Upcycled jars

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Jul 3, 2022
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A few years ago, I decided to make one thing a week off Pinterest. It went well for about six months then I dwindled, with studies and stuff. Anyway Cleaning up my workroom today, saw the glue gun and thought hey, I'm an adult, I can play if I want to :D Made these to cover the metal poles holding the fence. Useful - no. Decorative- yes! A little messy with the glue gun but chuffed with these. Making more.


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I like them, but here is a thought. What about adding solar garden lights to the poles? They would provide light when it is dark. I know that if you used these jars over the solar lights it would probably diminish the amount of solar input into the lights. Now I want to do that experiment.

One way that I recycle jars is to melt down candles that I get for free, and make candles in them. A lid on top protects them when I am storing these candles. I prefer shorter and wider jars for that. We get salsa and cheese dip for corn chips in a jar that I prefer. I've suggested to my daughter that we could spray and/or decorate the tops and give these for Christmas gifts at our annual Christmas eve open house for people who have no family in the area. I collect useful and practical items like lighters, toothbrushes, small candles, gum, mints, chocolate for them.

We clean and use empty spice bottles for small vases. I like to have lots of cutting flowers growing. This was a special treat during the pandemic, dropping off vases of flowers on people's porches, giving some cheer especially during lockdown time. In return, people now give me all varieties of vases to keep this going, even past the pandemic. We were just going through those vases yesterday and picking flowers for daughter's house.
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Recycling jars:
Daughter likes pickles. She makes her own but goes through them quite quickly. When purchasing pickles, her preference is Clausen fresh packed pickles in the refrigerator case at stores. During the pandemic they were almost impossible to find in stores. What we learned is that there was a jar shortage that caused Clausen to not be able to provide their jarred pickles. Now, making sure that we clean all of our used jars from the store that are not recommended for canning and get them into our recycling bins. We have a school close to me that specifically collects glass for recycling, being aware of the glass shortage.
I visited a friend yesterday to drop back some books he'd loaned me. A quick chat resulted in a two hour visit and two boxes of brand new kilner and other jars he was given and doesn't use, and the promise of more - happy days! I'll have plenty for our honey this year. There didn't appear to be a shortage here, though I notice people are buying jars more. I used the pasta sauce / white sauce jars for these projects, as they were deep enough to not blow off the posts, and they are too big for anything else. I have eight posts left to do, so hopefully over the weekend will get them finished. I did try painting some old baby food jars- and they must be old, if my kids are in their twenties! But they don't look good. I only used a cheap glass paint, so maybe thats it.