Prepper skillsets: What have you got?

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The Shaman of suburbia.
HCL Supporter
Dec 13, 2017
Look behind you in that dark corner.
I can gas and stick weld, use a cutting torch and grinder, I can fabricate things from junk, know a bit about metallurgy and I'm fairly comfortable in a machine shop, I'm a fair gardener, I can fish with a pole, nets, or traps, I can do minor gunsmithing, but mostly military weapons. I can make parts, I have decent wood survival skills, I can shoot. Maybe I could still make rifleman, but not sniper. and lastly, I know some ditch medicine, herbology and I can make bland crappy food taste good!
I live back in the woods you see
My woman and the kids and the dogs and me
I got a shotgun, a rifle and a four-wheel drive
And a country boy can survive
God gave me the talent to figure out how things work, and fix them when they don't.
Plus general carpentry - build sheds and horse stalls, install kitchen cabinets, do interior trim work, hang doors, etc.
Remove a gasoline engine from a vehicle, tear it down completely to its individual parts, replace what needs replacing, and rebuilt it. In fact, i really enjoy doing this, it's relaxation therapy for me. I specified gasoline, because I haven't done a diesel yet. Oh, and lawnmowers too.

And I know how to shoot, real well. :D
I can make knives from stones
Have you ever made a knife or an arrowhead out of an old TV screen? they look AWESOME! And sell for premium prices!
I had a stepdad that was a jack of all trades and would rather take me out school than hire a helper. I can do lots of stuff but more importantly the will and the ability to figure stuff out. Oh I can smell a lie from a mile away. Not so much the body language but the logic or lack of on the fabrication.
I had a stepdad that was a jack of all trades and would rather take me out school than hire a helper. I can do lots of stuff but more importantly the will and the ability to figure stuff out. Oh I can smell a lie from a mile away. Not so much the body language but the logic or lack of on the fabrication.
Lying! When an event really happens, what you physically see, the thoughts and feelings are ingrained in your mind. BUT, when you make up something/lie, the event is NOT in your brain's hard drive! The details are made up, not recalled, details change, even small ones. Facial language changes as one tried to exactly recall the details that aren't there!!
Like most people who grew up on a farm/ranch, and poor, I can do just about anything that needs to be done. Welding/fabrication, mechanics, building, trapping, hunting, fishing, raising livestock, gardening, living off the land, etc. Some of the things that I'm lacking are, foraging and making herbal remedies. But my wife is working on learning these things.
I have a strong back and a weak mind, although the back is not as strong and the mind is weaker than they used to be. I am a pretty good shot, and have no qualms about defending me and mine.
Maybe coincidentally, the things I like to do am relatively good at. vs those things I can do but don't like to so don't take pride in?

Don't like, but can do: plumbing, painting, working cattle, paperwork, supervising, selling, baling, spraying, gardening, running, driving, trapping, welding?

Like and excel: Machining, fabrication, modifying, mechanical repair, electrical (keep that secret!), electronic, planning, scheduling, cutting, raking, irrigating, sheep dog training, animal husbandry, basic veterinary, meat harvesting, shooting, archery, bicycling, motorcycles, saddle stitching, telling lies
One thing I am NOT good at is skinning and dressing game, after that, I can make any cut you like. I need a partner that can do this, I'll handle the rest.
Works just like flint. wear glasses!
A lot of the large screen cathode vacuum tube TV's, before LED screen, had very thick glass in the viewing area, I've seen them broken and the glass looks very much like volcanic glass in there way it shears. I have a dear friend that has knapped glass and obsidian into arrow heads and at one time could probably make a knife as well and yes, the pieces coming off the material are extremely sharp. At one time I had a large pile of obsidian stones along my parking area that my friend had found, I stored it for them and when they got settled in her husband picked them up, some of them were well over 100 pounds each, when they were moved around you could tell by the sound they made that the material was very hard, perfect for knife making. Sadly, what sight she had has gotten worse and she can't work with those stones any more, amazingly with the help of her husband, they pressure can hundreds of quarts of fruit and vegetables. What she can do being legally blind is so amazing to us that it doesn't seem like she's blind, she's what I'd call, a super prepper.
I'm full ov things I can do and like some here I have experience in many useful endeavors from medical to mechanical.
A point I'd liketa make with the overabundance of soon to be useless vehicles that will litter the landscape a pair of metal shears and a file will fashion every conceivable style of arrow head with the sheet metal.
It won't be as pretty or historical but on the upside you won't mind losing it near as much as one of Magnus' s creations