Nervous Dog with fireworks

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Dec 20, 2017
Only when the fireworks start does she act like this. I was really surprised it bothered her so badly this time. Lots of panting, tried to get on my bed (it's kind of high up) tried to get under a small table (too narrow), scratched at the door where one of the offspring was, followed me around. Right now she's acting like she is zonked out, sleeping hard. You can hear them in the neighborhood and further but not like it's right here.
It's like she's saying: "w*t*f are you guys going to do about this??!!! I can't rest!!!"
I've never given her anything for it. She's fine with thunderstorms.
So, what do you do when your dog gets upset over fireworks? I've never asked a veterinarian for meds for her and haven't been able to find any rescue remedy. I don't think she is bad enough off to take drugs.
Have you ever used benedryl for your dog?
I have but it was several years ago on a vets advice... I figured the adult dosage at 175lbs, figured the weight of the dog about 80lbs... basically half an adult dosage, a little less.

A small dog? good luck at breaking up the pills and figuring that math.
Had a beagle a while back that got carsick, so he got a benedryl before we went on a long drive. Seems to me it was a tablet for a 25lb beagle, but I would ask your vet to be sure.
We have given Benadryl to our dogs at the Vet's recommendation, but only for what we thought was a bee sting or spider bite. We were not sure, but his nose swelled up like a balloon. The dogs we have had who were spooked by fireworks we stayed close to try to comfort them. If we were going out we confined them either in a crate, or a room where they could not hurt anything or themselves.
Only when the fireworks start does she act like this. I was really surprised it bothered her so badly this time. Lots of panting, tried to get on my bed (it's kind of high up) tried to get under a small table (too narrow), scratched at the door where one of the offspring was, followed me around. Right now she's acting like she is zonked out, sleeping hard. You can hear them in the neighborhood and further but not like it's right here.
It's like she's saying: "w*t*f are you guys going to do about this??!!! I can't rest!!!"
I've never given her anything for it. She's fine with thunderstorms.
So, what do you do when your dog gets upset over fireworks? I've never asked a veterinarian for meds for her and haven't been able to find any rescue remedy. I don't think she is bad enough off to take drugs.
Have you ever used benedryl for your dog?
Benedryl makes our dog more nervous and shacky agitated. I find the best way is to not paay attention to the dog, it makes them think its something wrong. We just smile aand laugh and act like alls fine.
Tried acting "normal" too, and ignoring? She barked at us. Later, when it was quiet, she realized she needed to be busy so she started licking her feet. Then working on her bone. Hoping it will not get to her tonight.
Tried acting "normal" too, and ignoring? She barked at us. Later, when it was quiet, she realized she needed to be busy so she started licking her feet. Then working on her bone. Hoping it will not get to her tonight.
Our dogs over the tears will usually hide. but most have all been yard dogs, actually we never had a house dog,ever. But if one gets sick 'like this one now thats 12 has skin and back problems who stays inside.
Nothing a dog can't take, people go through wars, deaths and terrible illness and make it so we don' worry about a dog fears too much. And everyone thinks we are too good to our animals, hubby neice says she hopes when she dies she comes back as one of our animals.We love them but try not to spoil them too much.
Inside dognow trys to bit us if she is'bothered' so she gets muzzled nwo but she is in pain plus threat her skin
Tried acting "normal" too, and ignoring? She barked at us. Later, when it was quiet, she realized she needed to be busy so she started licking her feet. Then working on her bone. Hoping it will not get to her tonight.

My two Mals are really hyper about fireworks. I usually close the house up and turn on the AC whether needed or not, and when you start hearing the fireworks turn up the volume on the TV or radio a little more than you normally would.

This seems to work for my two knuckleheads. We had one go off last night and they both jumped up and started growling and barking. Turned up the TV and they laid down and chilled out.

Sometimes my older one will come and give me that "look", I say OK, and up on my lap he comes, lol.
The older my dogs get, the more sound sensitive they become. One of them cowers and shakes if she hears a loud noise now, and I'm quite certain she has never been through any trauma related to loud noises. We just attribute it to old age.

