Marijuana legalized in Michigan

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I hope to retire in a few years. Then I am going to burn a fatty. Whether I will do it the day after that is up in the air. 🤷
Take one small puff or eat a little. Taking a large joint and making your decision on future smoking buy smoking a large joint of really potent weed? That is like taking a fifth of vodka in one sitting, the first time you drink, and then deciding if your will drink again with the vomit taste in your mouth and the hangover in full force.
My opinion is that pot should be legal and have law enforcement go after the serious stuff. Crack, herion and other heavy drugs effects people around them and than ain't good.
The few friends I have still on the department I retired from said once Nevada made it legal they stopped caring about it unless something bad was going on. Before I retired I rarely cared, but it was not uncommon for me to offer them the choice of arrest or dumping it on the ground and crushing it with their shoe. Either way they were losing it but one was way less paperwork for me.
I can see where the government would think it’s a good thing to keep as many people as possible mellow and stoned.
Much easier to screw over the public.
I think the Feds are letting it go, for the most part, in the legal states because (I imagine) they can either prevent users (who buy it themselves) from passing a firearms background check or later arrest them for falsifying the ATF form when they purchase a firearm from an FFL. When the long nose of the law really starts digging into medical records the same issues for people submitting to firearm background checks, but with medical prescriptions or positive blood/urine tests may also be arrested. Your medical records are darn near permanent now thanks to computer systems that upload all your information into big brothers database for all medical providers to share (at least part/most of it) A simple way to make 10's of millions of people unable to own or possess firearms.
The few friends I have still on the department I retired from said once Nevada made it legal they stopped caring about it unless something bad was going on. Before I retired I rarely cared, but it was not uncommon for me to offer them the choice of arrest or dumping it on the ground and crushing it with their shoe. Either way they were losing it but one was way less paperwork for me.
I rode with cops before in the 1970s and they did the same thing. By making pot legal, I think it would be easier for law enforcement to focus on the really bad stuff.
I rode with cops before in the 1970s and they did the same thing. By making pot legal, I think it would be easier for law enforcement to focus on the really bad stuff.
Except for the time they didn't do that and my LH was arrested as a mere young punk for miniscule possession after messing around with some fireworks that somehow were thrown out the car window at the wrong time. DOH! And then couldn't apply for a firearm as an adult some 40 years later, after the new fun exciting laws were passed.
Except for the time they didn't do that and my LH was arrested as a mere young punk for miniscule possession after messing around with some fireworks that somehow were thrown out the car window at the wrong time. DOH! And then couldn't apply for a firearm as an adult some 40 years later, after the new fun exciting laws were passed.
I have a friend who got a charge erased from his record by the governor here in Iowa. He could try that.
A while back Marijuana was legalized in michigan. I'm not for or against, doesn't matter to me.

I am a service man and have noticed more people using it now in their homes. Again it doesn't matter to me. What I have noticed is the smell. I can before they open the front door. The whole house reeks. I'm assuming that most folks must smoke it. I have noticed the same with tobacco but not ever this intense.

I see a lot of it being used on construction sites. Well over 80 percent of the crews.
When I was pushing a crew it was understood by my crew (anyone standing within ear shot). That my view on drugs and booze was the only opinion that mattered on that job site and my Hard line stance was I do not give a damn what you do off the clock but during the time you walk through that gate you will be stone cold sober or you will be terminated on the spot with an escort to your car.
I personally think a urine test is not constitutional, and have alerted crew members to study for a pop test

Here is a true tale of pure stupidity
Dwayne tested hot on a pee test
So he was brought to the trailer for a chat
He was informed that he tested hot and his options are:
Drug program
Voluntary quit

Most pick the drug program, insurance pays for 3-8 hr classes less $15 deductible. Co pays for the employees insurance
Dwayne turned down the drug program because
The dumbass never filled out nor turned in the inrollment paperwork for FREE insurance
My brother's gf for 25 years smoked pot every day but was also on anti depressants and I don't know what else. She eventually could barely breathe and her voice always sounded bad. She didn't smoke cigarettes. It is just like any drug or alcohol IF you are using it for recreational purposes don't do it at work or while you're driving and using power tools and heavy equipment. Just not wise.
I think it's a good idea to have it for medicinal use since it is helping so many people who do need it. Haven't touched it since the 80s myself, don't want to.
Take one small puff or eat a little. Taking a large joint and making your decision on future smoking buy smoking a large joint of really potent weed? That is like taking a fifth of vodka in one sitting, the first time you drink, and then deciding if your will drink again with the vomit taste in your mouth and the hangover in full force.
I hate vomit in my mouth.
Hubby and I just flew in to Illinois from Oklahoma. In O’Hare airport there are “Cannibis Amnesty” bins for you to drop off any marijuana you might have before passing through TSA. Hubby just explained to me because it’s federally illegal and TSA is federal, they won’t let you travel with it even if it’s legal in the state you are in or the state you are going to. I wonder what “they” do with any marijuana dropped off in those bins? 😉
Hubby and I just flew in to Illinois from Oklahoma. In O’Hare airport there are “Cannibis Amnesty” bins for you to drop off any marijuana you might have before passing through TSA. Hubby just explained to me because it’s federally illegal and TSA is federal, they won’t let you travel with it even if it’s legal in the state you are in or the state you are going to. I wonder what “they” do with any marijuana dropped off in those bins? 😉
I volunteer to keep the bins clean and in good working order