Russia seems intent on Nuking it's own people

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Nov 26, 2017
US of A
Interesting stuff.

Russia Seems Intent On Nuking Its Own People

We’ve been worried about the Russian nuclear threat for years. Does Putin have a secret plan to attack us?


Last week, a botch Russian nuclear weapons test resulted in a massive radiation leak. Analysts are comparing it to the 2011 Fukushima radiation leak in Japan, which threatened thousands.

But the Fukushima leak was triggered by an earthquake and resulting tsunami that forced the nuclear reactors to meltdown.

Between 500 and 2,000 people died as a result, but apparently none due to radiation exposure. Most people died due to their prolonged dislocation and as a result of building and infrastructure collapse.

In the case of last week’s incident, human failure was the cause. The Russian military was testing a nuclear weapon on a sea platform – and it exploded. And massive radiation exposure is a real threat.

A nearby fishing village has been evacuated after radiation levels were detected at 16 times the safety threshold.

The weapon that exploded was likely the nuclear-powered cruise missile (known to NATO as “Skyfall”) which was first revealed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in March 2018 during his annual State of the Nation address.

In that address Putin boasted that the Skyfall had unlimited range, allowing it to circle the globe unnoticed, bypassing the enemy’s missile defense assets to strike unnoticed.

Despite much skepticism about Putin’s claims, the Soviet military was beginning to have greater confidence in the weapon.

Previous tests were held several hundred miles offshore, the latest was close to a populated area.

U.S. and NATO officials have taken the Skyfall threat seriously. Some analysts have compared the missile to a terrifying American weapon concept from the 1960s known as the “Flying Crowbar.”

The Flying Crowbar was capable of flying at hypersonic speeds with an almost indefinite range. It was equipped to scatter radioactive exhaust and nuclear bombs for most of its flight cycle.

Skyfall has most of the same capacity, including the ability to spew radioactive exhaust. Needless to say, this is not a “defensive” weapon. Some consider it a “doomsday” weapon.

The Skyfall disaster is likely to draw attention to Russia’s increasingly dangerous nuclear arsenal as well as to a recent shift in Russian nuclear strategy toward the development of a pre-emptive strike capability.

In his 2018 address, Putin pointed to four other weapons systems that would bolster Russian capabilities in unprecedented ways.

The new Russian arsenal includes an ultra-fast and deep-diving nuclear-powered drone submarine called the Poseidon which Putin said: “would carry massive nuclear ordnance.”

Mark Schneider, a leading defense analyst, has called the Poseidon a “weapon of genocide.”

A single Poseidon “would release more fallout than the entire U.S. strategic force even if we used it in the most destructive manner” Schneider noted in the May 29, 2019 issue of the National Interest.

The big question, as always, is whether the Russians, despite their boats, really have the capacity to launch such weapons.

Moreover, comparisons between US and Russian nuclear weapons systems invariably indicate that US systems are far more accurate and reliable.

“We love accuracy,” Dr. Jeffrey Lewis, a leading arms control expert, says. America’s ideal nuke is “a tiny little nuclear weapon we’ll fly right through the window and blow up the building.”

Meanwhile, the Russians would rather put 10 warheads on the building and level the whole city, civilians and all, he suggests.

And it may not even be another country’s city. The Russians, ever since the infamous Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster, seem perfectly capable of putting their own people at risk.

Last week’s accident which Putin seems anxious to cover-up may be the latest example that the Russians like to rattle a saber – only to stab themselves in the leg.

So far, despite their prodigious plans, the only real targets of Russian nuclear capabilities are other Russians. In a war with his own people, Putin seems to be winning
A terrible thing for Russians. I think Russia may be just as concerned with its border nation as it is with us.
China is building up its military and grabbing up lands and nations fast as it can.
It is heavy into Africa now too. Buying up the fertile fields and resource from Africa.
Russia has lost and is losing most of its people while taking in non assimilating third worlders like the rest of the civilized world is doing.
China won't get fooled again like it did in the mid 1800s.
America forgot what it is like to be a serf maybe China's memory is not so bad?
I heard about this. What was interesting to me was that they took days to admit what had happened. They denied anything like this had happened and blamed it on something else for days. Enough days have passed that I no longer remember the details.

I just know that the Russians should never be trusted, ever. They have to save face. They think they have to control everyone. Putin is a thug. My grandfather always called them "dirty Russians."
I heard about this. What was interesting to me was that they took days to admit what had happened. They denied anything like this had happened and blamed it on something else for days. Enough days have passed that I no longer remember the details.

I just know that the Russians should never be trusted, ever. They have to save face. They think they have to control everyone. Putin is a thug. My grandfather always called them "dirty Russians."

