The dog has fleas:(

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Ack! Now the dogs have mites!

I haven't taken them to the vet b/c after gathering information about it, it seems there is not much the vet can do. So, I got some castor and neem oil to put in their ears. They HATE it, so it is a chore and I can't do it without hubbys help. They are not biters.....but they are giving me the "I'm gonna bite you" eye, even though I don't think they would. Regardless, their severe squirminess makes it impossible for one person to clean their ears. It looks like each of them have one ear that is affected and the other is fine.

I have doused them with DE for a couple of days but I think that is worsening the 'itch' factor. So the mites have gone from the ears to the rest of the body. There's some pricy stuff online that I ordered but is not here yet. In the meantime, I'm thinking about using some topical ivermectin? I'm not sure if that would work, but I don't think it would hurt anything. So now I'm busy doing the laundry, vacuuming, crate cleaning, etc. I haven't done baths yet b/c I'm hoping the DE will do it's job, so I think I want to douse them with DE again before giving them baths tomorrow.

Anyone else deal with ear mites, or mites in general with their pets? How did you finally get rid of it? Suggestions?
ALL the animals that have them HAVE to be treated or they will get them right back!! Any "oils" will kill the mites, be sure not to get much in the ear canal. Steeped green tea cooled to room temperature works great. Use a rag or cotton ball dipped in the tea to wipe out the ear once or twice a day for a couple of weeks. That is also good as a general ear cleaner!
Do you have a black walnut tree close by? Mites got in my chicken coop. I used black walnut leaves...

A poem my grandfather learned as a child...
For happy dogs in summer
You have to start in May
Put the leaves of the Walnut
Where the dogs lay...

Fleas, ticks, mites... they all hate walnut leaves... and will leave the area. I've used leaves as mosquito repellent, rubbed them on my skin.

If you don't have a walnut tree... go to the health food or herb store. Get walnut capsules. They usually say 'green walnut' or 'walnut hulls' on the bottle. I give about a half capsule every 3rd of 4th day. The dog probably won't eat the powder, mix it in bacon grease and smear it on a piece of bread.

Also, capsules work for people too. I've taken walnut capsules before going in the swamp, no mosquito bites.

Last year I tinctured walnut hulls just for this purpose.
ALL the animals that have them HAVE to be treated or they will get them right back!!
Yeah, I know, just like fleas. But treated with what?

I just got my ivomec out of storage. This bottle is for cattle, but it says it works for lice, mange mites, and a bunch of other parasites. I'm hoping this might do the trick. Got some reading to do......

Thanks for that Peanut. Nope, no walnut around here. I'll have to look for some of those capsules. We generally take apple cider vinegar capsules and that seems to work pretty well for mosquitoes as well.
Ack! Now the dogs have mites!View attachment 111487

I haven't taken them to the vet b/c after gathering information about it, it seems there is not much the vet can do. So, I got some castor and neem oil to put in their ears. They HATE it, so it is a chore and I can't do it without hubbys help. They are not biters.....but they are giving me the "I'm gonna bite you" eye, even though I don't think they would. Regardless, their severe squirminess makes it impossible for one person to clean their ears. It looks like each of them have one ear that is affected and the other is fine.

I have doused them with DE for a couple of days but I think that is worsening the 'itch' factor. So the mites have gone from the ears to the rest of the body. There's some pricy stuff online that I ordered but is not here yet. In the meantime, I'm thinking about using some topical ivermectin? I'm not sure if that would work, but I don't think it would hurt anything. So now I'm busy doing the laundry, vacuuming, crate cleaning, etc. I haven't done baths yet b/c I'm hoping the DE will do it's job, so I think I want to douse them with DE again before giving them baths tomorrow.

Anyone else deal with ear mites, or mites in general with their pets? How did you finally get rid of it? Suggestions?
For rabbits with mites ivermectin cattle drench is used in the ears or on the fur between them. Just a few drops. If the drench is not available olive oil is dropped in the ears and massaged in. Both need to be repeated in 10 days. I am sure these would be dog safe if you can use them on a rabbit. There is a cheap cat ear mite drops I have seen and heard can be used on other pets. As for cleaning them, I use witch hazel to swab out the dogs' ears after their baths. They hate it but a scoop of peanut butter right before I start keeps them focused on the sticky mess in their mouthes and on the noses and not me messing with their ears.
I had to take a dog into the vet a few weeks back and have been battling fleas ever since.gaah It seems almost every time we go to the vet, we come home with fleas. The vet however, is a magician with the knife and has done some amazing surgeries on our dogs so I don't want to change vets. We were only there for a quick visit so I really didn't think it would be an issue this time. From now on, I will be putting the dog in the tub and washing with flea shampoo as soon as we get home.

