What's everybody doing today?

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did too much yesterday now my foot hurts grrr always something feels "old'
No goat kids
did most of the animal care by myself
did ALL the laundry yesterday before the weather went bad again
cleaned too
lambs look better only one still has a major crusty nose

today we are supposed to get our septic cleaned, hope they find us ok
not doing anything extra until my foot feels better
Work. The former staff pharmacist (who I worked with for 10 years) is here in NJ for an anniversary celebration. It's for her mother's death. She's Bhuddist and they have a celebration of the life lived. Anyway, she'll be stopping by to visit with us today. We still talk on the phone all the time but it will be nice to see my friend.

Taking Dad food shopping after work. Brother said to bring any food we want to eat up to the cabin when we go for the eclipse. The stores are getting bare already. I usually bring up food, but I tend to buy the refrigerator and fresh stuff up there.
Sipping coffee.
Reading forums.
Will have to cook something today if I want to eat today.
Cleaned out the all the leftovers yesterday.
Scrubbed down refrig, stove, stove oven,light switches etc.
Had Granny's sleepover with Estelle on Sunday.
She was ill on Monday.(see Rant;keep it clean).
I got sick on Tuesday(she shared again).
She's hoping to take it back to her Dad's house on Thursday.
Where she picked up the bug to start with.(she believes in sharing).
I am thinking she might have just a bit of "Ornery", in her.
Knitting for a while.
Looming for a while.
Have to "Adult" tomorrow morning.
Not today, it takes me a couple of days to get over the stupidity of the world before I venture back into it.
Yesterday, was General Election, voted.
Sheriff's elections is in August, Lord help us before then.
Former Sheriff is charged with Misdeamor.
Current Sheriff is on Admin. Leave.
The Medical Examiner is acting Sheriff.
You got to love my County.
And think of all the fun and games we will have by November!
Got Great granddaughter for the day, she is getting to the NO stage I told her she needs to forget that word I know her dad will not like that..

He already tells her she WILL throw NO fits.

I do not and never have interfered with My kids parenting and always told the kids not to ask me to intervene early on and they didn't.

I will defend them to death, but I will not decide for their parents what they will become unless they are abused and they never have been or will be.

I never had to whip my children, I told them I could and had to prove I could handle my 14 year old son when he got his Black belt in Karate by throwing him down and locking my legs around his and pining his arms to his chest. But I did not have to hit him or whip him or fight with him ever again.
Husband's pulmonology appt done. Filled a cart at Dollar Tree done. Took awhile to sort and get things put away. Little granddaughter got off the school bus...busy day at school for all the girls in the class that had a slumber party and stayed up all night. Their poor teacher. Little granddaughter said she got one hr of sleep. They had a blast. I sent her out to do her chores right now before she sits down, because I'm sure once she sits, I'll have to wake her for dinner. Chicks are hatching right now...two so far. A yellow and a black. So adorable.
You are NOT "done coffee", this is fake news!!😃
I sit corrected, the afore mentioned statement should have read "done this mornings Coffee", in fact I an having one now . And the obsolete part from the obsolete machine is in my truck . A waiting triage.
Part came in for the dishwasher. It was easy to replace. No tools required. The Princess is happy!

Dr appt today to get my blood pressure meds refilled. He was happy with all of my test results and being down to 9 cigarettes a day. I talked to him about a painful deltoid muscle in my right shoulder. I agreed to trying steroids first a pill form then injections if that doesn't work. After that an orthopedic referral to fix the muscle and the rotator cup which was damaged after multiple shoulder dislocations. It would be nice to get that fixed. I have lived that for 50 years now.

So it was a good day.