I don't trust any of them including the Russians. Money is power and rumor has it Putin is the richest man on earth because he took Bolshevic's money they looted from the last few nations they were in. When Putin locked up a few and kicked the others out after the drunken president gave him power, he took their money.:dunno:
I don't trust any of them including the Russians. Money is power and rumor has it Putin is the richest man on earth because he took Bolshevic's money they looted from the last few nations they were in. When Putin locked up a few and kicked the others out after the drunken president gave him power, he took their money.:dunno:
I'd bet that Putin has a list of people who have died who knew him, just like the Clintons. I'd bet his list is much longer than theirs. IMO, he is just evil.
Misanthrope said:
"Skyfall has most of the same capacity, including the ability to spew radioactive exhaust. Needless to say, this is not a “defensive” weapon. Some consider it a “doomsday” weapon.
The Skyfall disaster is likely to draw attention to Russia’s increasingly dangerous nuclear arsenal as well as to a recent shift in Russian nuclear strategy toward the development of a pre-emptive strike capability.
In his 2018 address, Putin pointed to four other weapons systems that would bolster Russian capabilities in unprecedented ways.
Everybody that's prepped with these post a pic.


This threat is real.
I'd bet that Putin has a list of people who have died who knew him, just like the Clintons. I'd bet his list is much longer than theirs. IMO, he is just evil.

I don't know Putin or think he is a good person or a bad person far as world leaders go. But I do think the Saudis are evil and our worst enemy and think maybe China is next.
But time will tell.
I don't see us in Russia doing a evil sword dance for allah with Putin or rubbing on some evil pagan crystal ball.

Skip to 58 seconds into video.

Every picture tells a story,don't it,

So I don't trust any of them but I do hope for the best and rather Trump than Hellery.
Everybody that's prepped with these post a pic.View attachment 23362

This threat is real.

I do not have any, but have looked at them a few times. Years after the fact, I found out that there was an agency in Denver that did school education. Students in classrooms who participated in classes with this agency were each given these free. The children I knew who participated were 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders. I was green with envy after I heard this, but it was after I retired from Denver Public Schools, and so no longer had access to this option. Given that most of the children were inner city children, my guess is that most of them were thrown away.
I do not have any, but have looked at them a few times. Years after the fact, I found out that there was an agency in Denver that did school education. Students in classrooms who participated in classes with this agency were each given these free. The children I knew who participated were 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders. I was green with envy after I heard this, but it was after I retired from Denver Public Schools, and so no longer had access to this option. Given that most of the children were inner city children, my guess is that most of them were thrown away.

Kids are learning about those kind of things? Don't doubt it my great grandaughter can turn off my youtube with her notebook or whatever it is.Kids are very good with tech today.
Not a lot of ‘firm’ information in the article. It has a lot of ‘speculation’ and maybe’s in it. Read the main body and look for any definitive information, it isn’t there. The only actual fact is that some kind of nuclear related accident did happen. Then re-read the whole article with a skeptical outlook on it. Seems more like a scare tactic.

And while it makes note that “The Russians, ever since the infamous Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster, seem perfectly capable of putting their own people at risk.” Let us not forget about our own Government Nuclear coverups. Think Hanford, Three Mile Island and any other nuclear “incidents”. Hear anything about Hanford recently? They mention Fukushima, heard anything about that ongoing mess lately either?

I have no idea, yet, what was really up with this affair. It could very well be that the Evil Putin is creating a doomsday device with which to destroy the world in the name of Mother Russia!! I find that highly unlikely though. It will take some reading around to get a better outlook on what it is all about. It actually seems more like an accident that happened on an off-shore platform than a nuclear weapons test. Perhaps they tried building a small reactor at sea? Could it that they did learn from Chernobyl and decided not to contaminate more land if a disaster happens so were trying to build a plant off-shore to limit exposure to radiation if an accident happened? Think on that. What would be the best way to stop or at least cut down on a nuclear reactor meltdown? Dump the reactor into the cold North Sea? The whole world is not up in arms chasing Japan down for having Fukushima pour all that radiation into the sea, why should it be any different for Russia then?

I have listened to many of President Putin’s speeches. I have listened to and read several of his... I guess you would call them articles or his thoughts on Nationalism in Russia and the World in general. Far from what this particular article would want the reader to believe, President Putin does not have nuking his own people in mind. He is more like President Trump than this, and many other articles, would have the reader believe. He is a Nationalist and wants what is best for Russia. He has the same views on the Deep State and the Globalists as President Trump. He has been fighting them before President Trump was elected.

He also has firm spiritual and family value beliefs, he believes in a strong family unit. He does not go along with the whole SJW, gender bending thing. He has been fighting off the influx of “refugees” that is plaguing Europe and the US. I think he saw that disaster coming before the rest of the world. Who did he willingly open Russia’s arms to? The South African farmers who are being killed by the invaders down there. Did the US or Europe offer them to relocate anywhere? No, they offered to take in other refugees, but not those farmers.

