Museum of appalachia norris tenn

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Sep 22, 2020
I was at the museum of appalachia and came across this old herbalist's display


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I’ve never heard of this place!
Where is it?
Sounds and looks like a place I’d like to visit
Take I75 north of Knoxville to the Clinton Exit, I think its 122. Low 120s for sure, next exit past Racoon Valley. Take a right at the exit and its maybe 2 to 4 miles on the left. Real close to Norris dam as well.
I am very curious about these herbal remedies. How many of them really work? I worked in the Pharmaceutical industry for nearly 20 years. I saw the advent of GMP's, Good Manufacturig Practices, mandated by the FDA, and the term "Safe and Efficatious" was beaten into me like religion. Before drugs hit the market they have to be tested, usually for many years, and they have to work ALL of the time.

Anybody have experience with how these homemade remedies work?
I am very curious about these herbal remedies. How many of them really work? I worked in the Pharmaceutical industry for nearly 20 years. I saw the advent of GMP's, Good Manufacturig Practices, mandated by the FDA, and the term "Safe and Efficatious" was beaten into me like religion. Before drugs hit the market they have to be tested, usually for many years, and they have to work ALL of the time.

Anybody have experience with how these homemade remedies work?
Morgan, I have used a lot of herbal preparations, as have quite a few others here. Sometimes herbs are used raw, other times in combination with other herbs. There are a lot of first person examples here on the forum of herbs used and for what purpose, and the end result.
Morgan, I have used a lot of herbal preparations, as have quite a few others here. Sometimes herbs are used raw, other times in combination with other herbs. There are a lot of first person examples here on the forum of herbs used and for what purpose, and the end result.

Did they work? Did they do what they were supposed to do? How effective were they? Again, I am not trying to be argumentative, but I would like to know if they work, or if it is just an old wives' tale.
As I have used herbs in whatever form, they worked for the purposes I needed. Granted, at times it may take more than one application of said herb or combination, sometimes it may need to build up in the system. I’ve used on others black walnut tincture for plantar’s warts, cayenne and bayberry for heavy menstrual, a combination of herbs made into a tea for pain in the foot, have used chickweed for poison ivy, used red raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy (a good overall tonic for females). I’ve used essential oils in a diffuser to help with bronchitis, coughing, upper respiratory issues, as well as combinations of herbs in tea form for same. Worked for household and babies. (Don’t use around cats and dogs). Other applications I can’t remember. Got someone through drug withdrawal process, forget what I used. I’ve been using herbs for 23 years.
Did they work? Did they do what they were supposed to do? How effective were they? Again, I am not trying to be argumentative, but I would like to know if they work, or if it is just an old wives' tale.
I can give you two very simple examples:
1st isn't so much herbal but. . . Hubby hates baths, prefers showers. When we were first together, I think it was when he took a tumble on his motorcycle, I had him soak in an epsom salts bath for 40 min (length of time it takes for ave. adult body to detox). To this day if he if feeling "beat up" he will take an epsom salt bath or soak a hand if it's a hand injury etc.
Also, a close friend had a couple teeth pulled. Kept bleeding. His wife went out in the yard and picked a couple plantain leaves and beat them up a little. He put those in the teeth holes - bleeding stopped w/in 20 min.
Bonus: Hiking during hunting season, I always chew on pine needles and have yet to get sick while exerting myself beyond regular exercise.
I can give you two very simple examples:
1st isn't so much herbal but. . . Hubby hates baths, prefers showers. When we were first together, I think it was when he took a tumble on his motorcycle, I had him soak in an epsom salts bath for 40 min (length of time it takes for ave. adult body to detox). To this day if he if feeling "beat up" he will take an epsom salt bath or soak a hand if it's a hand injury etc.
Also, a close friend had a couple teeth pulled. Kept bleeding. His wife went out in the yard and picked a couple plantain leaves and beat them up a little. He put those in the teeth holes - bleeding stopped w/in 20 min.
Bonus: Hiking during hunting season, I always chew on pine needles and have yet to get sick while exerting myself beyond regular exercise.
I can second the Epson salts bath. I was helping a buddy reproof his house. The underlayment was in bad shape. I went thru twice up to mid thigh. I was beat up too. This was on Saturday and we had just a little over half finished. Got home and the wife fixed a Epson salts bath. By morning I was good to go and went back to finish up
@Morgan101 i first started using herbs when my youngest got really sick with a virus that turned into an upper respiratory infection with a high fever. She was less than 6 months old, doctor wrote all these prescriptions for her. I got her started on the medications and more than 24 hours later she definitely wasn’t getting better. It was bad, she was coughing, the amount of mucus in her sinuses was freaky. She couldn’t stay clear, could barely “drink”. I got really busy by day 3 (to the herb store and a market for oils and diffuser) and made a big pot of herb teas that I drank and she got through my milk, kept the vaporizer running, set up the diffuser with specific essential oils. Stopped giving her all meds. She was breathing within 3 hours, clearer sinuses, cough had calmed down, we could both sleep! Her recovery seemed miraculous to me.
That experience sold me on using herbs whenever I could; I was already sour on pharmaceuticals and medical professionals. Of course a couple of the kids fault me for my approach but they’re all adults now and some are sure modern medicine is the right way.
Thought we had a thread about old tools but I can't find it so will try here. Lookey what I got today 😍 Needs a little tune up but over all, I'm stoked.
Yeah, I'm not one of those gals who wants 100 pair of heels, I like the guud stuff 😂
Thought we had a thread about old tools but I can't find it so will try here. Lookey what I got today 😍 Needs a little tune up but over all, I'm stoked.
Yeah, I'm not one of those gals who wants 100 pair of heels, I like the guud stuff 😂
View attachment 124392
Nice draw knife. I restored one I found at a yard sale.

They are easier to use if you cut at an angle as in one hand starts the cut and other hand follows so you are slicing.

Nice draw knife. I restored one I found at a yard sale.

They are easier to use if you cut at an angle as in one hand starts the cut and other hand follows so you are slicing.

That's interesting because he had another one he figured had been "altered." I said I bet they had it hooked on something so they could pull from the one side. See what you think. If any insight, he'd love to know. It appears to have hammer marks so he likes it - and for its ability to make one wonder.
That's interesting because he had another one he figured had been "altered." I said I bet they had it hooked on something so they could pull from the one side. See what you think. If any insight, he'd love to know. It appears to have hammer marks so he likes it - and for its ability to make one wonder.
View attachment 124393
I've never saw one with the handles at 90 degrees like that. Bet that would make a nice grip

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