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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 3, 2017
When I was a child, we grew radishes in the garden and we ate them at the table with salt. Not everyone is a big fan of radishes, and some children can not abide the spicy bite they have.

What I like about radishes is that they are the fastest thing to grow in your garden. In a classroom where you might be experimenting with growing from seed, they are one of the better things to plant. If food were in short supply, radishes would be something that we could grow to maturity faster than anything else.

What about cooking radishes? I saw this video today and it reminded me of what an excellent thing radishes are to grow in our gardens. When they are cooked, their texture is similar to potatoes, and cooking removes the heat from them.

The one drawback for growing radishes or purchasing and stocking radish seeds is that the seeds are not viable for many years like tomato seeds are.

I beg to differ.

If the seeds kept in a non-frostfree freezer, they will keep for years.

They do not even need to be kept in a freezer. I keep them in the garage, in a cardboard box on metal shelving. I have had no issues with seeds 5 or 6 years old sprouting.

While on this... Radishes are also a great stealth plant. Like potatoes, they look like nothing you could eat from above, unless you know about the seed pods. They love poor soil, are fast and you can get several crops in a year, depending on your area. You can plant them 1" apart for a great "square foot" garden plot. They are very prolific seeders. Lots of pods and if you have bugs around, they will pollinate freely and heavily. If no bugs, do like with Lettuce and such, just rub a few plants together to spread the pollen around.

You can;t store radishes long, in the fall yes with cool ground, but the seeds are great sprouted too. All in all one of my favorites to grow!
These grow like hot cakes all summer in AK. Multiple harvests about every two weeks during the peak. We eat them in salads, by themselves and my wife makes a variety of dishes with them. Love them.
I have always loved radishes, both red and white.
But now with only 5 teeth, all in the bottom, I can't crunch them like I used to.
So, my wife puts them in her crock pot vegetable soup, and I eat them that way.
I have always loved radishes, both red and white.
But now with only 5 teeth, all in the bottom, I can't crunch them like I used to.
So, my wife puts them in her crock pot vegetable soup, and I eat them that way.
I have zero teeth and eat them without dentures. I do need to cut them up first.

I have always loved radishes, both red and white.
But now with only 5 teeth, all in the bottom, I can't crunch them like I used to.
So, my wife puts them in her crock pot vegetable soup, and I eat them that way.

I have zero teeth and eat them without dentures. I do need to cut them up first.

Then cooking them which softens them is probably the way for both of you to go.
I have zero teeth and eat them without dentures. I do need to cut them up first.

My upper full denture split right down the center a few years ago, and insurance doesn't cover replacements.
So, at $1,400 cost i just do without.
They sell denture fix kits. Usually by the toothpaste and stuff at Wally World.
Nope, that stuff doesn’t work.
I even placed a piece of aluminum on the bottom of the denture to reinforce the crack, and slathered it really thick with JB Weld’s highest psi strength steel formula. It held for a month or two.
My next step will be to grind out all the JB Weld with my Dremel tool and try fiberglass auto body repair.
Both of you need to do a GoFundMe drive for dentures!
I own dentures but dislike them greatly.

The Princess reported that as I was coming out from the anesthesia I asked " How long until I can eat steak again?"

I have built up callouses that let me eat most anything except peanuts.

By going without dentures I have eliminated dentists from my life. Three years of zero dental pain is wonderful.
