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In Remembrance Jan 2024
HCL Supporter
Nov 28, 2017
The Wolverine State
..............that I get to meet Kenna. She sounds like a little spitfire Malinois, lol.

Working dogs need good homes too! (not the pet for everyone though)

Fact!.. Too many of these dogs end up in shelters, rescues etc. California seems to have the most, and Texas is runner up. That's why I adopt, instead of paying the 1500 to 2000 price tag (and that's on the low end). If she comes home with me, shots, spay and chip are at the top of the list.

The people I am getting her from love her but she is a bit much with 3 other dogs and 2 boys, lol.
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The wife and I went through 'L and back with the current one, the one in my avatar was the most incredible dog I ever shared space with.

Chase was abused, and an abused Malinois IS a handful, especially at 90 pounds, average is 55 to 60. We were both bitten more than once by him, and I ain't talkin' nips either. We worked through it and for the last year+ he has been a fantastic dog, and getting better every day.
F#%ng AWESOME DOG, that's all I can tell ya, and I'm a CAT PERSON born in the 'YEAR OF THE TIGER' (according to the Oriental Zodiac). But I had a cool German Shepherd once, or my entire FAMILY did, and that GS was a goldurned good home protector! The dog you're adopting isn't TOO much different, as far as GUARD DOGS go, right? ;)
Those are freakin AWESOME HC. Super smart dogs
I have worked around well trained Malinois.

It is quite something to see them run down and clamp onto bad guys.

Their jaws are like a vice with teeth.

Ours were trained to clamp on over the shoulder - because that neutralized a bad guy with a gun the most quickly and was safest for the dog.
The dog you're adopting isn't TOO much different, as far as GUARD DOGS go, right?

I think they are a little more driven than GSD's.

We have a saying about Mals, "they are like a German Shepherd on crack".
Those are freakin AWESOME HC. Super smart dogs
So much so one as to be careful when training with them, they will outsmart you at every turn if ya let em.

There is a push around the world to eliminate certain tools. Pinch collar, e collar etc., people claim they are cruel. Well, all I can say is if I reach up and grab either one my big boy gets so excited because he knows we are gonna do something, lol.

I was getting stuff around last evening, and he kept placing himself right smack dab in front of me and sit with his butt wiggling so bad he couldn't stand it, lol.

I follow this guy Omar and his Mal, named Monkey, a lot. Incredible dog, incredible trainer.

They seem to match my personality. They are super intense, incredibly smart and really clingy, one never has to go to the bathroom alone again. lol.

More Monkey

Made the trip, Chase and Kenna are figuring things out, she is the sweetest thing. I will let her eat, drink and sleep for the first week to decompress, then we start some basic obedience.

I thought she was 2, but she is about 18 months, zero training. Fun fun fun......................

Kenna on the ride.jpg
Rescue dogs are often a challenge to train.

But when they work out how much better you are, than the humans they have encountered before, they bond to you much tighter than any dog you get as a puppy.

Like many things in life, with the greater effort comes greater reward.
really clingy, one never has to go to the bathroom alone again. lol.

LOL, I made two trips to the little boys room during the night, she jumped down off the bed, followed me into the bathroom, waited for me, followed me back to bed and jumped up on the bed.

Yep, typical Malinois. All three have done it, Zeus used to do it, and most everyone I associate with on Malinois sites experience the same.

It appears she has picked me as her person, I totally hope it remains that way, it was one of the leading things I was looking for in a companion.
Congratulations! She is a beauty! I was completely unaware of this breed until about 6 years ago when Crosby and I were at a dog park. Woman came in with her Malinois. I asked her if it was a GSD. Then I started becoming educated about the breed. I see them in dog parks here and there.
I was completely unaware of this breed until about 6 years ago

About the same here. We were on the coast of Maine (where I grew up) and ran into a couple at one of our stops, and got to chatting with them. I had stopped at the lighthouse that Forrest Gump ended up at just to get a pic of my grandson on the walkway leading out to it, it was just down the road from my brother's place.

Anywho, I came home and researched the breed, for about 18 months, before getting my feet wet.

I wish I had know about them 20 years ago.
First Blood..................... 🤣 😂

Got playing with Kenna and she deployed her front paw, lol. They tend to use them for gripping and pulling things to them and are quite forceful about it. Perfectly normal Mal behavior.

first blood 2.jpg
Just a minor flesh wound, lol... ;)

Good on ya for taking care of that dog! My cat Crackhead scratched the f#% outta me a few days ago, not on purpose, he was just trying to leap out of my arms and he raked my abdomen... the blasted varmint! Scar is still there, hasn't healed all the way yet. :rolleyes:
This is very common with this breed. Not only do they use their teeth they use their paws, they are kinda finger like with knuckles, they grab, curl and pull, lol. I have a couple scars on my arms that are months old from my big knucklehead.

This isn't something I encourage, mind you, but they just do it when they get over stimulated.

I can't tell ya how many times people new to Mals will ask about the bitey nature of their new pup on a couple FB pages I follow. It's like uhhhhhh, you got a Mal, what did you expect, SMH.
GSD's reach and paw also. When my pup gets overly excited and "paws" I turn it into a proper "sit" and "shake hands" moment. Which also calms him down. Still have issues when I start to go out side. He's like a coiled spring ready to bolt out the door. I put my hand on the door knob then talk to him softly for about 10 seconds or until his mucles relax a little. I also put my water buckets on the porch in a place where he can no longer bolt straight ahead. He has to stop and turn. He's starting to get the idea but he still loves to go outside with me and gets excited.
Hey yeah Peanut, GSDs are very much paw users too! Gotta watch out for Bear if I'm sleeping and he wants me up!😳

Paw to the face?