What do you have for breakfast?

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 6, 2017
Since almost everyone is trashing cereal in the Rant Of The Day thread, I was wondering what do y'all eat for breakfast? That's probably the hardest meal for me to get excited about. I like eating breakfast out in restaurants - that is exciting - but at home, blah. So ignoring the cereal that everyone seems to hate, here's what I eat:
  1. I scramble eggs (I'd prefer over easy, but I don't have the proper skills/practice for cooking those). I usually add a few links of frozen sausage. I think it's made by Banquet - those yellow and red boxes in the freezers. This is not great sausage, but it's OK I guess and super cheap. Bacon would be preferred, but that's too messy to cook so I don't mess with it. Sometimes I'll substitute hard boiled eggs for scrambled.
  2. I also cook grits with butter and salt.
  3. When they are on sale, I buy those Jimmy Dean frozen muffin things. There are a couple of varieties - I like the ones that are a biscuit with a scrambled egg patty, a sausage patty, and a piece of cheese.
  4. Sometimes I will make waffles from a pre-made mix in the waffle iron. That is only if my wife requests that, I never make them for myself alone.
  5. I may add a Mandarin orange or a banana to any of the above.
  6. I always have some skim milk with the meal, and a cup of coffee afterwards.
  7. And of course, I do eat the dreaded cereal when nothing else strikes my fancy. I used to search out the healthy stuff, but after reading labels I found that there is very little "healthy stuff" available, so I will even eat Captain Crunch. If I'm going to have cereal, I prefer things like "Great Grains" that have nuts and fruits (I guess that's what those chewy bits are??? Who knows!)
I do make Huevos Rancheros fairly often, but never at breakfast - we eat that as a dinner item.

Does anyone have different suggestions that I could branch out to?

p.s. - With the new Vitamix I got for Christmas, I have discovered Smoothies. I may start making these for my breakfast too.
This time of year my favourite breakfast is eggnog French toast. The batter is straight eggnog. Only butter to top it off, no syrup it is sweet enough already. Some precooked bacon is a nice addition. It takes seconds in a microwave. The flavour is good but I have had better but nothing to warrant the extra time and mess.

Eggnog will disappear from the stores shortly and then I will go for cream of barley cereal. Again with butter only. Occasionally with dried cherries.
I'm a quick breakfast kind of person, I try to keep my options low effort (microwave). I keep oatmeal at the ready, I also soft-scramble and freeze a few dozen eggs every couple of weeks. I measure them out into zip lock bags using a measuring cup before freezing. I also keep cooked sausage and bacon in the freezer to go with my eggs.

I had been making waffles, but the diabetes put an end to that.... The covered in butter and syrup part didn't help much either...
I used to make breakfast burritos and freeze them. I loved them but I found the tortillas didn't help my sugar or my mass.
I scramble eggs (I'd prefer over easy, but I don't have the proper skills/practice for cooking those). I usually add a few links of frozen sausage.

I do exactly the same thing. If I am scrambling eggs I make enough for myself and my wife. She loves my scrambled eggs. :dunno: I don't know that mine are any better, except she didn't have to cook them. That makes them better. I have never mastered the flip to make eggs over-easy, so I just fry them playing with the whites to make sure everything is cooked. That I have mastered, and they turn out pretty well. I prefer sausage patties and toast with my eggs. When we go out for breakfast I will have eggs over-easy.

I will make biscuits and gravy, and have even found a recipe for individual portions. The sausage gravy is homemade, but the biscuits come from a can.

As long as I have biscuits I will nuke some sausage patties and add a slice of cheese to make a sausage breakfast sandwich.

I do like oatmeal and will make that occasionally. I add fruit, usually raisins and sweeten with honey.

Has anybody ever had Slingers? This is much more hearty, but it is popular in the smaller local diners. Scrambled eggs, meat (usually ground beef or sausage) potatoes or hash browns, all topped with chili and cheese. When I make them it will usually be two meals. My wife is not a big chili fan.