I thought I had a handle on it b/c I went days without seeing any fleas or flea poop on the fur that I would check at least twice per day (usually more often if I was home). I've never seen the eggs but they are tiny (and white) making them difficult to see. I've vacuumed like crazy. I've taken the dog beds that were inside, out in the garage after washing them and replaced them with towels that I wash every few days. I've tried DE right on the dog, but it was drying to the skin. I give dog baths every couple of weeks. Baths are not fun.:mad: I don't want to over-do on the baths b/c dry skin is a concern. Yet today, I found 3 fleas in the fur again. Grrrrrr!!!!!!!

I went online and ordered some Andys flea spray (for the carpets to kill unseen eggs) and the shampoo for the baths. I'm a little freaked out over a couple of reviews that say the shampoo killed their dog.:oops: But overall, the rmajority of reviews are good, stating the product was effective. It looks to have the same ingredient in it that the flea meds do. Still, I wish there was a way to handle this without resorting to chemicals. I don't typically give oral meds or flea treatments b/c I don't normally need them, but I'm at the point of going there.

Has anyone else gone through this? What worked for you?
Maybe CDS would help. It is a parsitic that I use
Had fleas everywhere, animal, house, everywhere. Tried everything and nothing worked. Then I heard about diatomaceous earth, I got it at tractor supply. Just sprinkled it around the house, especially around the base boards since thats where fleas go to breed, let it sit for a week or so and you will have no fleas. Wear a dust mask though as the powder is very fine and has a tendency to float. It's an additive to cattle feed as well, so be sure that you get the kind that can be injested without harming your petsl.

I used DE and no more fleas.
Thank you all so much for the information. Microscopic critters are a PIA!

For rabbits with mites ivermectin cattle drench is used in the ears or on the fur between them. Just a few drops. If the drench is not available olive oil is dropped in the ears and massaged in. Both need to be repeated in 10 days. I am sure these would be dog safe if you can use them on a rabbit. There is a cheap cat ear mite drops I have seen and heard can be used on other pets. As for cleaning them, I use witch hazel to swab out the dogs' ears after their baths. They hate it but a scoop of peanut butter right before I start keeps them focused on the sticky mess in their mouthes and on the noses and not me messing with their ears.
In doing some research yesterday, I saw a video with a woman who used olive oil for the rabbit ears. She also used the ivermectin in their food. I like the idea of doing the topical better b/c my one pup has a sensitive stomach. I also like the idea of witch hazel pads. I have some of those and need to dig them out. I also have some hot spot spray for the outer ear which is inflammed and looks sore.

I LOVE the peanut butter idea.:thumbs: I'm definitely going to use that!

From what I've read the topical Ivermec works on dogs but there are some dogs (mostly in the sheep dog and collie) families that are sensitive to it. My dogs don't fit in that lineage so I'm going to try it. I'm not going to go overboard with it. As it is, only a 1 to 1.5ml dosage is recommended for their weight anyways.

Today another vacuuming job was done, more laundry in HOT mode in the washer and dryer and baths on the way. Once they get dried off......more ear cleaning, and Ivermec will be the plan.
Thank you all so much for the information. Microscopic critters are a PIA!

In doing some research yesterday, I saw a video with a woman who used olive oil for the rabbit ears. She also used the ivermectin in their food. I like the idea of doing the topical better b/c my one pup has a sensitive stomach. I also like the idea of witch hazel pads. I have some of those and need to dig them out. I also have some hot spot spray for the outer ear which is inflammed and looks sore.

I LOVE the peanut butter idea.:thumbs: I'm definitely going to use that!

From what I've read the topical Ivermec works on dogs but there are some dogs (mostly in the sheep dog and collie) families that are sensitive to it. My dogs don't fit in that lineage so I'm going to try it. I'm not going to go overboard with it. As it is, only a 1 to 1.5ml dosage is recommended for their weight anyways.

Today another vacuuming job was done, more laundry in HOT mode in the washer and dryer and baths on the way. Once they get dried off......more ear cleaning, and Ivermec will be the plan.
Try Diatomaceous Earth sprinkled on the carpet and left to sit for a day or two. Then vacuum. Also I think I mentioned the Natural Chemistry Deflea shampoo concentrate can be used in a carpet shampooer and kills fleas and bugs on contact! I did this years ago and my dirty water tank on the shampooer was gross with dead fleas. The shampoo was meant to be used on pets but the company told me you can use it in a shampooer when I asked if they had thought of making a carpet shampoo! They even gave me a free gallon jug (still using it since it is concentrated 10+ years later!)

