What kind of Cat is this!?

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Nov 26, 2017
US of A
Rancher Spots Dog Sized Cat Outside Of Casper

"Fish and Game are left scratching their heads after a rancher spotted this dog sized jet black cat on his ranch. Experts have been puzzled as to what exactly this creature is and where it comes from.

The measurements taken from the scene put this cat at around 24.9 inches tall, with paw prints the size of a lab. The rancher said, "I tried to capture the cat alive but it was faster than anything I have seen, that thing must run off speed goat fuel (antelope), I ain't never seen or heard of anything like this, must be one of them high breads."

Fish and Game along with biologists, third party trackers and local farmers have setup live traps, along with other methods of scouring the area it was last seen in but with no luck. If you see this cat anywhere you are urged to call your local fish and game at 307-867-5309 with an exact description of the location.

To follow this story and more, head to: www.infinitysnews.com"


Interesting that the Fish and Game folks didn't deny that it existed, that it was maybe photo shopped. It has more the looks of a house cat, not a panther, cougar or bobcat.

There are animals which occasionally will be off colored. I once saw a black fox mid day. There have been black fox seen and people have said the person who claimed that were wrong, until they saw them on video. The size is odd as well.
Male bobcats can get big like that. We had one about that tall get in a fight with our mastiffs about 8 years ago. It beat them both, tore one up pretty good. The face on this one doesn't look right for a bobcat. Its more like a house cats.
Slender body and chest, large ears and small eyes, short tail long body with a narrow face and jaw.
The color doesn't look solid black - it looks like it has spots of darker color.
It looks to me like the eyes are better suited to daylight hunting but the ears and color scream night hunter.
The size of legs and body point to birds or small mammals as prey and escape as its defense.
For all practical definition it looks like a bantam weight cheetah. It may be a cross-breed but that seems unlikely in the wild.
I have more questions than answers.
looks like some exotic type domestic cat, we have some big cats in the wild, let loose in the 60s when the licencing for exotic species came in, have been seen in the distance, in silhouette, but nobody every got close enough to identify them, long gone by the time anyone got to the location.
Sounds like they have determined it to be a Melanistic Serval Cat. Here is a picture of one in Kenya, which is a long way from Wyoming.

View attachment 24409
People do keep serval cats up here.not so sure it’s legal and there are reports of them getting away. I does look like photos I have seen of servals
Looks like a black serval mix. Very popular here in Cali for the idiots to get Savannah Cats or Serval mixes as 'pets'. They are wild and untamed cross breeds with house cats. If you ever see the reference of an S or F with a number like F1 or F4 it indicates how far removed they are from the wild african cat they have been bred.

To be honest some of the photos you posted are of a real black serval photographed in Africa.

I'd like to reserve a room for my family for Christmas . . . can you handle 37 people? for just a few days?:brewing: