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Dec 8, 2017
We all know that inflation is a major problem today. Shrinkflation is part of that too. Big Biz think they can just shrink packages or product sizes and pass them off as the same and we'll never know. They might be right on that. As an example, there was a sale at the local store on Arm & Hammer detergent......2 for $5. Well, it's not my typical purchase for laundry detergent, but I'm not a brand snob and it seemed like a good price. I've bought it before and it works, so I thought....yeah, I'll get some of that and stash it away.

Not too long ago I bought the same stuff. I can't say exactly how long ago that was, but there is no dust on the containers so it wasn't terribly long ago. The A&H container was 67.7 oz for 50 loads. The container was visibly larger for sure. However, I'm not for certain that this was the 2 for $5 deal, but it was on sale, otherwise I wouldn't have bought it.

I went to the store this week to get the deal and the containers are now 43.75 oz for 25 loads. Except that....and here's the kicker.....I looked really closely at the containers on the shelf. There were some on the shelf for the 43.75 oz.....but the others were like 39.6 oz. :oops: They were all mixed together so I sorted out the bigger containers for my cart. They rang up at the original price of $6 per container until I gave them the ad in the paper and got them for the sale price as listed. Both of those containers were EXACTLY the same size (differnt weight), and I could feel the difference when I held one in one hand and one in the other.

It's not just inflation that's kicking us. It's shrinkflation too. I wanted to start this thread so that others could post what they are seeing on this front. It's a good reminder to check the packages.....not just the sizes, but the weight contents too. We could all benefit from a heads up on which companies are pulling this crap so that perhaps we can pay closer attention and get those bigger packages before they are gone.:mad:

I've seen before that tne method they use is to shrink the container, but put the same oz. or weight on it that the previous one was. When people see the smaller package, they look at the weight and if it's the same, they give it a pass. Later on, they shrink the weight to match the package, but nobody notices.....because they are used to the smaller package size. I think this is what happened in the example above. Later on they'll provide a 'family' size package for a 'family' sized price.....which was the same as what we had gotten in the past for a much larger price. I've noticed this on rice-a-roni packages. They shrunk the package, but the weight was the same. I'm just waiting for the weight decrease now to match the package. Grrrrr!!!!
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As a frugal shopper (even when I'm flush with cash), I've noticed more and more of this in the stores. Decreased weights & volumes, but little or no decrease in price. I've always been good at math, and I'm the kinda guy who checks labels, price per pound, etc. This "shrink-flation" you mention is definitely a thing, just another method of ripping off the consumer, and particularly the unwitting consumer. Keeping the larger box size is easy, cardboard is cheap compared to fuel, lol. Reducing the fine print on cans & jars & bottles is also easy... ;)

Starsucks is notoriously anti 1st and 2nd amendment. I could brew better coffee out of a dirty toilet or mud-hole. no patriot who knows them would drink their swill.
BTW, since I know, their symbol is a sex/fertility goddess.
This has been going on ever since I was a self-supporting consumer, mid 1970’s. Packaging stays the same, you get a little less in each package for the same price as before. Remember when ‘a pound of bacon package’ was one pound? Yeah, been a long time. 😊 I don’t remember a two step process there though. I think it went right from 16 ounces to 12 ounces a ‘pound package’. Now, of course, there are 8 ounce packages next to them so folks who price shop, will buy them instead. “Hey look, Honey, this one is a couple pennies cheaper!”
This has been going on ever since I was a self-supporting consumer, mid 1970’s. Packaging stays the same, you get a little less in each package for the same price as before. Remember when ‘a pound of bacon package’ was one pound? Yeah, been a long time. 😊 I don’t remember a two step process there though. I think it went right from 16 ounces to 12 ounces a ‘pound package’.
It has been going on for a long time and most people don't even notice. :(
Some do, August 2021:
This has been happening a long LONG time. When I see companies do this I just stop buying their products all together, unless it's something I just can not live without.

Or stop shopping at that retailer if they do the on sale price rise crap. IE: For my 18th birthday (many moons ago) I went to buy myself a new stereo. I was shopping around and had been for some time when I went back in to circuit city and looked at the same stereo I had had my eye on and it was on Labor Day sale (my b-day often falls on or around labor day) the price was $50 over what it had been the day before not on sale. The old price was right there under the sale tag well I raised holy heck and caused all kinds of stir. Enough that the cops were called and 50-75 people walked out of the store leaving their items where they lay after they did a little price tag checking themselves. The Chesterfield police almost arrested the store manager that day. All I can say is I NEVER went in another circuit city again. I also do my due diligence when it comes to sale prices. Sears is another one I caught red handed doing that crap! YMMV
Shrinking has been going on with ammo for a long time.
Bricks of .22 used to be 500 rounds now 320 rounds is pretty common.
Ok. String cheese has always been my 'go-to' snack.
Same number of sticks in a package.:thumbs:
Notice how the packaging at the top and bottom are opaque:

Obviously, they haven't had time to change their packaging machines to accommodate the shorter sticks:mad::