And yes, guilty as charged, I eat, and like, cereal several different varieties.

I do enjoy going out to breakfast, and love Eggs Benedict. I haven't found a good place to get them.

Oddly enough, breakfast has become my favorite meal of the day. I decide what I want, make it, and then watch old reruns of Perry Mason while I eat. Don't worry Pearl, when Perry Mason is over, that is when I do the dishes. More often than not, I will skip lunch because breakfast will hold me over. This is making me hungry. I have to decide what to eat for breakfast.
During the week I usually skip breakfast, doing a 16/8, or something like that,, kind of fast. Weekends depends on whats going on. Working around the house ill eat either scrambled or fried eggs, prefer over easy but the wife and I are very hit and miss with that. Or have an egg sandwich with cheese. Or ill cook up a onion, peppers, and smoked sausage till about done, then drop some eggs over it. Very good and filling.
If we have a lazy day its eggs, bacon or ham, fried taters and onions, and some kinda fruit. Occasionally well have biscuits and gravy, or pancakes. And sometimes have breakfast burritos.
We have breakfast for supper sometimes as well..
We keep it very simple. DH has a big bowl of plain bran cereal with unsweetened oat milk. I have a green smoothie. I make the smoothies for 3 days worth at a time. Today's is romaine lettuce, water, protein powder, metamucil, fresh pears, frozen mangoes, stevia powder, ice if needed. Frozen mangoes are usually enough.

Then we have dinner between 1 and 2 pm and that's it for the day. DH has a banana later, I usually don't,
Breakfast cereal was always oatmeal, cream of wheat, or Red River. It came in big barrels no sugar added, and cooked in milk.

I make hubby an omelet for breakfast and evey once in awhile I break out the smoked bacon for bacon, eģg and cheese sandwiches.

These days I don't eat breakfast. I eat one meal around 4pm. I don't do much hard work anymore and gain weight too easy.
Usually toast with a bit of peanut butter and jam.. One if not 2 cups of coffee..
Lately I've had a craving for grape nuts cereal.. This with half milk, half water and microwaved 1 minute.. I am very lactose sensitive.. Boy do I miss Red River cereal...
I do enjoy going out to breakfast, and love Eggs Benedict. I haven't found a good place to get them.

I love them too! The best Eggs Benedict I have ever had are at a restaurant named "Island Lava Java" on Ali'i Drive in Kailua-Kona on The Big Island of Hawaii. Not exactly a convenient stop for most of us, but if you are ever there, go for it! Their bacon is fabulous too. Nice, thick cut. Yum!

Morgan 101 said....
I do enjoy going out to breakfast, and love Eggs Benedict. I haven't found a good place to get them.
== ==
As much as I detest most any big city.. The one thing I have to say about Vancouver ...spit... British Columbia is between the big park on the ocean and the wharf where the old fish cannery is and the fishing fleet docks there is a little fisherman cafe.. You go in and every coat hook on the wall has a Carhart coat smelling of fish or diesel.. However they have the best smoked salmon Eggs Benedict and coffee that will float an anchor...
  1. I scramble eggs (I'd prefer over easy, but I don't have the proper skills/practice for cooking those). I usually add a few links of frozen sausage. I think it's made by Banquet - those yellow and red boxes in the freezers. This is not great sausage, but it's OK I guess and super cheap. Bacon would be preferred, but that's too messy to cook so I don't mess with it. Sometimes I'll substitute hard boiled eggs for scrambled.
I’ll tell you a secret of over easy eggs and bacon. I cook bacon in the oven at 400° on a baking pan lined with parchment paper for about 20 Minutes. Crispy bacon with no splatters mess.