I have heard horror stories of giving smaller animals ivermectin paste orally since the paste is meant for large animals and not evenly distributed through out the paste/tube. I have also heard bad things about injecting Ivermectin under the skin because it can burn causing stress. BUT Only good things from using the injectable Ivermectin topically to treat mites and worms.

The things I have learned and heard since starting to raise meat rabbits.
We have 4 dogs , 2 in the house one of which is allergic to everything including flea bites so we use Bravecta. It's not cheap but it works 100%, no fleas no ticks. Here we have more problem with ticks than fleas, so that's what I get. Dogs can get lyme disease too.
I use Simparico Trio on my one dog. It treats fleas, ticks, heartworm. The dog we recently adopted had a 6 month injection for heartworm so she is on Bravecta for fleas and ticks. A couple times years ago, I had a flea infestation in my house. It was a NIGHTMARE to get rid of them. Now, I feel, prevention is the key.
Try Diatomaceous Earth sprinkled on the carpet and left to sit for a day or two. Then vacuum.
Yup, been there and done that. I sprinkled it on the areas around their beds, under the beds, in their crates, etc. I use it quite liberally since I have lots and it won't hurt anything.

Maybe CDS would help. It is a parsitic that I use
Can you post a link?

They are still itching and it's driving me nuts! I feel so bad for them, but I'm not sure what to do. I don't know how long the topical ivermec will take to work. I put a couple drops in each ear with castor and neem oil. I rubbed it in so it wasn't as uncomfortable, but they still didn't like it. I also used 1ml from the top of their heads down to their tail topically. It's a smaller dose, but it is just slightly under where they should be for their weight. If they tolerate that well, I may repeat. I cleaned their ears with witch hazel pads after baths. I gave them benedryl tonight to help with the discomfort. I'm at my wits end with it. If they don't improve in a day then I'll call the vet and make an appt., even though I don't think that's gonna do much.

I've bathed them with flea/tick shampoo (even though it's NOT a flea or tick issue) along with lavender shampoo and conditioner to help sooth the skin. I've done 3 loads of laundry today with hot water and hot dryer.....all of their beds, pads, towels, etc. I cleaned (disinfected) out their crates and even cleaned out everything in the camper. I'm spent.
Yup, been there and done that. I sprinkled it on the areas around their beds, under the beds, in their crates, etc. I use it quite liberally since I have lots and it won't hurt anything.

Can you post a link?

They are still itching and it's driving me nuts! I feel so bad for them, but I'm not sure what to do. I don't know how long the topical ivermec will take to work. I put a couple drops in each ear with castor and neem oil. I rubbed it in so it wasn't as uncomfortable, but they still didn't like it. I also used 1ml from the top of their heads down to their tail topically. It's a smaller dose, but it is just slightly under where they should be for their weight. If they tolerate that well, I may repeat. I cleaned their ears with witch hazel pads after baths. I gave them benedryl tonight to help with the discomfort. I'm at my wits end with it. If they don't improve in a day then I'll call the vet and make an appt., even though I don't think that's gonna do much.

I've bathed them with flea/tick shampoo (even though it's NOT a flea or tick issue) along with lavender shampoo and conditioner to help sooth the skin. I've done 3 loads of laundry today with hot water and hot dryer.....all of their beds, pads, towels, etc. I cleaned (disinfected) out their crates and even cleaned out everything in the camper. I'm spent.
Well today both of their ears are much better. I've been using witch hazel pads to clean them and they don't resist me too much on that. If they see a dropper in my hand, they give me the 'look'. The drainage has gone down a lot, but I've stopped putting oil drops in their ears too. I'm not sure if I should continue with that or not, so I thought I'd give it a rest for a couple days and see how it goes. They are grateful.

They seem better as far as not itching, but still have some itching in the evenings. I don't know whats up with that. They both have some slightly bare spots on their body, but I think it was from itching a couple of days ago. The older dogs ear is kinda crusty yellow on the lower and outside edges and he has scratched a lot of hair off his ear. I have been cleaning with the witch hazel pads and just coated the ear topically with aloe, neem and castor oil mixed together to help with dryness, inflammation, and discomfort. I'm still thinking it's mites, but maybe it's something else?

I think the topical ivermec worked to get us to this point. I gave them a smaller dose one day (to make sure they tolerated well) and then another one the next day, both about 1 ml. It did seem to wipe them out a bit though, which was fine b/c they needed the sleep. If they itch at the ear, I make sure it's clean and I've been adding a few drops of ivermec to the witch hazel wipes. Thankfully they are both snoring now.