12% vanished. :(
Even the longest stick shown above is more than 1/2" shorter than they were. :mad:
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Yep, been seeing a lot of that. First time it really caught my eye was the cans of tuna fish. We make a tuna fish salad a lot in the summer, so the difference from one year to the next was quite noticeable. I'd also noticed the cheese sticks and the bacon. About the only way I can find to fight back is buying in bulk at the Mennonite store in the neighborhood, and finding where I can buy meat and eggs right off the farm.
Biggkidd your story reminded me of something that happened at Farmer Jacks. I was shopping with their ad in hand and the ad showed something I needed at 20% off so I went and looked at it. I peeled off the "20%" sticker and noticed that the original price was exactly the same. They had simply upped the price by 20% then advertised a price cut, which allowed them to sell the item at the original full cost while seeming to provide a bargain. I had a few things to say to the manager and others, left, and never went back. Farmer Jacks went out of business a year or two later, I guess maybe folks got wise to their practices and quit going? I don't know, but I was glad to see them go.
I'm still going on the string cheese :(.....
The store brand is 12 sticks and 12 ounces.
The Kraft is usually the same but only 30¢ more so I splurge and treat myself to that :).
Not anymore.

Now it is 12 'snacks' but only 10 ounces :mad::

Ok. If 12 sticks are 12 ounces, and 12 sticks are now 10 ounces, where did 2 of my sticks go? :dunno:
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I used to buy those as treats for my tomcat.
He hasn't had one in a while, I bet he thinks I'm mad at him!

Ever string one out and lay it on a sausage with some marinara and seared mushrooms?
Movie time heaven! Add a side of baked beans and chips and its a meal!
I'm still going on the string cheese :(.
The store brand is 12 sticks and 12 ounces.
The Kraft is usually the same but only 30¢ more so I splurge and treat myself to that :).
Not anymore.

Now it is 12 'snacks' but only 10 ounces :mad::
View attachment 89114
Ok. If 12 sticks are 12 ounces, and 12 sticks are now 10 ounces, where did 2 of my sticks go? :dunno:
They ran off with your money!!😃
That's an entire snack break gone! That's just so wrong. I used to buy the kraft too, but since I'm not commuting and packing lunches anymore I stick with the generic bulk stuff from the Mennonite store.
Went to get me some Robitussin today. 1 bottle = 8 fl,oz.
Not anymore! :mad:
Now it's 4 fl,oz.... For 10 bux!gaah
I was so mad, I got the generic instead for $4.


50% is gone!!!:mad:

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Went to get me some Robitussin today. 1 bottle = 8 fl,oz.
Not anymore! :mad:
Now it's 4 fl,oz.... For 10 bux!gaah
I was so mad, I got the generic instead for $4.
View attachment 105181

50% is gone!!!:mad:

Isn’t it funny/peculiar how certain things hit us. The big hit for me was hubby’s corn chips. First smaller bag, then double the price. Not a necessity or a thousand dollars but still. . .
Isn’t it funny/peculiar how certain things hit us. The big hit for me was hubby’s corn chips. First smaller bag, then double the price. Not a necessity or a thousand dollars but still. . .
It is.
We have over 10,000 posts here on prepping for disaster, and I think I have read most of them. I considered myself to be a pretty darn good prepper :thumbs:.
When our last 'difficult time' hit, I was ready:).....
Plenty of everything. The only thing that we got in trouble on was....
Cat litter.gaah
Who woulda guessed?:dunno: Not a single post here was saying: "Be sure to stockpile at least 3 weeks worth of litter!:D".
I have learned to pay better attention to what comes in on the periodic supply runs that DW makes.
Sorry, I got off topic:(.
Two things, one good and one not so good. The good one was the case of toilet paper that I bought at the weekly surplus auction. The paper was old stock- the rolls were huge compared to what I can currently by. Close to double the size. Ah, the good old days.
The not so good- oh, I wish I had bought those extra rolls of fence wire last year. Stuff holds value better than money.
Kind of glad this thread popped up again. There’s a few more things to think on…..
Went to get me some Robitussin today. 1 bottle = 8 fl,oz.
Not anymore! :mad:
Now it's 4 fl,oz.... For 10 bux!gaah
I was so mad, I got the generic instead for $4.
View attachment 105181

50% is gone!!!:mad:

Our store stocks both sizes. They are not always available at the same time (that aisle still looks a little depleted.)
Yep, found out recently 'Honey Maid' Grahams got hit by 'Shrinkflation', too.. Same Price, but the 'crackers' are NO LONGER SQUARES x2, with the center / quarter-perfs, Nope.. Now they're each more-Rectangular (so, 'skinnier', ergo: Less Product, Same Price..) So, the worst part is, ya can no longer make a 'Square Smore!' Who the heckfire want's a Smoretangle?? Smores Must be Square, I tell you! 🤓 :rolleyes:

..And, also found out, recently, this happened to Kroger-brand 'Creamsicles' - They're like 1/3 Skinnier! No longer 'equally-sized, volumetrically, either side of the stick', Nope.. Same Price, and One side of the 'sicle is 'anemic', and about 1/3-less in volume.. o_O I'm sure this is likely the case with thier Other 'frozen confections', but.. Those are just ones we recently got 'nicked by'..

...'Build Back Better', Pfff, ya for Who?? Not Us, that's for sure.. :rolleyes: Oh well, 'Embrace the Suck'..


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