Let's talk Supplements

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Does anybody else blow up when they are low on Testosterone or Estrogen? I swear I hold water like a sponge, but the minute I level out I have to go to the head once an hour! its nuts!
I take all sorts of supplement/vitamins from a b-12 complex all the way to zinc because the wife or others I trust says they are good for me. The only two that I have hard evidence that works for me is Osteo Bi-Flex for joint health and chaga tea to keep my cholesterol and blood pressure in perfect shape.
Just a note for melatonin. Sometimes I take the 3 mg berry flavored tab that dissolves in your mouth. Sometimes I just have too much stuff going on in my head to feel tired at night so I take these only when I feel the need. Usually about 30 minutes later, I'm ready for bed. They make me dream like crazy! I also don't feel groggy when I wake up so that's a bonus. One thing I learned though is that if I take 5mg or even 10mg, they don't work for me. Someone told me (or I heard somewhere) that you have to start at the lowest dose and work up from there to see which one works for you b/c a higher dosage doesn't necessarily mean it will work better. I found that to be true for me.
Just a note for melatonin. Sometimes I take the 3 mg berry flavored tab that dissolves in your mouth. Sometimes I just have too much stuff going on in my head to feel tired at night so I take these only when I feel the need. Usually about 30 minutes later, I'm ready for bed. They make me dream like crazy! I also don't feel groggy when I wake up so that's a bonus. One thing I learned though is that if I take 5mg or even 10mg, they don't work for me. Someone told me (or I heard somewhere) that you have to start at the lowest dose and work up from there to see which one works for you b/c a higher dosage doesn't necessarily mean it will work better. I found that to be true for me.
It takes 5Mg a day to protect you from the actions of covid. I use a 5Mg time release melatonin that works well for me. The 5Mg immediate release doesn't help me sleep. At the time my doctor informed me I was taking 3Mg and he immediately told me to take two. Covid kill by causing a cytokine reaction and melatonin 5 to 6Mg daily prevents that reaction from occurring.
I used to take about five supplements before I changed my diet last January. I don't want to sound like an annoying broken record, but flipping the mantra upside from low fat and high carb to high fat and low carb was truly a godsend.

The immediate benefits were better sleep, much less noticeable inflammation (I thought those aches from shoulder, hip and back were "just getting old"), more energy and leveling mood. And my blood test markers went from trouble brewing in fatty liver, high triglycerides, and high blood glucose. In three months those markers all returned to normal! Incredible. Food is more powerful than medicine! " shhh! Don't let big pharma hear that? "

Sorry for the repetition. Keep hoping at least one person is ready for the message?

Nowadays I still take three supplements : Apple cider vinegar, magnesium glycinate, and vitamin D3.

ACV: because I'm not a spring chicken anymore and with age stomach acidity declines. And there's a myriad of other positive benefits. I'm lucky enough to live close to fruit land where Fairchild brand is fresh and available.

Magnesium glycinate. The cheaper stuff can cause loose stool. Without the twice daily supplement, I get gnarly muscle cramps lifting weights, yoga stretches, or during sleep. Also noticeable quality of sleep improvement with it.

Vitamin D3. Because I am dark complected? I went years suffering from seasonal affected disorder, despite my propensity of mostly being outdoors. Discovered a cheap and easy vitamin d3 keeps the dark clouds away!

No longer need: multivitamin, fish oil, or zinc supplements...
Whats a typical day or two menu look like for you?
I take a Centrum senior multivitamin daily. I don't know if it helps but it doesn't hurt.
I get them free from my UHC insurance plan.
As long as the vitamin tables are not so compressed that they won't break down in the intestinal tract they may help, on the other hand My dad knew a guy that worked in a sewage treatment plant that told my dad that he had seen huge piles of multivitamins in the treatment plants that hadn't broken down. A number of years ago I told my doctor that I was taking magnesium tablets and he told me that was a good thing to do because magnesium helps reduce muscle cramps and that heart attacks are basically a muscle cramp. I do know that magnesium has greatly reduced getting leg cramps, especially when I stretch my legs while still in bed, I've really had extremely bad cramps when I haven't taken magnesium before going to bed.
I take D3-K2 spray for cold & flu.
I eat liver for everything else.
Whats a typical day or two menu look like for you?
Morning: Acv in glass of water, black coffee. About 9-10 am, if needed (usually is) a bulletproof coffee.

Noon: Acv in glass of water, coleslaw with acv, or "riced" cauliflower with butter and garlic and at least 1/2 lb of meat or eggs and bacon with slice of cheese. Handful of almonds and walnuts.

6pm: Acv in glass of water. Cup of whole fat plain yogurt with handful of strawberries, another 1/2 lb of meat. Small side of vegetables like a fresh cucumber and a tomato or little salad or green beans. Another handful of almonds or walnuts or peanuts.

I drink a lot of water, sun tea, and some almond milk during the day.

If I'm with friends or family and unwittingly have a cheat, no big deal. Because about twelve hours later of fasting I can resume "fat burn" mode and ketosis although I do suffer the return of inflammation to be sure in the next morning...
Oh. I use that when the recipe calls for it. I can't imagine drinking it though. Purported benefits be damned.
The ACV mentioned is with the mother, not the stuff you buy by the gallon at Costco.
The ACV mentioned is with the mother, not the stuff you buy by the gallon at Costco.

