I started a youtube channel about my homestead and the things I do.

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Awesome Friend
Oct 20, 2020
On some scarred slope of battered hill
Well, maybe its insanity, maybe it's depression, maybe I just got bored....But I'm making an attempt at starting a youtube channel.
It's going to be about.....all the stuff I do. So expect building, cooking, fighting, survivalism, adventures and mostly just trying to make the homestead work. Not every video will be interesting to everyone, or maybe no one.....we will see where this goes....but it will all be about homesteading type stuff, the nuts and bolts of what I do everyday to keep everything working.

First two videos are up. One of them is about improving a Coleman minibike to be more useable. The other one is about making smoked briskit confit, a medieval meat preservation technique. There will be a lot more hopefully, and longer more expansive subject, but I'm starting small and still learning how to edit, etc.

And no, you do not have to endure my voice. These are 'ASMR' style video's, more 'Show, don't tell' style. I don't have the personality for, or even like the kind of video's where someone is just standing infront a green screen preaching at you

Well, maybe its insanity, maybe it's depression, maybe I just got bored....But I'm making an attempt at starting a youtube channel.
It's going to be about.....all the stuff I do. So expect building, cooking, fighting, survivalism, adventures and mostly just trying to make the homestead work. Not every video will be interesting to everyone, or maybe no one.....we will see where this goes....but it will all be about homesteading type stuff, the nuts and bolts of what I do everyday to keep everything working.

First two videos are up. One of them is about improving a Coleman minibike to be more useable. The other one is about making smoked briskit confit, a medieval meat preservation technique. There will be a lot more hopefully, and longer more expansive subject, but I'm starting small and still learning how to edit, etc.

And no, you do not have to endure my voice. These are 'ASMR' style video's, more 'Show, don't tell' style. I don't have the personality for, or even like the kind of video's where someone is just standing infront a green screen preaching at you

Hey A. Do you have a link to your channel? I can't watch them here but can add them to my watch list. I tried pulling it up by name but it's not showing up.
Is it a private channel or public?
Well, maybe its insanity, maybe it's depression, maybe I just got bored....But I'm making an attempt at starting a youtube channel.
It's going to be about.....all the stuff I do. So expect building, cooking, fighting, survivalism, adventures and mostly just trying to make the homestead work. Not every video will be interesting to everyone, or maybe no one.....we will see where this goes....but it will all be about homesteading type stuff, the nuts and bolts of what I do everyday to keep everything working.

First two videos are up. One of them is about improving a Coleman minibike to be more useable. The other one is about making smoked briskit confit, a medieval meat preservation technique. There will be a lot more hopefully, and longer more expansive subject, but I'm starting small and still learning how to edit, etc.

And no, you do not have to endure my voice. These are 'ASMR' style video's, more 'Show, don't tell' style. I don't have the personality for, or even like the kind of video's where someone is just standing infront a green screen preaching at you


I went to subscribe only to find I was already subscribed.

Already a sub ('TSMA' :cool: ) from the previous channel.. Looking forward.. 👍

Please be sure and post up (unless, of course, too much 'OPSEC-leak' ;) the 'Falchion water-jug decapitation'.. Loved it! :cool:

I'm working on a whole video of medieval weaponry. Maybe I will bump that up to the next one in line.
Fun fact, I've been killing gallon milk jugs with swords since I was a kid.

When I was a kid, I thought it was hilarious to refer to the handle of the jug as......'The Jugular Vein' and I used to challenge myself to cut it first, without touching the rest of the jug.
Fun fact, I've been killing gallon milk jugs with swords since I was a kid.

Lmao! Yeah, I just May have a few 'prisoners in a holding cell awaiting their Day in Court'...

(..at the 1000 yd range, that is.. 😈:)

..And another ~60x Outside, already filled with 'Extra-Extra e-Water', awaiting their 'trials'.. ;)

Love the 'jugular vein', tho.. :coo: I swear we Must, somehow, be 'long lost cousins' or something, we'd've Properly terrorized our 'hoods if we had grown up together, Lmao!

Good luck on your YouTube channel. Those mods on that Coleman are definitely needed and the current design has kept my from buying one, particularly the handlebar. What’s the depth of snow that you can traverse with that? 2-4 inches?
Good luck on your YouTube channel. Those mods on that Coleman are definitely needed and the current design has kept my from buying one, particularly the handlebar. What’s the depth of snow that you can traverse with that? 2-4 inches?

At some point I will write up a long term review on the coleman mini-bike, its a fascinating.....platform....almost totally useless for anything as it is.....but easily and cheaply made much better. Its kind of a paradox. I love the thing and use it daily....but it also seems like for a long time, it broke everytime I looked at it.

As for snow, I can't really tell you. We have gotten almost no snow this year. It does just fine 4" as modified. I don't know the upper limit because 4" is the most we have had so far. Without studs, you will instantly wreck in 1/2" of snow.
Have you considered other platforms?

Not yet. I've barely even gotten started. I might give up next week. This is just an experiment.

But like what? I've never heard of anything with even fraction of youtubes user base.
..But like what?..