Getting ready to walk out the door
Get a new pipe for the exhaust on the van. $$$$$$
Well that did not happen. Which ticked me off
Called this guy last week and told him I wanted to make an appointment a week in advance so I could get the work done on one day. He said yes a week in advance is doable. Be at the shop. 7:30 am.
Ok. I am there an he shows up at 8
No big deal. Roll with the flow
He said he had to get it in the air then give me a price. This I already know. Do I wait. 11 am rolls around and big big butt scooted down the road
You see I was in the phone with a muffler shop Who made me an appointment for Friday morning
See ya mr case. You are now off this list but onto a different. List
Part came in for the dishwasher. It was easy to replace. No tools required. The Princess is happy!

Dr appt today to get my blood pressure meds refilled. He was happy with all of my test results and being down to 9 cigarettes a day. I talked to him about a painful deltoid muscle in my right shoulder. I agreed to trying steroids first a pill form then injections if that doesn't work. After that an orthopedic referral to fix the muscle and the rotator cup which was damaged after multiple shoulder dislocations. It would be nice to get that fixed. I have lived that for 50 years now.

So it was a good day.

Congrats on down to 9 cigs a day :). I lost count of the times I quit, but it's been 33 years now :). I went cold turkey at 5 a day, when I got married. I do have an occasional pipe or cigar.
Congrats on down to 9 cigs a day :). I lost count of the times I quit, but it's been 33 years now :). I went cold turkey at 5 a day, when I got married. I do have an occasional pipe or cigar.
I have the perfect way to stop smoking
Worked for me
#1. Stop breathing
#2. Get a shiny trach installed
#3. Die twice, be complicated, show em whose boss
# 4. Coma? I dunno. Cant remember

I swear before alll that's holy. You will quit.
I have the perfect way to stop smoking
Worked for me
#1. Stop breathing
#2. Get a shiny trach installed
#3. Die twice, be complicated, show em whose boss
# 4. Coma? I dunno. Cant remember

I swear before alll that's holy. You will quit.
Yeah, that would do the trick too. :eyeballs:
Last night my crew got to about 90% completion on one of our big projects. Now we are waiting on facility electricians to do their part of the job before we can finish up and do a test run. Found out today it looks like April 22nd we will start our 2nd biggie, in the reactor building. We'll get lots of help with it. Should have it done by May during the shutdown for maintenance. That'll leave on that has the pressure on. But we'll have till end of September to finish it off. I also ordered a new test rig for any new buildings we have to install BDA's in. A small investment will save thousands in Engineering costs.
The lab is also updating their 911 system over this week and next. We've got a small part in that next week for a couple days.. This weekend my Environmental crew is installing a couple of Hi-Volume air samplers. I'm working on 2 quotes to build new Stack sampling stations to.
The fun never slows down
Yeah, that would do the trick too. :eyeballs:
After 30 days in icu
2 weeks on thebfloor
Then 30 in old folks home to learn to walk
I got a bill for 935 thousand $
That's the day my credit said
Seeee YAaaaaaa!!!

This is how frustrated I got
The day I could go poo poo without calling someone to do the paperwork
I opened my door and tossed the potty into the hallway
Nurse asked me what's up
I don't need it any more !!!!!
She was mad. I was happy as hell
After 30 days in icu
2 weeks on thebfloor
Then 30 in old folks home to learn to walk
I got a bill for 935 thousand $
That's the day my credit said
Seeee YAaaaaaa!!!

