSO on my wrist above my rubber gloves. It produced a salty after taste that reminded me of something similar but not suitable for mixed company and forum rules.:rolleyes:

The more i read about dmso... and there are literally hundreds of articles and research papers on it, very serious scientific studies by reputable people... national institure of health, cleveland clinic, the mayo, et al.

Dmso is not something i'd want in my body... under any circumstance! It makes changes to our bodies at a micro mRNA level.

It's not like folks don't have a choice... They do, there are are literally dozens of plants growing wild that work for arthritis, or pain etc. all the uses listed for dmso. These plants have have been used 100's of years without side effects... and most importantly, don't make changes to our cell structure at a molecular level.

The other part that bugs me... dmso does occur naturally, in a few plants that are considered medicinal. These plants aren't in anyone's top 100, or 500 list of useful medicinals. If dmso were useful these plants would be well known, they are not!

This article was interesting, written a little better than the dozens of research papers like it.

DMSO induces drastic changes in human cellular processes and epigenetic landscape in vitro

Though clinical trials for medical applications of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) reported toxicity in the 1960s, later, the FDA classified DMSO in the safest solvent category. DMSO became widely used in many biomedical fields and biological effects were overlooked. Meanwhile, biomedical science has evolved towards sensitive high-throughput techniques and new research areas, including epigenomics and microRNAs. Considering its wide use, especially for cryopreservation and in vitro assays, we evaluated biological effect of DMSO using these technological innovations. We exposed 3D cardiac and hepatic microtissues to medium with or without 0.1% DMSO and analyzed the transcriptome, proteome and DNA methylation profiles. In both tissue types, transcriptome analysis detected >2000 differentially expressed genes affecting similar biological processes, thereby indicating consistent cross-organ actions of DMSO. Furthermore, microRNA analysis revealed large-scale deregulations of cardiac microRNAs and smaller, though still massive, effects in hepatic microtissues. Genome-wide methylation patterns also revealed tissue-specificity. While hepatic microtissues demonstrated non-significant changes, findings from cardiac microtissues suggested disruption of DNA methylation mechanisms leading to genome-wide changes. The extreme changes in microRNAs and alterations in the epigenetic landscape indicate that DMSO is not inert. Its use should be reconsidered, especially for cryopreservation of embryos and oocytes, since it may impact embryonic development.

The more i read about dmso... and there are literally hundreds of articles and research papers on it, very serious scientific studies by reputable people... national institure of health, cleveland clinic, the mayo, et al.

Dmso is not something i'd want in my body... under any circumstance! It makes changes to our bodies at a micro mRNA level.

It's not like folks don't have a choice... They do, there are are literally dozens of plants growing wild that work for arthritis, or pain etc. all the uses listed for dmso. These plants have have been used 100's of years without side effects... and most importantly, don't make changes to our cell structure at a molecular level.

The other part that bugs me... dmso does occur naturally, in a few plants that are considered medicinal. These plants aren't in anyone's top 100, or 500 list of useful medicinals. If dmso were useful these plants would be well known, they are not!

This article was interesting, written a little better than the dozens of research papers like it.

DMSO induces drastic changes in human cellular processes and epigenetic landscape in vitro

Though clinical trials for medical applications of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) reported toxicity in the 1960s, later, the FDA classified DMSO in the safest solvent category. DMSO became widely used in many biomedical fields and biological effects were overlooked. Meanwhile, biomedical science has evolved towards sensitive high-throughput techniques and new research areas, including epigenomics and microRNAs. Considering its wide use, especially for cryopreservation and in vitro assays, we evaluated biological effect of DMSO using these technological innovations. We exposed 3D cardiac and hepatic microtissues to medium with or without 0.1% DMSO and analyzed the transcriptome, proteome and DNA methylation profiles. In both tissue types, transcriptome analysis detected >2000 differentially expressed genes affecting similar biological processes, thereby indicating consistent cross-organ actions of DMSO. Furthermore, microRNA analysis revealed large-scale deregulations of cardiac microRNAs and smaller, though still massive, effects in hepatic microtissues. Genome-wide methylation patterns also revealed tissue-specificity. While hepatic microtissues demonstrated non-significant changes, findings from cardiac microtissues suggested disruption of DNA methylation mechanisms leading to genome-wide changes. The extreme changes in microRNAs and alterations in the epigenetic landscape indicate that DMSO is not inert. Its use should be reconsidered, especially for cryopreservation of embryos and oocytes, since it may impact embryonic development.

I think it's addicting!🤔☹️
@Peanut thank you for your research and @lilmissy i never heard of using borax for such things. Research on that didn’t sound safe for me. Have you used it? If yes, in what way?
@Magus there will be Timothy Learying around here, sonny boy!
👵 If we had a cane emoji ….

I bought some borax back in May. I intend to try it, very limited in a methodical test. Been waiting for my health to stabilize... except I keep wrecking myself by going to play music. Maybe this winter...
Have you mentioned that herb before? Doesn't it grow in Alaska? Never mind, I read, rainforests of PNW.
My pain isn't just in the joint, it is in that whole "ham hock" fleshy area of the thumb, into the palm.
I'm not seeing what the other ingredients in it are...What else is in it? @Caribou
I'm late to the party, but alas. . . .
Something my chiropractor showed me: from your wrist, feel with your thumb up your forearm until you feel the tight spot. When you hit it, your eyes might water a little 😉 Just hold your thumb with pressure on it until that zing subsides. If it's bruised, it's another story, but you'd be surprised how often this works.
I'm late to the party, but alas. . . .
Something my chiropractor showed me: from your wrist, feel with your thumb up your forearm until you feel the tight spot. When you hit it, your eyes might water a little 😉 Just hold your thumb with pressure on it until that zing subsides. If it's bruised, it's another story, but you'd be surprised how often this works.
Where is this spot??🤔😅 on my wrist?
@Peanut thank you for your research and @lilmissy i never heard of using borax for such things. Research on that didn’t sound safe for me. Have you used it? If yes, in what way?
@Magus there will be Timothy Learying around here, sonny boy!
👵 If we had a cane emoji ….
I too have it and havent used it yet. This is one website that is my go to
https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/borax.htmlthere are lots of others, you have to remember who is giving you the information that pops up when looking up anything.
Where is this spot??🤔😅 on my wrist?

I too have it and havent used it yet. This is one website that is my go to
https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/borax.htmlthere are lots of others, you have to remember who is giving you the information that pops up when looking up anything.
Start at your wrist and work up your forearm with your thumb. When you find it, it will zing. I know it sounds crazy 😜 but he said it’s like a muscle memory that’s gone awry so stays contracted.

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