Considered Patreon? 🤔 A lot of 'conservative' (read: Non-insane / 'woke', etc) content-creators moved over there a few years back, when the censorship was Out of control.. No, nothing has the "user base" of YT, but.. OTOH, if they're Blocking / shadow banning a good portion of those you'd be Interested in sharing with, from Seeing your channel / content in Searches, well.. Seems to me it's a 'Quality over Quantity' evaluation at that point.. 🤔

..Besides, you can Always 'plug yer Patron channel On YT'...Patreon does, Lol! https://www.youtube.com/c/patreon 😄

Other data points, Fwiw: https://contentdetector.ai/articles/patreon-user-statistics#:~:text=Key Statistics,18.39% growth since September 2020 & https://backlinko.com/patreon-users


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Not yet. I've barely even gotten started. I might give up next week. This is just an experiment.

But like what? I've never heard of anything with even fraction of youtubes user base.
Rumble and Brighteon are growing, because creators are giving them a chance. Nothing says you only need to do one.
Considered Patreon? 🤔 A lot of 'conservative' (read: Non-insane / 'woke', etc) content-creators moved over there a few years back, when the censorship was Out of control.. No, nothing has the "user base" of YT, but.. OTOH, if they're Blocking / shadow banning a good portion of those you'd be Interested in sharing with, from Seeing your channel / content in Searches, well.. Seems to me it's a 'Quality over Quantity' evaluation at that point.. 🤔

..Besides, you can Always 'plug yer Patron channel On YT'...Patreon does, Lol! https://www.youtube.com/c/patreon 😄

Other data points, Fwiw: https://contentdetector.ai/articles/patreon-user-statistics#:~:text=Key Statistics,18.39% growth since September 2020 & https://backlinko.com/patreon-users



Patreon is Google, I learned that the hard way. If I wanted someone to track my every keystroke I’d stick with YouTube, and not have to pay for it.
Just want to wish you good luck. I didn't have much luck trying to film / video and do the work. Really need more than one set of hands or I did anyway.
Just want to wish you good luck. I didn't have much luck trying to film / video and do the work. Really need more than one set of hands or I did anyway.

It does make everything at least twice as hard and take twice as long.

On the plus side, I do find I'm working a little more thoughtfully for the camera and spending a little more time thinking before I just jump into something.
So something I am trying to figure out is if I should make more "slice of life" "Adventure" or "DYI style video's.

As in, videos that are just me doing 'normal' things about my place, videos specifically about doing 'a thing' like, camping out in the woods overnight or exploring someplace....or videos specifically about how to make something?

I might just do all those things and alternate styles.....but its just something I'm still trying to figure out. Its such early days I don't even really know what it is I want to do.
...videos specifically about doing 'a thing' like ....specifically about how to make something?


I know my Youngest Son will (also..) be Very-keen to tune into Anything 'from the Armory'.... (ie: His latest scratchbuild, a 'Bookmark'...

:cool: ..and, you may remember his 'Framing Nail Desk-Skewer'...

:cool: Yep, we'll all be there with Popcorn and Leather Gloves / Aprons.. :)

So something I am trying to figure out is if I should make more "slice of life" "Adventure" or "DYI style video's.

As in, videos that are just me doing 'normal' things about my place, videos specifically about doing 'a thing' like, camping out in the woods overnight or exploring someplace....or videos specifically about how to make something?

I might just do all those things and alternate styles.....but its just something I'm still trying to figure out. Its such early days I don't even really know what it is I want to do.
I would be more likely to watch a video that tell me what I can learn. Not reality TV.

I would be more likely to watch a video that tell me what I can learn. Not reality TV.


And see, I find most DYI exclusive vids, incredibly annoying, because I just want to read the instructions, not watch or even worse, listen to someone prattle on about something that could be explained in a couple pages of text. I end up just skipping through the vids trying to find the relevant parts.

Personally, I watch a lot of 'Reality' youtube videos......about people doing things I find interesting, and sometimes I may learn something, but mostly its just watching a person do something. Actually learning I want to do from a page.
Most of my you tubing is either learning something or idiot box crap that lets my brain run free. Then again there's the history stuff I really enjoy. Learning how things were done 100's & 1,000's of years ago. That's actually where most of my better ideas come from. Combining new tech with old or ancient tech. The Roman's and prehistoric people were very clever.
Most of my you tubing is either learning something or idiot box crap that lets my brain run free. Then again there's the history stuff I really enjoy. Learning how things were done 100's & 1,000's of years ago. That's actually where most of my better ideas come from. Combining new tech with old or ancient tech. The Roman's and prehistoric people were very clever.
Same. I guess I should say that I like learning things, which I view as separate from DYI, where I just want a list of steps without all the filler.
Your greenhouse is looking good! Feels good to get things cleaned up huh?
It does. I always kind of enjoy how it goes from dead, to clean with little green plants, to a fecund jungle, back to dead each year.
I saw your greenhouse one today. What temp range do you get in there? Do you prefer those grow bags to inground growing...do the plants do as well? Notice you took the motorcycle to get there, so it's not close to your home?
Temps at night are usually only a couple degrees warmer than outside. The biggest temp changes are when its really cold, -20 outside it will still be in the teens inside.

Its mostly for the summer, where it may be 50 at night either way, but 50 outside during the day and 80 in the greenhouse.

Container gardening is a must, my property is on an enormous pile of glacial gravel. Its very hard to grow anything in ground. I find grow bags hold up the best, pottery shatters in the winter, and plastic gets brittle and cracks in the sunlight after a couple years, wood rots.