Over easy eggs, I make them often for hubby. You need a very good non stick pan. This is so when you take the eggs out of the pan you don’t break the yolk from the bottom. Melt butter in the pan, let it get hot on medium/high heat. Crack eggs carefully leaving the yolk intact. Add a splash of water and cover the pan. If you have a glass lid, it’s easier to watch to make sure you don’t overcook the eggs. If a metal lid, check every minute or so to make sure they don’t overcook. So, basically, instead of flipping the eggs, you are steaming the tops of the eggs. I’ve had great success this way. When I used to try flipping the eggs, I failed every time. 🍳
I eat crappy cereal too, @Haertig and @Mountain trapper ...it is supposed to be not as bad as other sugary cereals. I just started eating breakfast more consistently again, I don't use dairy milk, have been using oat milk.
Otherwise, heel of bread, slap some peanut butter and honey on it, big glass of water. Just bought some apple butter recently, no, I don't make my own, not yet.
In the summer a piece of fruit.
When I have time, oatmeal with oat milk, add lots of stuff to it like wheat bran, any nuts or sunflower seeds, honey or brown sugar, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg.
Edit to add: Like fixing carrot, or zucchini, or pumpkin bread or muffins for breakfast too.
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I eat just about anything at breakfast or since my day starts at 4 am pre breakfast.
On my drive I often eat any combination of a banana, breakfast bar, protein drink, toast or muffin, 2 pre shelled boiled eggs.
Later in the day I may have a homegrown sausage patty on an English muffin and whatever remaining breakfast item my hand didn't find in my lunchbox earlier.

Lately my wife has been making breakfast scrambles with sausage, bell pepper and jack cheese in a large size muffin tin. On Sunday she makes enough for the week. That is my current favorite.
Loaf of French bread
Cut a 1/4 of it off long was
Make a trough inside the large piece by removing bread
Crack open 8 raw eggs into the trough
Place your choice. Cooked bacon or sausage on eggs
Cover with cheese
Replace the top

Bake for 30 minutes at 350’orbtill eggs done

Slice and enjoy
I generally don't eat processed foods, so that leaves out most cereal, toaster pastries, Eggo-like things, etc.

Like Pearl, I have no problem killing leftovers for breakfast. Pizza, brisket, chicken...if it worked for dinner the night before, it'll work for breakfast!

Sometimes I'll go for scrambled eggs, veggies (spinach, artichoke hearts, roasted peppers...whatever's around) and ham with sliced hot peppers in a wrap with cheese. Other times, a croissant or toast (fresh bread) will do.

Breakfast is usually washed down with a bucket of coffee.
I make husband breakfast every morning....scrambled eggs, toast, fruit, or an egg white omelet with fresh veggies and cheese in it. I rarely eat breakfast. Will make a big breakfast if we have company staying with us, but then it's usually brunch by the time I'm done with animal chores and by the time the company wakes up. If I'm hungry before lunch, I'll grab whatever is on the counter. Late this morning, it was two cookies.
I make husband breakfast every morning....scrambled eggs, toast, fruit, or an egg white omelet with fresh veggies and cheese in it. I rarely eat breakfast. Will make a big breakfast if we have company staying with us, but then it's usually brunch by the time I'm done with animal chores and by the time the company wakes up. If I'm hungry before lunch, I'll grab whatever is on the counter. Late this morning, it was two cookies.
When I was a little guy of 9 I spent my summers in a small town called Sontag Ms. My Grand parents had a farm there.
I would wake at day break to the smell of bacon and coffee. Sleepily stumble into the kitchen to have coffee with my Grandma before every one else woke up, She would pour me a cup of warm milk with just enough coffee to turn the color a light brown. We would sit and have important conversations
That is the thought I have when I smell coffee and bacon
Work days--English muffin, cheese, fried egg and either a slice of Canadian bacon or a slice (or two) of regular bacon.
Non work days--oatmeal with diced apple and brown sugar or some other dries fruit. Never raisins--looks too much like dead flies.
Sunday is either breakfast joint down the block from me or i cook like a breakfast joint. Eggs, grits, sausage pattys. French toast or pancakes and link sausage. Hash and eggs. I like eggs.