I do what Curmudgeon does. We close up the house and turn on the fan and/or AC (if needed) and have the radio or TV on to distract her from the booms. If we are camping we do this in the camper and also put the dogs in their crates during the night. During the day (when camping) they are usually on our laps or very close to our chairs.
Well I'm sure all dogs will survive the 4th:) and live to see another one,hopefully.
Our dogs live very long lives even their lifelong vet ask what we do and our Alice was a large dog and she died right before her 19th birthday,all out dogs are large dogs and not one live less than 14. Our old 125lb. Fred lived to be a little over 14. We have a pet cemetary here for our cats ,dogs and even a bull calf.
Not a one has had bad lasting affects from a storm,fireworks or firearm practices.
@Curmudgeon I thought of you earlier, or rather, Malinois. Watched a video of one going up a ladder, along the edge of a roof, up another ladder, along scaffolding, to a guy, then tried following guy down ladder, not the greatest, and went jumping down to other lower areas then the ground. Doh! Guy is still up there! Back up the ladder. This must have been in Europe, old architecture.
Some dogs, when left alone, are going to try to escape when there are fireworks. I've heard stories.
I have a responsibility to my animals and I'm not in a war zone currently.
To each his own. You do what you feel is best for your animals, I'll do the same for mine.
I thought of you earlier, or rather, Malinois. Watched a video of one going up a ladder, along the edge of a roof, up another ladder, along scaffolding, to a guy, then tried following guy down ladder, not the greatest, and went jumping down to other lower areas then the ground.

Yeah, I know exactly which vid you speak of, I have seen it a few times.

I like this one, lol.

Someone in my area reported that fireworks upset their dog, and then it died. Others responded that they had dogs who got very upset from fireworks over the years and some others died as well. Who would have thought that that would happen?

People around here strongly advise using CBD's, Cannabis based products for their dogs on the 4th. One woman I know gets them for her dog who shakes when there are fireworks going off. Not everyone has access to Cannabis products legally. What and how they are made, I have no idea.
@Weedygarden do you suppose it's the same deal on dosing as with benadryl?
I used to be able to find Rescue Remedy and that worked for a dog I used to have. My sister had used it on her dog for same reason. He was a bassett/beagle.
Edited to add: Yes, we try to keep tv or music on, of course fans and A.C. are on nonstop here in Texas to deaden fireworks noise, to no avail.
@Weedygarden do you suppose it's the same deal on dosing as with benadryl?
I used to be able to find Rescue Remedy and that worked for a dog I used to have. My sister had used it on her dog for same reason. He was a bassett/beagle.
Edited to add: Yes, we try to keep tv or music on, of course fans and A.C. are on nonstop here in Texas.
I have no clue about it. I can ask at the dog park and see who is using CBD and what and how much.
Someone in my area reported that fireworks upset their dog, and then it died. Others responded that they had dogs who got very upset from fireworks over the years and some others died as well. Who would have thought that that would happen?

People around here strongly advise using CBD's, Cannabis based products for their dogs on the 4th. One woman I know gets them for her dog who shakes when there are fireworks going off. Not everyone has access to Cannabis products legally. What and how they are made, I have no idea.
CBD oil. You can buy it online. We use it on the kids old dog for his arthritis.
When is the last time you got an order,wonder if they are still sending it out? I'd try thaton our old itchy bad back dog.So far its just aspirin and now and then Benedryl
I got an order last week. We buy it from Green Roads in Fl.
Terri, how much do you give your dog?

For a 180lb mastiff it is recommended 1ml per day. We give half of that along with 1500mg of glucosamine. We will give the full ml if he's been running around more than normal or acts a bit sore. A bottle lasts us a month.
So far it hasn't been too bad and dear doge is not freaking out from fireworks. She actually laid down by where I'm sitting a while ago and chilled on the carpet area. Every now and then fireworks are a little close and she gets up and checks on things, but for whatever reason, she's doing better with it. None of us are leaving, no one is coming by. All is well. (She always knows when someone is going to stop by since we cook and clean, stay busy, etc.)
I know some people will not be happy with this suggestion but dogs love beer. A couple ounces at a time in a bowl over an hour or so until the dog gets relaxed could be very helpful. It works for me in larger quantities. Many years ago when we had summer BBQ's it was not uncommon for the dogs to get a little treat. They knew what the bottles looked like and if you left one on the patio by your chair sometimes they would knock it over so they could clean up the mess.
NOTE: No one ever let the dogs have too much, they never staggered or tried to tell the same stupid joke 3 times in a row, they would just have a few small servings then go to the lawn and lie down for a nap.