This is how frustrated I got
The day I could go poo poo without calling someone to do the paperwork
I opened my door and tossed the potty into the hallway
Nurse asked me what's up
I don't need it any more !!!!!
She was mad. I was happy as hell
I didn't have to last 90 days, 5 was enough before I raised enough REDACTED they decided I was better. I had a bed alarm, they got tired of responding :p
Last night my crew got to about 90% completion on one of our big projects. Now we are waiting on facility electricians to do their part of the job before we can finish up and do a test run. Found out today it looks like April 22nd we will start our 2nd biggie, in the reactor building. We'll get lots of help with it. Should have it done by May during the shutdown for maintenance. That'll leave on that has the pressure on. But we'll have till end of September to finish it off. I also ordered a new test rig for any new buildings we have to install BDA's in. A small investment will save thousands in Engineering costs.
The lab is also updating their 911 system over this week and next. We've got a small part in that next week for a couple days.. This weekend my Environmental crew is installing a couple of Hi-Volume air samplers. I'm working on 2 quotes to build new Stack sampling stations to.
The fun never slows down
You are gonna give me flashbacks:p. The fun never ends till you retire and your phone rings 3 months later and you name your terms for consulting :p. They declined, I never heard from them again.
I didn't have to last 90 days, 5 was enough before I raised enough REDACTED they decided I was better. I had a bed alarm, they got tired of responding :p
I am not a violent. person unless messed with. But I wrote on my dry erase board because I could not talk to a respatory (sp). Night shift worker who would turn every light on at 2 am then leave them on. Knowing Incan not get up
If you leave that bright as light on again when you leave. I will get out of this bed a whip your ass!!!
Never saw him Again. New person the next day who did not leave the light on.
Sipping coffee.
Reading forums.
Will have to cook something today if I want to eat today.
Cleaned out the all the leftovers yesterday.
Scrubbed down refrig, stove, stove oven,light switches etc.
Had Granny's sleepover with Estelle on Sunday.
She was ill on Monday.(see Rant;keep it clean).
I got sick on Tuesday(she shared again).
She's hoping to take it back to her Dad's house on Thursday.
Where she picked up the bug to start with.(she believes in sharing).
I am thinking she might have just a bit of "Ornery", in her.
Knitting for a while.
Looming for a while.
Have to "Adult" tomorrow morning.
Not today, it takes me a couple of days to get over the stupidity of the world before I venture back into it.
Yesterday, was General Election, voted.
Sheriff's elections is in August, Lord help us before then.
Former Sheriff is charged with Misdeamor.
Current Sheriff is on Admin. Leave.
The Medical Examiner is acting Sheriff.
You got to love my County.
And think of all the fun and games we will have by November!
I have. A recipe for you

You like pot pies ? I
2- frozen poecshellsr
Sipping coffee.
Reading forums.
Will have to cook something today if I want to eat today.
Cleaned out the all the leftovers yesterday.
Scrubbed down refrig, stove, stove oven,light switches etc.
Had Granny's sleepover with Estelle on Sunday.
She was ill on Monday.(see Rant;keep it clean).
I got sick on Tuesday(she shared again).
She's hoping to take it back to her Dad's house on Thursday.
Where she picked up the bug to start with.(she believes in sharing).
I am thinking she might have just a bit of "Ornery", in her.
Knitting for a while.
Looming for a while.
Have to "Adult" tomorrow morning.
Not today, it takes me a couple of days to get over the stupidity of the world before I venture back into it.
Yesterday, was General Election, voted.
Sheriff's elections is in August, Lord help us before then.
Former Sheriff is charged with Misdeamor.
Current Sheriff is on Admin. Leave.
The Medical Examiner is acting Sheriff.
You got to love my County.
And think of all the fun and games we will have by November!
pot pie

2 frozen pie shells
Can of stew

Pour stew into shell
Put or shell on top pin pinch sides
350 till done

You can add anything
Frodo, I'm glad you pulled through, but that must have been a nightmare. I know it must not have been fun for the Mrs either. Visiting a family member in ICU can be stressful. Not as stressful as actually being in ICU though. I remember being worried when you weren't posting.

Woke up very early feeling wretched. Stomach hurt and I felt nauseous. Mom had a bottle of pepto with hardly anything in it but she gave it to me and I got as much out of it as I could. Then I curled up on my left side (supposedly sleeping on the left side can help with stomach troubles) until the pain and nausea abated.

Got up and fed the kitties. Helped Mom go through some bins to look for stuff and got food for her. Then went to pick up my friend to go to Home Depot to pick up something heavy. Went to Samsclub first and grabbed a few things. He lifted some water cases for me. Then popped in to Petsmart. I needed a new storage bin for dog food and friend needed special dog food for his little derpy puppy who is allergic to the cheap food. Literally allergic-- breaks out in hives. Stopped at HomeDepot to pick up a prefab glass window that weighed 75lbs. Friend helped the guy lift it into the truck and then I went back home and friend put it in my workshop for me. That wasn't easy because he really started to feel the weight. Drove friend home and helped him carry his stuff in and then went back home. I brought takeout from the Chinese place home for Mom.