And thinking on Russia, what ever happened to the pipeline deal with Germany? Remember, President Trump chastised them for it, but that was the last we ever heard about it. Isn’t that odd?

Take a moment to think of how the media portrayed President Putin and “The Russians” in general. Evil, pure evil out to rule the world! Think back to how the evil the media has portrayed Russia before President Trump. Now, think back as recently as President Trumps election. Notice anything? The actual Russia bashing stopped. The only thing we, as Americans anyway, have been hearing is how Putin/Russians, interfered with our elections. President Trump became the new “Putin” out to destroy the world! Wonder why?
Not a lot of ‘firm’ information in the article. It has a lot of ‘speculation’ and maybe’s in it. Read the main body and look for any definitive information, it isn’t there. The only actual fact is that some kind of nuclear related accident did happen. Then re-read the whole article with a skeptical outlook on it. Seems more like a scare tactic.

And while it makes note that “The Russians, ever since the infamous Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster, seem perfectly capable of putting their own people at risk.” Let us not forget about our own Government Nuclear coverups. Think Hanford, Three Mile Island and any other nuclear “incidents”. Hear anything about Hanford recently? They mention Fukushima, heard anything about that ongoing mess lately either?

I have no idea, yet, what was really up with this affair. It could very well be that the Evil Putin is creating a doomsday device with which to destroy the world in the name of Mother Russia!! I find that highly unlikely though. It will take some reading around to get a better outlook on what it is all about. It actually seems more like an accident that happened on an off-shore platform than a nuclear weapons test. Perhaps they tried building a small reactor at sea? Could it that they did learn from Chernobyl and decided not to contaminate more land if a disaster happens so were trying to build a plant off-shore to limit exposure to radiation if an accident happened? Think on that. What would be the best way to stop or at least cut down on a nuclear reactor meltdown? Dump the reactor into the cold North Sea? The whole world is not up in arms chasing Japan down for having Fukushima pour all that radiation into the sea, why should it be any different for Russia then?

I have listened to many of President Putin’s speeches. I have listened to and read several of his... I guess you would call them articles or his thoughts on Nationalism in Russia and the World in general. Far from what this particular article would want the reader to believe, President Putin does not have nuking his own people in mind. He is more like President Trump than this, and many other articles, would have the reader believe. He is a Nationalist and wants what is best for Russia. He has the same views on the Deep State and the Globalists as President Trump. He has been fighting them before President Trump was elected.

He also has firm spiritual and family value beliefs, he believes in a strong family unit. He does not go along with the whole SJW, gender bending thing. He has been fighting off the influx of “refugees” that is plaguing Europe and the US. I think he saw that disaster coming before the rest of the world. Who did he willingly open Russia’s arms to? The South African farmers who are being killed by the invaders down there. Did the US or Europe offer them to relocate anywhere? No, they offered to take in other refugees, but not those farmers.

And thinking on Russia, what ever happened to the pipeline deal with Germany? Remember, President Trump chastised them for it, but that was the last we ever heard about it. Isn’t that odd?

Take a moment to think of how the media portrayed President Putin and “The Russians” in general. Evil, pure evil out to rule the world! Think back to how the evil the media has portrayed Russia before President Trump. Now, think back as recently as President Trumps election. Notice anything? The actual Russia bashing stopped. The only thing we, as Americans anyway, have been hearing is how Putin/Russians, interfered with our elections. President Trump became the new “Putin” out to destroy the world! Wonder why?

Makes sense to me.
The nuclear part of the accident wasn't the weapon part. It was the engine for the hyper sonic cruise missile. Very small reactor, not sure what it is all about. Not sure either what China ues to drive theirs, or what tech we are using to develop ours.This stuff is so new, at least as far as information to the public goes.
The nuclear part of the accident wasn't the weapon part. It was the engine for the hyper sonic cruise missile. Very small reactor, not sure what it is all about. Not sure either what China ues to drive theirs, or what tech we are using to develop ours.This stuff is so new, at least as far as information to the public goes.
Yeah, the whole idea behind nuclear powered ICBM's is unlimited range.
Defense for conventional ones has always been they have to go in pretty much a straight line because all of their fuel is used up to just get it above the stratosphere.
But like the nuclear submarines that can go for years without having to refuel, a nuclear ICBM can go up and go "sight-see" all over the place before deciding to 'dive in'.
I don't believe that Russia is as evil as they are accident-prone. What they consider workable and state-of-the-art is sometimes laughable.
I worry more about someone over there saying this:
Эта кнопка, которую я только что нажал, запустила наши 12 ракет?