Making hidden stashes.

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There's only a couple of problems with hiding valuables. First, if you care about what happens if you die or forget about your hiding spot or even if you are incapacitated in any'll have to let someone you trust know about them. You could also leave a list with your end of life paperwork if you didn't want your hiding spots revealed too early.

Second, is the threat of fire. I like the idea of glass jars with metal lids b/c that would have a better chance of surviving a fire but not so much in an earthquake. Still, in a major fire, that probably wouldn't suffice. I'd think that a better option would be to put valuables in a fire proof envelope or container and then hide them. Ha, I bought some fire proof envelopes a while ago but now I don't remember what I did with them. LOL!

When I go on vacation and have to leave our cash in the room, I use one of those book safes. I have also been known to stash cash in a container of tampons or something similar that I doubt a cleaning lady would bother with. One of those pringle can ideas would work well in that situation too. I don't trust room safes provided by the hotel, espeically in a different country, so I hide my stuff when on vacation.

I'm always amazed at stories that people tell when they move into an old home and remodel only to find stashes of goodies behind walls and such. Those folks back in the depression era knew that hiding valuables was a good idea. If you didn't want to make your own 'hiding in plain sight' safe, you can find lots of those fake looking safes on Amazon and Ebay.
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When a friend of mine died the family had to open every envelope and look in every book. They would hold a book by its covers, paged down, and shake it while $100 bills fell out. It was a lengthy but worthwhile chore.
I've moved my mom a couple of times. She hid cash everywhere. The move before last, when she asked me to get cash out for her, I'd just get bills $10 and under. She'd wrap up money in kleenex like a present, then in something else, like a grocery ad, then put it in something, like a pantyhose package.
I saw that heading and thought chocolate stashes...

I was all ready to read about these stashes, but found the recommendations and tips to be ... hidden.

Turn off your pop-up blockers for this site like the nice admins asked ya to.
I know what it is, I just thought the resulting display was funny given the title of the thread. :D Actually in my case it's not a pop-up blocker, it's a javascript blocker.

Specifically, blocking youtube javascript:

Well fix it Einstein. LOL
You're missing content! :p

I know how to manually and temporarily allow youtube stuff that I am interested in seeing. I normally leave places that track you blocked by default - youtube being one of those - and selectively and temporarily allow parts of them to run if it's something I really really want to see.

I just thought the juxtaposition of hidden content in a thread about how to hide stuff was funny, so I posted that. I guess it wasn't obvious what I was attempting to do. Such is life in online activities. You don't have the benefit of hearing voice inflections and seeing facial expressions to give you a hint that something might be intended as a joke.
Places that are good for a stash
Fire place mantal
Behind bathroom mirror
Behind medicine chest
Hole in floor under the fridge
Fake electrical outlets

Hidden room
In a house with a garage. There typically is a 4" curb/step in the garage. Approx 4' from the wall
Block this area in with concrete blocks
Cut a doorway into this area from inside the house. Use a book case to hide entrance.
You can also put things in a dresser or vanity under the bottom drawer. Just pull the drawer out and use that space. When you replace the drawer, you can't see what's under it. I would think that a bathroom drawer would be a good place since I doubt burglars are going to look too hard into a drawer holding TP, toothpaste, shampoo, or tampons. However, they do apparently look pretty heavily in the medicine cabinet. They'd be disappointed in mine unless they were looking for aspirin, deordorant, shave cream, rubbing alcohol, and gauze.
As has been said, there are many stories out there about people dying with hidden money that was never found, but later found at thrift stores or in thrift store purchases.

I know that relative to all the banks going under during the Great Depression, many people began keeping their money in canning jars. Some buried those jars in their yards. Stories when I grew up were told about this or that person dying and no one knew where they had buried the jar.
I converted a garage into a second bedroom, many moons ago. I built a wall about 4’ from the old garage door leaving a walk space at one end. I built my closet in front of that. With the clothes hanging the dark passage was almost invisible. I built a shelving unit in that space leaving a narrow walkway.
well thanks to the internet and giving away all the secret stash places there are none,
Do you honestly think I told you what my real stash is?
I built this house and you will never find it
And I ain't say'n
When I was a kid my granny used to keep her egg money in an old Folgers coffee can.. The kind with the turn key opener, like a Spam can.. With all the sharp edges on the can and lid...

I think somewhere here there is an old thread about ...Cache, Stash... To include 30, 50 caliber and 20mm ammo cans, 30 gallon plastic rolling garbage cans to small shipping containers.. If this can be found, it may be snippets of useful info to someone... Hint, hint, wink, wink....
One could just make "La Bomba" It has not been on the internet until now.
It looks just like a pipe bomb. make it out of steel 3" pipe and a couple of end caps. you can get a small pistol, (probably disassembled) a box of ammo, a knife, and some cash in one. maybe some fishing tackle. just line it with cardboard and drop in some oxygen absorbers or you'll regret it!

On a side note, all good smugglers know to bury their stash next to a metal water line or a junk pile.

A good hide-in-plain-sight stash is one of these, put it next to your chair or desk and drop in a 45-automatic and a Rambo knife, fill the pan with cigarette butts and ashes. NOBODY is going to empty it for you but an idiot or a clean freak. Mine fooled a lot of people over the years until this dingbat upended the tray into the tube.

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When a friend of mine died the family had to open every envelope and look in every book. They would hold a book by its covers, paged down, and shake it while $100 bills fell out. It was a lengthy but worthwhile chore.
Have done the same with books while registering and reshelving books in Little Free Libraries... Multiple times had donations of private book collections amounting from a couple boxes to one collection that was close to 4+ tons of books.. A number of times finding money in books.. Usually accompanied by a note that said something like.....
Dear Fill in the Blank.. I hope you find this book as interesting as I did.. Love Grandma.. One time with $200 in the book... It was obvious Fill in the Blank didn't bother to open, let alone read the book..

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