I don't understand the mother reference, but yeah, you probably have to buy a gallon or more at Costco. I just have a small bottle from the grocery. I usually only use a few tablespoons of the stuff when cooking.
I don't understand the mother reference, but yeah, you probably have to buy a gallon or more at Costco. I just have a small bottle from the grocery. I usually only use a few tablespoons of the stuff when cooking.
You can make ACV with apple pulp, sugar, and water. Either capture yeast from the air or add mother that you already have. The mother is living yeast that converts the apple juices to vinegar. This is similar to yogurt, sourdough, similar foods that are made with a living culture. Bragg is the most common ACV, with mother, that I run into. There is also an apple cider vinegar that is the equivalent of the white vinegar in stores. It is fine for cooking but imparts far fewer health benefits. The good stuff is really easy to make. I have described the process in two or three other threads here.
There is a whole book or two written on the benefits of Apple cider vinegar with the mother.

Ingesting it, diluted in a glass of water, or Acv cocktail is the most common. 12 oz glass of water with a cap ful of Acv added. A cap is about two teaspoons approximately? More or less?

It's also beneficial as a topical. Diluted in a 20 oz used squeeze bottle of dish soap with two tablespoons of Acv added to the water. It cures dry skin for farmers hands, cures dandruff and a whole lot of other benefits...

Not to be confused especially with white vinegar? That's more like paint thinner. If you're to ingest it, get the good and expensive stuff: apple cider vinegar, unprocessed and with the mother. Braggs is a good brand, but my favorite made locally is Fairchild...
I take vitamin D on occasion, and a high-dose Primrose oil capsule daily. Echinacea when required.
Before COVID I took turmeric, for inflammation etc, but hadn't noticed a difference. Years ago I found deer antler velvet good (back injury), but cannot source it now.
Would be interested if anyone has dealings with Devil's Claw? I once knew a very fit elderly lady who took it all her life.
I'm learning lots of new stuff from this thread. Thank you all!

One quick favor though? Could you all mention what you are using the supplements for? People use the same supplement for different reasons, so that's why I'm asking. Although, the vitamin D is pretty obvious, unless you are using it for something other than low sunlight.

Would be interested if anyone has dealings with Devil's Claw? I once knew a very fit elderly lady who took it all her life.
Interesting. I don't think I've ever heard of it before. I have a BIL that struggles with back pain so it would be great if this worked for that.
Oh. I use that when the recipe calls for it. I can't imagine drinking it though. Purported benefits be damned.
I can give you a healthy recipe that you might get down easier.
1 cup ACV
1 pint distilled water.
1/8th cup of melted honey mixed well.
1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast dissolved in water.

Mix well, and let cool. mix 1 cup in a highball glass of ice and water with a fat lemon wedge. it's kind of like bitter mead.
Several recipes. It's basically a sourdough variant. Her recipes need more vinegar to suit me, a LOT more.
I know it looks like a thread-jack, but it's not, it's just another way to get more nutrients into people who won't take them, like kids or that grandpa.

Has anyone ever added brewer's yeast to chicken soup?
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I can give you a healthy recipe that you might get down easier.
1 cup ACV
1 pint distilled water.
1/8th cup of melted honey mixed well.
1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast dissolved in water.

Mix well, and let cool. mix 1 cup in a highball glass of ice and water with a fat lemon wedge. it's kind of like bitter mead.
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There are a number of recipes for drinks with apple cider vinegar.. Mostly summer farm work kind of electrolyte, hydration replacers with names like Switchel, hay makers punch.. Then there is the whole Kombucha range of things.. I tried a couple of them, but did not find anything to think about trying the second time..

I was told by an old family doctor I saw at one time, that he made a very good living at times treating people for what he called ...supplement toxicity... So I've tried to keep anything over the counter to a minimum..
I've never been one to take many supplements b/c I thought eating a balanced diet would provide all the vitamins and nutrients that I would need. However, as I'm getting older with more aches and pains, I'm reconsidering that stance. I think our food supply has been manipulated to the point of containing very few of our needed nutrients. Pasturization has also stripped natural foods of their goodness. Eating food out of my own garden makes me feel good, but we have a limited growing season and I don't usually harvest enough to can. I'm also not blessed with a green thumb, but I'm getting better at it every year. Still, I feel there are things my body needs that I'm not getting enough of. I'll get this discussion started.....

I take 500mg of Magnesium occasionally. I take it if I have a headache as it usually seems to help. I also take it as a headache preventative on a Friday or Saturday night so I don't feel like crap the next day.:drink buddy: It also keeps the digestive system moving, so if I ever have a constipation problem, Mg is my solution. It works for me every time, especially if combined with coffee. I will also take it if I have eye twitches or heart palpatations. It really works well for me on that front since Mg helps with neuromuscular transmission. I don't bother with the really expensive brands. The cheap ones that typically go on a BOGO sale at the local box store work fine for me.

What do you take for supplements and why? Where do you buy them? Do they really make a difference for you?
I take a bunch for various reasons. I am suspicious that I have a very healthy toilet.
Sad but true, much of what we take ends up as high-dollar pee.
If you take a dose and your pee is yellow, cut back by 50%. pee
only turns yellow with an excess.
Sad but true, much of what we take ends up as high-dollar pee.
If you take a dose and your pee is yellow, cut back by 50%. pee
only turns yellow with an excess.
Had a doc tell me that all I was accomplishing was having very expensive pee. I asked him how expensive the pee was after taking his prescribed drugs.