She is mostly done with the taxes I think. I need to check up on that to make sure.
Sipping coffee.
Reading forums.
Will have to cook something today if I want to eat today.
Cleaned out the all the leftovers yesterday.
Scrubbed down refrig, stove, stove oven,light switches etc.
Had Granny's sleepover with Estelle on Sunday.
She was ill on Monday.(see Rant;keep it clean).
I got sick on Tuesday(she shared again).
She's hoping to take it back to her Dad's house on Thursday.
Where she picked up the bug to start with.(she believes in sharing).
I am thinking she might have just a bit of "Ornery", in her.
Knitting for a while.
Looming for a while.
Have to "Adult" tomorrow morning.
Not today, it takes me a couple of days to get over the stupidity of the world before I venture back into it.
Yesterday, was General Election, voted.
Sheriff's elections is in August, Lord help us before then.
Former Sheriff is charged with Misdeamor.
Current Sheriff is on Admin. Leave.
The Medical Examiner is acting Sheriff.
You got to love my County.
And think of all the fun and games we will have by November!
I have. A recipe for you

You like pot pies ? I
2- frozen peculiar
You are gonna give me flashbacks:p. The fun never ends till you retire and your phone rings 3 months later and you name your terms for consulting :p. They declined, I never heard from them again.
man, Dillard tried that crap on my wife
She worked for Dillards keeping the money straight in the vault. She had the combo to the safe as her job was to fill the drawers with money log in log out cash. Then the boss developed a woody for a pretty young brainless thing with large blessings My ride attempted to try and train the brain dead then was let go so the girl could advance form her knees to her back She lost the combo. My wife was called to give them the combo seems the back up paperwork was missing also Against my wishes my wife went to the store opened the vault but refused to give them the number because could only give it to some body who was not available. The next week another call another plead for the number I told my wife to tell the them yes if course for $150 consultation fee She'd would be happy to

They never called back
Frodo, I'm glad you pulled through, but that must have been a nightmare. I know it must not have been fun for the Mrs either. Visiting a family member in ICU can be stressful. Not as stressful as actually being in ICU though. I remember being worried when you weren't posting.

Woke up very early feeling wretched. Stomach hurt and I felt nauseous. Mom had a bottle of pepto with hardly anything in it but she gave it to me and I got as much out of it as I could. Then I curled up on my left side (supposedly sleeping on the left side can help with stomach troubles) until the pain and nausea abated.

Got up and fed the kitties. Helped Mom go through some bins to look for stuff and got food for her. Then went to pick up my friend to go to Home Depot to pick up something heavy. Went to Samsclub first and grabbed a few things. He lifted some water cases for me. Then popped in to Petsmart. I needed a new storage bin for dog food and friend needed special dog food for his little derpy puppy who is allergic to the cheap food. Literally allergic-- breaks out in hives. Stopped at HomeDepot to pick up a prefab glass window that weighed 75lbs. Friend helped the guy lift it into the truck and then I went back home and friend put it in my workshop for me. That wasn't easy because he really started to feel the weight. Drove friend home and helped him carry his stuff in and then went back home. I brought takeout from the Chinese place home for Mom.

She is mostly done with the taxes I think. I need to check up on that to make sure.
Zane you gave me so many hugs on my posts I feel loved this morning
What a great feeling !!!!!!:doghouse::huggs::huggs::huggs:
it's snowing, yuck
had to start a fire in the stove for the first time in a few days
no goat kids, before you ask, yes they are pregnant and huge

no plans for today except animal care. I wished the weather would improve so I could do things in the garden. Potatoes need to be planted. The stuff I already planted is covered by blankets right now, I take them off during the day it is just freezing early in the morning

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